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Hey, guys, How's it going?
And got a special video for you today to celebrate Justin hitting five million subscribers, which is absolutely insane.
Congratulations, Justin.
Water, my friend.
We're gonna be playing.
Who's your daddy?
Me, James and Justin teamed up to go back into Who's your daddy if you don't know what it is, Boy, you're in for a treat.
Let's see if any of my dad's skills actually come in handy.
I feel like they're not going to enjoy the video of you going to enjoy the video leva like subscribe if you Brian knew on.
All right, here we go.
Why my spinning?
Why am I spending?
Called it that way.
We're not doing that.
Oh, this is gonna be easy.
Way is making me look up.
It's not like you're looking up is lately or directly out?
Now I can't What?
No, I don't move.
Well, this is so what I got.
I got slate Pelle.
All right, let's go.
I have been training for this moment for the past two months.
Guys, you need your nappies change in.
I got you like he was born yesterday.
I eh?
Hey, that was a gun.
I like your monocle.
Looks good.
Oh, there.
You all right?
Give me that.
You don't know that.
Like some would give me this.
This is going elsewhere.
And you're gonna eat on orange it.
Tori, Jake, everything eat the orange?
I mean, we could be hiding together.
I could hear noises pointed away.
You Are you upset?
Oh, no, no, no.
No way.
Says the health is going up.
That's gonna close the company.
You're inside the cabinet dead.
You know, Darryl is Darryl was too distracted by Dave glasses.
Kind of insecure.
Oh, this'd Stan's time to prove himself, you know.
All right, so So that's one.
You feel like this is a republic failure.
I forgot to do the chores.
That's going Everything is being removed.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
I have to pick up every battery one by one.
I'll help you.
Stay away.
Stay away.
Other All over the floor like I get it.
You were eating this banana.
Get get out.
No, Darryl, whether your neighbors get out, it's so weird.
When I carry you put those people down.
Police Put those pills down.
No use baby on glass table.
I don't think that's it.
Do not use baby on glasses.
Yeah, that's a basic parenting.
Finally, baby key.
Not anymore.
Like you feel like you're upping your game.
Yeah, Getting the cause it baby in the closet and stay there.
I'll wait.
There's a tunnel in that.
I will block us up.
A steak tartare out.
No way.
Does this work.
Oh, okay.
Get out.
You know you can eat that.
Oh, no, I forgot.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Over there.
They taste so good.
Don't know these air safely going away.
Orange green, baby, come here.
Give me that bull.
Okay, Justin.
Stealthy James.
And in a way, you are.
That's worrying.
I just chillin somewhere.
Why do you help going down?
E this apple.
I've run out of fruits.
Do not go in the oven.
Come here.
That was My plan is ruined.
Leave you right now.
Things scream Is Armando way.
The person sold this.
Where's the water?
All right.
Hours dead.
Where's Darryl, won't you?
It's a with no dad.
Still holding the baby in the charred baby.
Look how close I was to the same.
Oh, okay.
You guys go really fast.
Ever really loud to a nap.
Let's try the hunger games.
I think in this one, we're all babies and were trying to kill each other.
Oh, The tables of tons.
Not here today.
Oh, my back up.
Take this to do with this E I got a place.
I think this is the sword.
Well, that's how you use it gets that might go by.
Dick sucks things really good.
So good.
I'm going where I go now.
You're like, I'm good, right?
So you literally just grab the sharpest thing just as quickly as possible.
Stab already.
They were like buffs.
Go, Speed buff.
Look for the pill.
Wonder if it drops random stuff each time I have about my mama.
Give me Whoa is a poison.
Good aid.
You like you was a good day.
Ay says that much better.
Being a baby than a father.
Let me.
Oh, what's it gonna be this time?
Okay, here we go.
And Oh, God, It's like you got it.
I could only Oh, my handcuffs should have hung together.
That's what it is to get.
Hold on.
There it is.
There's a sword.
What was this poison tonight?
Oh, no!
Oh, no!
Oh, ee!
Oh, I get it.
Take this.
Take this.
Could jump really high.
I'm out!
I got got Got what?
You're out!
Wait, What's happening?
SVT blew up.
I got a great job, Brian.
Froth Frog is the jump boost.
It really seems like whoever grabs the sword first.
So, So many things, Like good things.
Do anything.
It's so good.
It's so good.
But the problem is you get to close it down.
These guys swords.
There's no swords.
Just handcuffs.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
I can call you.
Broke it.
