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  • you're watching chalk and talk by brian roads brought to you by business english pod dot com.

  • Mhm Here are the main reasons we use the passive.

  • Let's take a look at number one.

  • My wallet was stolen.

  • The active voice of that would be somebody stole my wallet in number one.

  • We don't know who did the action somebody.

  • So we put this into the passive.

  • My wallet was stolen.

  • No two.

  • I was born in 1980.

  • That's not really true.

  • But there's your passive.

  • I was born.

  • Now everybody knows it was your mother who gave birth.

  • So we don't have to mention her.

  • Number one.

  • Nobody knows number two.

  • Everybody knows number three.

  • It's not important who manufactured the camcorder this camcorder and here's your passive was manufactured in Japan.

  • Nobody.

  • Well not many people are going to ask, oh who manufactured it.

  • We might talk about the company but not the actual people who did it.

  • And finally number four, that's the book which was stolen.

  • Here's your passive in this case.

  • The reason we use the passive is because we want to emphasize the object in this case the book.

  • So we want to put that as the subject of the sentence and you could argue perhaps that it's the same for 32 and one.

  • We want to emphasize my wallet.

  • That's the important thing that's happening.

  • Not the unknown person.

  • Number two, we don't want to mention your mother.

  • Really I was born is the and we're emphasizing the subject.

  • I it's the sentences about you and the same thing for three.

  • So number four we want to emphasize the sub the object.

  • So we put it as a subject and then change the change the verb to the passive voice.

  • Uh that holds true for most of these in some way.

  • I have three examples here that I'm going to use to change the active voice.

  • We have the verb stole are going to and grow three different verb tenses.

  • I'm gonna put these into the passive voice to show you how to change from active to passive.

  • No one.

  • The reason we would put this one in the passive is that we don't know who did the action.

  • So we take the object my wallet and it goes to the front as the subject.

  • My wallet.

  • We take a look at the verb here stole.

  • That's the simple past of the verb to steal.

  • We used the simple past of the verb to be was and then we add the past participle of the verb to steel which is stolen.

  • And do we need to say by someone?

  • No, because we don't know who it is.

  • So the by phrase at the end is unnecessary.

  • So someone stole my wallet becomes my wallet was stolen.

  • No two.

  • The editors are going to review my book.

  • Well, we would take the object once more and put it as the subject of my book.

  • Then we look at the verb tense here are going to present continuous.

  • We used the present continuous of the verb to be.

  • My book is since it's singular, write my book is going to be reviewed.

  • No, you might ask do we need to say by the editors perhaps you can put that in there if you think it's important.

  • But quite often that by phrase is left out because the information that follows it is not necessary for the meaning of the sentence.

  • Alright, for example.

  • And and that holds true in number three as well.

  • Example, here farmers grow apples around here.

  • Probably that sentence wouldn't be used because we would use the passive there.

  • So we'd say apples are grown and you might ask why are we using that passive like this, grow is the simple present.

  • R is the simple present of the verb to be.

  • Then we have the past participle of grow which is grown.

  • So apples are grown around here and that would take the emphasis of apples and put it on the front.

  • And everybody knows that farmers or orchards grow apples so we don't have to mention them at all.

  • So there we have three examples of different verb tenses going from the active verb voice to the passive voice.

you're watching chalk and talk by brian roads brought to you by business english pod dot com.

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