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  • good morning everybody, this is Mateusz

  • and this is

  • let's welcome our special guest here

  • Sansan

  • no!

  • go!

  • hello everyone

  • hi this is Sansan

  • today

  • today we're going to talk about

  • it's difficult

  • so of course, it's not difficult at all

  • and my first question is

  • what was your first job?

  • and how did you find this job?

  • my first job in Poland

  • was customer service

  • basically talking on the phone

  • listening to complaints

  • and how did I find it?

  • through the job board website

  • according to my notes

  • ok there's nothing

  • about this job

  • you can learn a lot?

  • or a good starting job?

  • I would say

  • about Poland

  • there are lots of jobs like this

  • so

  • it is a major

  • chance for foreigners to find a job like this here

  • but is it a good job?

  • of course

  • it depends on people

  • but it's a great chance for you to practice

  • your oral

  • talking!

  • basically

  • to find a job in Poland

  • you should start from the job offering website

  • which everything is in Polish

  • the second thing

  • what's the keyword that we used to search for the job

  • this is pretty important

  • because

  • don't try to find like:

  • foreign jobs, Poland

  • jobs for foreigners in Poland, no

  • what we put was

  • Chinese

  • Polish

  • work

  • or Chinese, Poland, Work

  • or Poland, Chinese, Job

  • and then you can find them easily

  • we will recommend you the website

  • you send the CV like always

  • and they contact you via phone

  • firstly

  • and then on Skype

  • and also because of time differences

  • they will contact you in

  • Taiwanese time 9pm (UTC+8)

  • they will give you firstly phone interview

  • and you'll have to expect

  • the difficulty to understand each other

  • because of the language, accent, I mean

  • what what?

  • no, I mean

  • cuz Slavic accent is very strong

  • when they speak in English

  • let's put it like this

  • if you're amazing at cooking

  • you will find a good job here

  • if you're amazing at IT or engineer

  • you will find a good job here

  • but if you don't have anything else

  • if you don't have anything like this

  • customer service is waiting for you

  • yea

  • and then you can try to find another job

  • yea like me

  • then it's the starting to hell

  • because of

  • all the governmental...bureaucracy

  • and documents you need to apply to work here

  • what you need, first of all

  • you need Work Permit

  • from the company

  • they should apply for you

  • and it takes them...

  • two months

  • in average

  • and then

  • you need to have this work permit in hand

  • to apply for Working Visa

  • in Taiwan, it's easy

  • it took me 3 days

  • so you get the visa

  • and then you can fly here to work

  • the duration for working visa is a year

  • and after that you need to

  • either re-apply another visa

  • or

  • you can apply for residence card

  • I would say

  • to do not wake up in shit

  • you should

  • basically start to apply for residence card

  • and everything else in a very short period

  • after you already arrive here

  • when you're here

  • even if you still got the visa available

  • you should already take care of these documents

  • because applying for residence card

  • especially in Warsaw

  • because it's the capital

  • so it takes them even longer

  • right now, I'm waiting for it

  • and it might take them 2-3 months

  • to issue this card for me

  • to stay another year in Poland

  • you need to be very patient

  • because of the language barrier

  • you know, you need to plan

  • flying here beforehand

  • you need to find the flat

  • before you start to work

  • so everything is with a lot of hustle

  • so it's better

  • if you already have someone in this country

  • to help you to deal with it

  • honestly

  • if you really want to do it, you will do that, anyways

  • interesting thing

  • is that every paper you have to fill in

  • you have to fill it in Polish

  • so Sansan, is it fun to work in Poland?

  • it is fun

  • it is fun to work abroad

  • generally

  • my previous company is like a global village

  • lots of people from different countries

  • so you can learn new culture every single day

  • all kinds of stories to hear

  • and to tell

  • so

  • it's awesome to work with people from different country

  • abroad

  • and also for my company right now

  • it's half Chinese, half Polish

  • so

  • just imagine

  • such a strong

  • Eastern and Western culture

  • mixing together

  • it is sometimes difficult

  • because you have different habits

  • different kind of working...moral

  • so

  • Polish are more spontaneous

  • and Chinese

  • are more organized

  • so at work, you can also see a huge difference

  • but it's also interesting

  • you learn a lot from different culture

  • I will say working abroad

  • can help you to expand your horizen

  • you see more things

  • compares to working domestically

  • and what kind of salary can you expect?

  • foroty...

  • fouroty?!

  • no

  • 3k-4k złoty

  • after tax

  • for starting

  • and probably forever

  • for Taiwanese dollar

  • it's something like

  • 35k TWD as average (800-1000USD)

  • after tax

  • because the tax is 23% in Poland

  • pretty big for foreigners

  • we should all become Masterchef

  • hope you guys enjoy this video

  • it's very educational

  • yea, super educational

  • wish you a great time

  • spend time with your family

  • what..?

  • hope you like this video

  • please Like, Subscribe, and comment below! :D

  • also don't forget about liking our..

  • Facebook page!

  • Facebook page!!

  • and like our Janusz (??)

  • I meanzef

  • likezef's personal account

  • see you

  • where's Mateusz?

  • so see you next time

  • we love you

  • see you!

  • byebye!! cześć!!

good morning everybody, this is Mateusz

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