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  • the most amazing tarter tan.

  • Are those pink peppercorns?

  • They are pink peppercorns.

  • They're really good.

  • They don't taste anything.

  • Black peppercorns quite sweet, aren't they?

  • Were really sweet.

  • Very fruity.

  • Pink peppercorns.

  • Give it the sweetness.

  • The black peppercorns.

  • Give the heat.

  • Now, What is that, baby Bonilla?

  • This is one of the easiest deserts in the world to make, but one of the most delicious.

  • There's a sort of take on the classic apple or pear to town.

  • But when you Caramelizes bananas with peppercorns on the vanilla, I bet that takes amazing.

  • Oh, my goodness.

  • Incredible.

  • Okay, that made the camera start off with a cold pen.

  • First, you just press that budget in there.

  • How come to you do it like that and not let it just melt naturally?

  • Because I want butter to stay cold because I'm gonna stick the bananas in there and they will make the camel on camera.

  • Is the bananas at the same time?

  • Eso in goes those vanilla sees pods in there as well.

  • Okay, peppercorns done.

  • Yeah.

  • Good girl.

  • Sprinkle them over that butter just naturally.

  • Naturally.

  • Nice.

  • And then not just very carefully Sprinkle sugar over that.

  • Okay?

  • you're doing them all the same size roughly the same size.

  • Wedge it into the butter.

  • Well, you know what?

  • I want the bananas really caramelized.

  • You just stop them between.

  • If you cram them in like this, okay, they will stop the moving around.

  • Nothing's moving.

  • Nothing is okay.

  • So who wedged in there?

  • Spring the peppercorns on top of banana So that flavor in the camel on the top and the bottom right?

  • Puff pastry puff pastry is difficult and time consuming to make.

  • So I always buy Ready made.

  • When I'm at home to get the best flavor and texture, go for the all butter type and keep your pastry cold before using it.

  • This is where it gets really exciting.

  • You get your fingers, you just pinch the end so we thin the end.

  • If you do that for me very carefully have to be quick because the heat your fingers could melt the pastry.

  • How comes you do it?

  • Because we get it nice and thin so we can clip it underneath.

  • Now take a spoon.

  • What we do is lift up that banana.

  • Tuck it underneath, see a possible like a parcel.

  • See the thin bits of pastry.

  • How easy it is to get it underneath.

  • Yeah, that's why you thin them out.

  • You do it so quickly.

  • Or because I have to be quick.

  • Otherwise the pastry amount.

  • Notice how we're not using anything sharp.

  • So we're not.

  • Would that cut the pace?

  • You if you That's right.

  • So you have locked down.

  • That is, guess on.

  • We'll start caramelizing that those three little holes are so important.

  • If we didn't put a hole in the pastry, it will cause a lot of steam to the pastry.

  • Never cooks.

  • It just goes really soggy.

  • So really important.

  • The cameras live Now we're working the camel.

  • Give a little shake.

  • How can you see the caramel through the pastry?

  • Look what happens when it tilts.

  • Yeah, I see.

  • A lot comes running down.

  • See?

  • Yeah, I see.

  • Now that pastry.

  • Okay, it's like clinging onto bananas.

  • And so when we turned upside down, but there's glove full of these caramelized bananas.

  • Look at that.

  • Wow.

  • Hey, look So lucky.

  • Look, a lucky look.

  • A lucky ah looking like he got now, baby e, I'm sorry.

  • E was birthday soon.

  • 15.

  • I've just worked out on my 50th.

  • You're 18.

  • Perfect.

  • We should do a joint party.

  • Yeah, love it.

  • 12 to 4 for the old ones.

  • 12 lunchtime time till four for the old one.

  • So they could go to sleep Mega.

  • And then we'll go on later.

  • Come on.

  • Here's where I get excited.

  • Now look at the color of that caramel.

  • So tilt the pan again.

  • See how dark it is now?

  • Wow, He's gotten a lot darker.

  • 20 minutes in the oven.

  • 190 to 200 degrees for a banana tarte attack.

  • So see now where that pastries caramelizing Carol So dark.

  • Just a little tip gas back on That will release it.

  • Because if you tip it and it's still sticking, then somebody bananas.

  • Well, stick.

  • Yeah.

  • So now you see what it starts spinning around like that moving around.

  • And here we are at the moment of truth.

  • When you know your daddy is the best chef in the world.

  • Ready?

  • Yeah.

  • Wow, for the Vonetta.

  • How delicious is that?

  • May.

  • This is not really good as well.

  • My version of a classic at glorious lavender creme caramel.

  • For dessert, the first job is the lavender sugar.

  • You can buy this ready, made or simply had dried edible sprigs of lavender to caster sugar on store.

  • You can also try this trick with vanilla pods and cinnamon to bring new, subtle flavors to sweets and bacon.

  • For the creme caramel, melt plane caster sugar until it turns dark golden.

  • Pour into ramekins, Sprinkle with lavender flowers and cool.

  • Now to make a simple custard, gently heat whole milk in a pan until steaming.

  • Meanwhile, whisk together eg villa sees and lavender sugar until golden and fluffy, then gradually pour the hot milk into the mix, whisking continuously until the custody.

  • Smooth and creamy to set.

  • Cook in a water bath.

