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  • What’s up everyone? Welcome back to my channel.

  • Hey guys!

  • Today I brought Manny back again.

  • Um hi It’s 2017 so this is our first collaboration in 2017. Yeah and our last.

  • No. So yes I’m really excited today because guess what? We are not putting on makeup.

  • No were done. Were already in full bee

  • Were done. Were actually both wearing the Kylie Royal Peach Palette.

  • The fact that were both wearing it is so hilarious. I know.

  • Like I love it! We both got it delivered today.

  • We both got it delivered to our house this morning and were likeoh weve got a delivery bitch”.

  • So I got a phone call from Manny the other day and he had this idea.

  • So tell them what were doing today?

  • Well I feel like we should cut open some items with a hot knife.

  • Yes. So there has been a lot of viral videos going around of a lot of straight dudes

  • heating up a knife to a thousand degrees and cutting open items.

  • Random things. Random things. Weve seen the Coke bottle.

  • Yeah the Coke bottle. I’ve seen cutting open into Kylie Lip Kits actually.

  • I’ve seen cutting open into playdough, like random things

  • Random ass shit. But no one has done a full spectrum of makeup and luxury items.

  • So I’m Manny Yeah. So I’m like let’s go to your house to do it.

  • So he said you know let’s do a bunch of makeup. So we grabbed some, we grabbed a Manny

  • Lipstick. Like one of my like lipsticks. We have one of my skin frosts.

  • We have some palettes foundation. We have foundation, glitter lipsticks, liner, silisponge.

  • Yes were gonna do the Silisponge versus a Beauty Blender as well.

  • And then I sat here and I go well if were gonna do this, weve gotta take it there.

  • So we are going

  • That’s like our friendship by the way, that’s like what it is.

  • If were gonna do this were gonna take it there. That’s like my fullthat’s who you are.

  • Were gonna do this, were gonna take it there. That’s how I know Jeffree.

  • Yes. So while Manny was riding over I was in my closet naked talking selfies for Nathan and I

  • Not surprised.

  • And I thought you know what? I think we should cut open a handbag.

  • So I plucked one of my Chanel bags.

  • So in this video were going to hopefully cut open a $5000 bag.

  • It makes you wanna scream like really. I just love it.

  • I mean yeah I might cry later.

  • So yeah should we just dive right into it?

  • By the way ware also taking this very seriously. We have gloves, we have goggles

  • I feel like were in a micro bio lab all over again. Yes

  • Let them dissect.

  • Dissect. Let me just check your prostate.

  • Now I know theseOh I’m down.

  • We can pause the video, right?

  • So were taking it seriously though.

  • Yes. And we have people here too just in case, like fire extinguishers

  • Weve also got a plethora of knives because I’m sure some of this shits gonna fuck up the blades.

  • Yeah. Our camera guy did a test earlier and fuck my life.

  • I feel really powerful in these, I feel like Doctor Strange.

  • Yes like youre about to level up and get something, get somethingpowers

  • Yeah.

  • Cause we have a bunch of knives and I also have a special knife for the bag later that Manny has not seen yet.

  • Oh. So well surprise you later.

  • Oh cool cool. I wish we had three

  • No we don’t.

  • So we have a bunch of items and also theyre viewing us for 4k.

  • In case you haven’t already seen our performance in--

  • Reality. Yes welcome to reality.

  • Okay guys so let’s just start cutting.

  • Alright. So let’s just put these gloves on and let’s roll.

  • Alright let’s heat up this knife. Were just gonna take turns. Yeah.

  • So I’m gonna cut open my own Regina George skin frost and see if it will cut. Let’s work.

  • Go girl. Shit.

  • It’s blowing off steam like.. It is. Any friction? Yep.

  • Alrighty. Okay okay.

  • Oooh! Oooh! It’s catching fire.

  • Oh my god, oh my god, ooh ooh ooh. Its going like half way in like

  • Yep. it’s like wanting to get there.

  • Ooh. Girl, thank god for the fire extinguisher.

  • Oooh! Oh my, oh my god that’s just all the way in.

  • Woo. Yeah.

  • Come on Bill 9. Fuck that was crazy

  • That was literally so amazing. I’m kind of shook.

  • Like I wanna do another one. It’s like an addicting kind of thing. Yes, I wanna do my whole house.

  • I’m like I wanna bring Daddy up here.

  • That was a joke, relax everyone. That was a joke,

  • You already knew. I wanted to get a reaction.

  • Okay what’s next? Okay cool. So were gonna do a MAC lipstick next.

  • Okay.

  • Push it all the way to the top then just blade down the centre.

  • Yes alright. Let's roll. Let’s roll baby

  • Oh my god. Let’s do this girl.