You broke it out.
Oh, I didn't realize we could get out.
He's much better.
Oh, yeah, because their stuff all over the place, there's a massive bad trap.
I kind of want to go in it just to see what happens.
Oh, no.
What happened?
Oh, those exposure to Daryl You messed up, e.
I think there was, like a land by their house.
I could see you on the table, but I'm not sure what you're doing.
I don't know what this is.
What is it?
I'm coming over.
You're in like Atari.
Oh, I can't fire.
Oh, let's go.
Units are of the table.
I can eat them.
That foam They fired me.
Give me Give me hints about to die.
Well, gonna survive?
Oh, yes, That's right.
I like it a lot.
I'm gonna die.
How did you get out?
You just break through.
You can punch the boss.
This is, like, literally like hunger games in Minecraft.
You just like, Do we go to mid?
There's stuff all over the house.
Okay, Speed.
Just another laser poison.
Oh, my God is like it's huge kid in charge of the stairs.
Uh, well, this is the laser that you have the lasers blazing, glazing it has a bat or something.
All right, I'm going outside.
There's a massive like bad traffic.
I don't want to see what it does.
I'm gonna jump on it.
Here we go.
What happened?
Wait, I'm going.
This is the jump Ocean.
Your grid.
Like a frog embracing my inner frog away.
Guys, it's over.
I found one of the sticks.
I don't have that much health, though.
All right?
We're gonna face off.
You kill yourself.
Oh, yeah.
I might hear no school, though, So much better than we could get out.
Yeah, we figured out we were, like in here.
Stamina pack.
Oh, no, that is Here we go.
Why do I keep so over?
No, that's with Own.
I flattened you.
If you go on the strip, it's just instant.
Don't push me back on the table.
There's no Tori won't go.
I think I ran out of water.
No way!
Oh, I see what's going on.
I got water.
Just try to go to the swimming forward.
I hit the hit.
The mat that explodes.
You killed yourselves.
I haven't already.
That man on the floor.
It's so dangerous.
Touch that rug explosive rug.
I'm gonna I'm gonna go back to the backyard.
Looked like there was more stuff out there.
Oh, dude, there's loads of bear traps.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, does someone is so much of this.
You've only got 10 health.
I'm gonna go wait out here.
We got a laser.
Definitely don't touch that.
You see if there's anything in the shed.
Oh, okay.
Look at me.
I look around you over the crate show what does the Jews, but it's cool.
That's like I got the target.
I could just see.
Oh, baby, I just used short of a with a massive, you know, Is that during any damage or No, you keep missing.
I'm doing my best side with moves here.
I don't think there's damage ads.
All I'm getting a call.
I'm out.
I can't use it though, you know.
You see what I can see.
Oh, I can't see.
Oh, no, I don't know.
Why don't you come and look at me?
Wait a minute.
I call drop it.
What did you all you got?
The full map.
Guide me to the Oh, wait.
And look bored to replace it.
And you can't drop it.
No, I can help you.
Okay, you West.
Oh, baby, I know he has a pool somewhere.
Way looked ridiculous.
Don't Don't pick that up.
Yeah, seriously.
I love the showdown.
Music in the beginning is on its way.
You jumped the height of the froth you've got That's what you get.
Oh, yeah.
You want to go?
Go, go, go!
No, I mean yeah.
Get in the booth.
It's stupid.
My again just looks like a cop.
It's like he's going to have to share it.
Don't, Don't, don't.
This thing is already good Is called the Sword of Light.
Are you flattered?
You plant it again and again and again.
You see?
Where are you know s so good, man.
You know, being a baby is really fun.
Yeah, No cares in the world killing other babies.
Oh, you're trying to think of me there.
Wait, What just happened?
Oh, no, I just want todo anything up.
I know you gotta back.
That's not fair.
We use them on me.
What happens?
Use Hank up?
I don't know.
Do anything.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
Way doing like a joust.
Ugo Always going for you.
It's a high speed is the lowest of the slowest chase ever.
Looking wiggle.
Oh, no, I know I e I Oh, no, Ugo.
Yeah, a carpet.
See it?
Be careful, guys.
It was straight over the top of it.
Oh, there we go.
Jump back!
Jump is the best.
Yeah, I got two are just about over the carpet of death again.
I expect you guys again.
Where you punch?
We should try, like, a fistfight thing.
The candle, That kind of abuse issues.
Come on, superstring way allover the way.
Good punch, huh?
Candle campus for four Rubber band.