  • Orban Marie A good tip is the line of roasting tin with a cloth.

  • To stop the ramekins jiggling around, poor your custard, then boiling water around the ramekins until halfway off the sides, then cook in a preheated oven for around 30 minutes, until set.

  • Cool in the fridge.

  • Then, when you're ready to serve, dip the ramekins in hot water to loosen the creme caramel.

  • If wanna Lavenda Klink Caramel So if you want wrapped chocolate, start breaking up in little bits.

  • We're gonna make the most amazing white chocolate mousse.

  • Our first job is to bring half of our cream up to the boil.

  • So what kind of cream is that in their dad?

  • That is double cream.

  • Okay, so it could make a really nice rich chocolate mousse.

  • What's your favorite sort of chocolate?

  • Is it white milk?

  • Dark?

  • I love white and milk.

  • What's yours?

  • I absolutely love milk.

  • Chocolate?

  • Oh, that's my guilty pleasure.

  • Is it really hear Radio Cremin?

  • So that goes in there?

  • No, you can see what's happening straight away, can't you?

  • It's melting really quickly.

  • Melting really quickly.

  • So Okay.

  • Excuse me, Alicia.

  • Jumpers White.

  • So you won't spot it?

  • Yeah, I got a nice little snack for later.

  • In another bowl, add lime zest.

  • Cold cream on west until it forms soft peaks.

  • Lime cuts the sort of richness of the cream, and that starts to make chocolate mousse taste a little bit lighter.

  • It smells really good.

  • The land gives it a really nice zinging zaniness.

  • You're absolutely right.

  • Next add to the melted chocolate mixture because I'm whisking is just getting lighter and lighter on lighter.

  • Have a little taste.

  • Mm.

  • Nice.

  • Yeah, the line gives it a really nice taste.

  • Tell you I need the rest of the moose.

  • I need them for my dummy.

  • No, Come on.

  • Chocolate mousse into the fridge.

  • On.

  • Next job is to separate out three egg whites.

  • This is why I need you at your absolute best.

  • Okay?

  • Because the whip those white is gonna be really tough, so we'll take it in turns 30 seconds each.

  • Okay, you go first.

  • 10 seconds gone.

  • Come on to the 15 seconds gone.

  • 20 seconds going.

  • Come on, You can do it.

  • 10 seconds to go.

  • 54321 And change.

  • Exit.

  • Hold the ball.

  • Right.

  • No.

  • No way.

  • Seconds.

  • This puny little thing And you come but a little machine guns because that's the best way of whipping up egg white.

  • You start tipping That should really slowly.

  • You should go.

  • E don't very happy in there.

  • So are contentious.

  • Whipped egg whites will make our most light and airy.

  • And when they've reached soft peaks weaken gently mix in are called white chocolate and cream mixture.

  • Once the egg whites hit the cream chocolate sets egg whites keep the cream nice and fluffy.

  • You get this.

  • Nice light Moose in the bowl.

  • Now.

  • I need you to crush some rascals, please.

  • With some fresh mint, you see all the juice coming out.

  • Now take your nurse.

  • Wow, that looks really cool.

  • Now look at that down the bottom.

  • There, look.

  • Crusher aspirin.

  • Delicious.

  • Now I'm gonna set that in the fridge.

  • If you want to come and open the door, please.

  • Our yummy white chocolate mousse will take a least two hours to set.

  • Holy Danny can help Daddy with the desert.

  • Yes, please.

  • On the lamb cutlets.

  • Now, we all know that you love desserts.

  • Yeah, we'll do.

  • A little yogurt parfait was a macerated fruits.

  • So the first thing I'd like you to dio is a take a tablespoon off isis sugar dust that over the fruits.

  • Good.

  • Now, is that enough?

  • That's perfect.

  • Thank you.

  • Zest the orange over the fruits.

  • And what's gonna happen now is gonna start to sort of marinate on what?

  • Some basil in there that'll make it really flavors.

  • Um, fresh puzzle in and then wait to get that little mix up.

  • I'm gonna squeeze some fresh orange juice in there.

  • Nice.

  • And jenny.

  • Okay.

  • How gorgeous to those Berries.

  • Look now, way Just leave them.

  • Does marinate okay?

  • That's what we call macerated Berries.

  • Now for the mango Sunday rights.

  • Mangoes in place.

  • I love my anger is nice.

  • Now they're naturally sweet.

  • Okay, on mhm.

  • Oh, that smells incredible.

  • Now, how fresh does that smell, Barry Know you love art, right?

  • Yeah.

  • So you're gonna put these together.

  • So nice little dollop off mangga at the bottom.

  • Nice.

  • And slowly.

  • Once each glasses a layer of mango puree at the bottom spoon over a layer of thick natural yogurt on alternate until the glasses full.

  • Well done.

  • Now kill me on there.

  • When you get your Berries, you sit your Berries on top.

  • It tastes so fresh, but now they'll be marinated on the Berries.

  • Have been slightly macerated on then.

  • Finally not you don't Actually, sugar just tap on top.

  • Very Look, it's beautiful.

  • Now they sit in the fridge to get nice.

  • I'm chilled.

  • Okay, so if I take three, I promise not to sneeze.

  • And you take one.

  • Open the fridge door.

  • Yeah.

the most amazing tarter tan.

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