  • Oh shit. Oh oh oh.

  • Try and get the metal, it wont go through

  • Holy shit but look, look, look. Oh my. It looks like two little bunny ears.

  • What the heck? Okay

  • It’s a metallic lipstick just so everyone knows. Its like steaming on the blade.

  • What they fuck? And they just stayed up, they just stayed up

  • It looks like a melted candle

  • It smells good. MAC lipstick It smells like MAC lipstick. Childhood.

  • Oh my god that looks crazy! That’s insane!

  • It’s like still boiling at the base. Yeah.

  • I love it.

  • Alright next item were going to do is the famous Silisponge.

  • Yeah. I’m so attached to this for some reason. It’s just looks like-

  • You know what I did in the review?

  • So many people said like I want to bite into it and just rip it out.

  • No agreed, agreed. I don’t know what it is but when youre touching it I wanna like stick it in me.

  • I know. I’m, I’m—okay. Let’s roll. Let’s see what happens. Okay cool.

  • Woooo! Oh-- holy shit!

  • There was nothing. I wanna do more.

  • Wow! It’s like ice. It just like it melted like the

  • Wow. It’s literally melted silicone. Oh my god it does look like ice.

  • Wow! I just wanna It looks like my ass implant

  • Shut up!

  • Oh my That looks so fucking cool. It looks like sushi.

  • Oh my god it does. Oh that smells vile.

  • Oh wow that smells. That shit hit me like a fucking brick.

  • The knife is still steaming.

  • It smells likeFragrance. Y’all I wish you could smell through the damn phone. I wish.

  • Damn that one was brutal.

  • Can we get a breeze up in here? Shit.

  • That was rank. That was fun. That was sick though, I’ll say. This is addicting.

  • . Okay this Silisponge that was wild. That was insane.

  • So weve been removing the items off our table and that was really hard to remove

  • Yeah oh my god. It’s so gooey. I got a little dizzy.

  • Yeah.. We had to take a five-minute break after that cause of the fumes are really strong

  • Yes. Melted silicone I’m like

  • I know. It’s like intense.

  • Okay.

  • The Next item is going to be my collab with Ofra.

  • Were gonna do liquid lipstick. Were gonna do the shade Charmed.

  • And were gonna cut through and see if it will go through the plastic.

  • Let’s see. That shit is thick plastic so well see.

  • It’s thick bitch. Thicker than a sticker

  • Let’s do it. Let’s do it.

  • Brian, put it right behind it

  • Yeah put it in the middle right there. Ready?

  • Oh fuck!

  • It went through! Oh my god! It went through. It went through.

  • Holy shit!

  • I’m honestly like slightly shook. I did not know it was gonna cut through like for real.

  • I am shocked to the fucking core.

  • Oooh What

  • Oh my god that looks crazy. That is so crazy.

  • Woo smells like a firework.

  • Oh my god you better fucking work. Look up!

  • Why, why? Look at the ash. There’s ash

  • There’s ash in the air.

  • What the fuck and the world will turn to ash.

  • Were Pompeii.

  • Oh there’s literally ash. Oh my god!

  • I feel it’s like insanity.

  • There was like a crazy fire once and we had school off for a week because there was so much ash.

  • Oh you mean like in Calabasas two months ago? Yeah.

  • Off of the

  • Okay cool, so that was insane.

  • Okay alright that was fuckingokay it cauterized the hands literally as it fills the fucking

  • We thought it was gonna spill out everywhere. No not at all.

  • No It literally just cut it half and there was no spillage at all.

  • Alright were gonna try one of my liquid lipsticks now in shade Dreamhouse. So let’s see what the fuck happens.

  • Yes!Yes yes yes! Oh my god! Goodbye bitch

  • I had to stand up for that one. Yeah.

  • You got through, you got through. I got through.

  • Come through Oh my god! Dreamhouse.

  • Look at the edges it looks like someone’s like-- like you know when someone can’t swallow the neck all the way and it’s like--

  • It’s boss. It’s spit.

  • It’s above us. Yeah. Oh holy shit!

  • It cauterized again.

  • That looks crazy. You know what’s crazy?

  • I thought the bubbles were gonna go, the bubbles are in the plastic and it’s hard--

  • The bubbles are in the plastic and It’s like as hard as hell. You know what’s crazy?

  • I’ve never seen how think my own components is, or even yours.

  • We don’t even know how thick they are. Both of ours are thick.

  • So much there’s a lot of plastic there. They cauterized!

  • We were hoping that it would spill out everywhere but it doesn’t. No it doesn’t. It smells so bad.

  • It’s crazy, I know. Makeup melting is not a pleasant thing at all.

  • We might have to get a chlonic when were done.

  • Alright let’s move on. I’m shocked

  • That was crazy honestly. The lipstick I was not expecting it to go through as easily as it did.

  • No I’m shocked

  • I mean it’s fucking hot though. That shit is hot. No it’s hot.

  • It’s actually really fun though. This is kind of addicting.

  • I know. In a weird way I want to do like part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

  • Agreed! So now were gonna cut open into the Loreal Total Cover Infallible Foundation.

  • Yes. Actually it will have to leak. It cannot cauterize that much?

  • It better spill everywhere It better! Were hoping for a spillage. Okay

  • Ready?

  • Here we go!

  • Oooh! Oh my god!

  • Oooh! Youre kidding. It didn’t spill.

  • It cauterized again. This fucking Foundation.

  • Try it again.

  • Why does it sound so hot? Do more, do more.

  • I can’t believe it’s still cutting through. Oooh!

  • Isn’t that noise the best one of all though? That was once filled.

  • Oh oh oh! Weve got a little bit here

  • Weve got a little bit of spillage. It looks like a little shit.

  • It looks like a dog shit.

  • Daddy’s little poops.

  • Alright for the next item were gonna be cutting into a Artis Brush. This is Oval 10.

  • Now it pains me to do this one. Actually I’m a little hurt for that one too.

  • It’s from my full-face glitter challenge. This is the only brush that wouldn’t get clean

  • so were gonna sacrifice her to the makeup gods. So let’s see what happens.

  • Oh my! Oooh!

  • Did it go through it? It’s not-- maybe I can’t tell.

  • Holy shit!

  • Can I blow on it? Yes blow on it.

  • No, no don’t blow it. Oh my god! Don’t blow on it.

  • The knife is stuck oh my god.It’s melted.

  • Come on Ash. Oh my god look at the melt in it.

  • Oh my god!

  • Holy shit! Oh my god!This is gnarly

  • I’ve gotta put this by the window. I can’t breathe.

  • Wow! We just had to take a little break for some fresh air.

  • No fuck.

  • Dude the fact that there was so much ash in the air. I couldn’t believe.

  • It was like floating. It was volcanic.

  • It was. It went into my light filters you guys.

  • I’m not like I gotta call the cleaning service tomorrow.

  • It was-- That was sick though. I’m happy we did this at your house.

  • Just kidding!

  • Okay. But the last knife with our special-

  • It was so messed up so were gonna do a new knife.

  • Were gonna use the red knife. The red woman.

  • Were gonna do a Beauty Blender. Yes!

  • So let’s cut into that bad boy. Let’s run!

  • Yeah this is so soft.

  • Oh!... Oh!

  • Oh my god!

  • Wait it changed color. It turned a different color.

  • Oh my god it turned violet magenta. It didn’t go right through.

  • Holy shit! It didn't go right through. It didn’t.

  • What? I can’t believe it didn’t. Wait what the fuck? How did it not?

  • It didn’t go through. It went through a fucking hard plastic liquid lip.

  • What? What is in there?

  • It looks likeit looks so weird.

  • Wow! It looks like a little vagina.

  • I don’t know what a vagina looks like, I think though.

  • It looks like it right there

  • It looks like a ....Oh my god it does!

  • Look around, look at the front of it. Does it look like a vagina

  • Am I tripping? Okay that was crazy.

  • I’m like wow. I actually can’t believe that didn’t come through all the way.

  • I’m like honestly surprised. I’m a little shocked and appalled.

  • Okay. So I thought we had one more item left but guess what? Were gonna do two more

  • Oh! Because I went knife shopping

  • I know.Something I never hear from a friend in my life

  • I went knife shopping that’s something my brother would do.

  • So me and Dexter went knife shopping

  • Got it. And I thought we couldyes exactly

  • So I have this MAC Strobe Cream and I’ve been using this since high school. I love Strobe Cream.

  • Yeah Strobe Cream like since day one

  • You know what’s weird? Is the smell of this is like addicting

  • It’s so.. Wow! Or it can squirt all over my hand.

  • It just came on you. Oh my god! I just had it in a downward motion. Yeah

  • The hair. So were gonna attempt to do this but I have a special knife.

  • Oh! Yeah I’m gonna-- Are you serious?

  • Here you go baby.

  • I got Manny a special.... A machete?

  • No one has ever done a thousand-degree machete cut through. So I thought let’s give it a whirl.

  • Speechless right here. I don’t even know what to say at this point

  • Fuck. I’m like-- so I don’t know if this is gonna heat up. So this is exciting.

  • Were gonna just see. This is an experiment. This is a science experiment.

  • I thought it would be cool to try go through the right fucking middle.

  • Do it.

  • Go!

  • Fuck! Motherfucker! Were just gonna go here then.

  • Yeah! Oh from the top cut.

  • Ah the top cut did work. You basically just relieved the pressure,

  • That’s literally what you just did. I did.

  • Did you think to take off the cap? No.

  • Thank god you did the top cut. Oh look it melted again.

  • Oh my god! That noise

  • oh my god! It’s kind of like weird. It’s like nostalgic.

  • That fucking machete I can’t. Oh my god! The knife is steaming.

  • Alright last but not least. That was a wild one, huh?

  • That was probably the craziest thing I ever filmed In my whole life honestly.

  • The most dangerous, the most craziest. Give me two weeks and I’ll try think of another.

  • Okay great.

  • Alright last but not least we have our last item.

  • This is fucking crazy. This is what we mentioned in the intro and everyone’s likebitch where is this moment?”

  • Alright we are going to try cut into this brand new Chanel Boy Bag.

  • Chanel Boy Bag. And these retail for about like 5500 bucks.

  • Oh! So I guess were just gonna see what happens.

  • Cool.

  • So this is like very soft Italian leather and I don’t know if it’s gonna work at all but were gonna fucking try.

  • Shit! so I guess

  • now here’s the thing as I got a--Oh I know I’m shook

  • No I did keep the authenticity card that comes with every Chanel bag just for the vault.

  • Because this is a memory. Just so you know. Whatever happens to her at least I got her.

  • It’s like its child. Yes exactly. It’s like a little clone.

  • So we had to get a special knife for the leather.

  • A serrated knife. Serrated baby. Yeah. It’s serrated.

  • So I’m gonna kinda go into it like a steak and just kinda--Just cut it.

  • Cut and go down. Cut and go down. Yeah.

  • One, two, three.

  • Oh oh oh!

  • It’s smoking on the sides.

  • Oh my god! It’s on fire is it?

  • Oh my god! I’m just lightly sawing. Lighting sawing like our wedding cake

  • Now I’m just pressing down look I’m not even sawing. It’s going right through it.

  • Oh! Holy shit! That’s of course the chains--

  • To the chains and that won’t go through of course. Yeah.

  • Oh my! Holy shit. It’s still on fire.

  • Give me some water, give me that water.

  • Oh my god you guys! Manny, your water is going bye-bye.

  • Oh my god! I’m extinguishing it. I’m putting this by the window.

  • Oh my god you guys. Holy shit!

  • Fuck fuck

  • There’s still embers in there.

  • Woo!

  • That was so crazy. I’m speechless still.

  • oh me too. This is... It’s like soaking.

  • That is gnarly.

  • Weve gotta open this up and show them how fucking crazy this is like

  • Oh excuse the water. Holy shit! Okay so let’s try peel this back.

  • That is insane!

  • There’s like this plasticy So There’s a lining sheet inside.

  • that I’ve never seen. So here’s something that I guess no one except

  • the people that probably make these bags would know. Would know

  • There’s this crazy plastic material in between the leather that’s like sewn together I guess. Yeah

  • Yeah

  • Oh my god! Who would of known?And it’s hard.

  • It’s hard as a rock. That’s probably what gives it it’s shape.

  • When it belt out the sides I was like god.

  • So my filming room is probably fucked for a few months.

  • I’m gonna light 60 candles later and leave the windows open. This is gnarly.

  • Yeah it’s intense.We might need to go to the hospital after and get some oxygen masks.

  • That was intense.

  • Alright cheers to another amazing video.

  • Cheers. I can’t believe wethat was gnarly.

  • That was insane.

  • Alright so if you guys aren’t already, please subscribe to Manny’s channel. Everything will be linked down below

  • And if youre not following me on Snapchat for the daily inspirations I mean it gets me up in the mornings.

  • So please follow down below.

  • And if you guys want to see part two of this video, leave a fucking comment down below.

  • And what else?

  • And I think that’s it.

  • I guess like we don’t-- I don’t wanna leave you.

  • I’m not leaving, I’m not going anywhere actually.

  • Were gonna like turn it off, get some pizza and I’m gonna stay here for the night.

  • Thank god! Alright guys, thank you so much for watching this. We love you mwah!

  • Bye bye guys.

  • Woo!

  • Oh my god youre like soyou look like a pufferfish.

  • What? Do it again

  • So of course this is for entertainment

  • Entertainment, I can’t even speak English.

  • My a cups are so sore.

  • So sore! That sponge came right out of me.

  • Come through.

  • There- sorry I can’t speak English.

  • There wassorry that’s our mating call. Yeah!

What’s up everyone? Welcome back to my channel.

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