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  • (cheerful music) ♪ Hmm hmm hmm hmm

  • Ah ba ba ba ♪ ♪ Hmm hmm hmm hmm

  • Ah ba ba ba ♪ - Heh, heh,

  • am I hearing things again?

  • I swear I hear the voice of that really annoying orange

  • from a few years ago.

  • - I'm not annoying! (record scratching)

  • I'm an orange! (laughs)

  • - [Steve] Ugh, not you again!

  • - Glad you remember me!

  • I was afraid you'd block me from your memory. (laughs)

  • - [Steve] (growls) You know what, I wish I had.

  • Why did you even come back here?

  • - Why wouldn't I?

  • Hanging out with you last time

  • was a whole lotta fun (laughs).

  • - Ugh! - I'm serious.

  • I really dug it (laughs).

  • - [Steve] Ugh!

  • - What ya doing down there, mining your own business?

  • (laughs) - (sighs) Yes!

  • I need building materials.

  • Doing an addition to my kitchen.

  • - Oh, cool, would you like my help?

  • - [Steve] As a matter of fact, I would not.

  • Although I could use that wood.

  • - Go ahead, spruce up your kitchen with it! (laughs)

  • - [Steve] Ugh, thanks, I guess.

  • - Snow problem! (laughs)

  • - [Steve] Ugh, that was your cue to leave, dude,

  • so get outta here.

  • - Yeah, or what? (laughs)

  • - [Steve] Ow, hey, that's not nice!

  • - Yes it is, this is ice.

  • - [Steve] I said nice.

  • - I agree, it's a really nice ice.

  • - [Steve] I'm not talking about your ice block!

  • - Then water ya talking about? (laughs)

  • (Steve growling) (ominous music)

  • Nah, I'm just kidding, breathe, Steve.

  • Here's the deal.

  • I happen to be an expert of kitchens.

  • Lemme help you out.

  • - [Steve] Okay, fine, you know what I could use?

  • Uh, we're doing our countertops in red Nether brick.

  • Er, got anything like that?

  • - Red Nether bricks, on it!

  • - [Steve] (chuckles) That'll keep him busy.

  • There are no Nether bricks in--

  • - I'm back! - What?

  • You actually got some?

  • I can't believe it!

  • - Me Nether! (laughs)

  • - [Steve] Wait, if you're able to get a block like this,

  • you've got some real talent.

  • - Does that mean I can hang out with you?

  • Please lemme stay, don't make beg!

  • Don't make me gravel! (laughs)

  • - [Steve] Ugh, all right, listen, just focus up

  • and listen to me, okay?

  • I want you to go and find a dragon egg.

  • - You need it for your kitchen?

  • - [Steve] No, I just want to be rich, uh, I mean,

  • uh, no, uh, uh, yes (chuckles), yes, yes.

  • I need it for the, uh, kitchen.

  • Looking to do a big egg breakfast once it's all done.

  • - That makes sense.

  • I don't know if I'll find one,

  • but I'll try like shell (laughs).

  • - [Steve] You find anything, uh, Orange?

  • - I'm sorry, I couldn't find a dragon egg,

  • just a bunch of other types of blocks.

  • - [Steve] Eh (sighs), it's okay.

  • They're extremely rare.

  • - You're not yolking (laughs).

  • - [Steve] Ugh, well, time for you to leave, goodbye!

  • - Wha-wha-what do you mean?

  • You don't wanna hang out with me

  • unless I can find you rare blocks?

  • - [Steve] What can I say?

  • Your jokes aren't exactly gold.

  • - Maybe not, but this is!

  • (record scratching) (Steve gasping)

  • (cash register bell dings) (dramatic music)

  • But you probably don't have any use for that.

  • I guess I'll be on my way.

  • - [Steve] Wait, wait, I've had a sudden change of heart.

  • Orange, I'm sorry I was rude, please stay.

  • - Really, you mean it?

  • - [Steve] Yes, let's hang out, let's be friends,

  • and let'S definitely take another look

  • at that gold block of yours.

  • Oh, yeah, that's legit all right.

  • - So whaddaya wanna do first, friend?

  • Ooh, let's see who can yell the loudest!

  • - No, no. - I bet it's me!

  • - Ugh! (Orange laughs)

  • Please, can we do something quiet?

  • - Hmm, I don't do quiet things very often, but okay.

  • Staring contest, whisper contest, farting contest?

  • - [Steve] What are you talking about?

  • Farts aren't quiet.

  • - The one I let rip a few seconds ago sure was. (laughs)

  • - What the, a, ow, that's disgusting.

  • What did you eat?

  • - If I tell you, do you promise not to be mad?

  • - Why would I be mad about something you ate?

  • - Well, 'cause I ate a dragon egg.

  • (record scratching) - What?

  • You mean you did find one?

  • - You said you wouldn't be mad!

  • I'm sorry, but I was searching so hard and for so long,

  • and I got so hungry, and now I got egg farts

  • something fierce! - Did you just

  • let another one rip?

  • - I can't help it.

  • - [Steve] That's it, let's go.

  • - What are we doing?

  • - [Steve] Anything besides this.

  • I can't be one on one with you.

  • Let's go to town or join a--

  • - Mob? - Yeah, I suppose we could

  • join a mob if you wanted to.

  • - No, mob! - Huh?

  • (zombies snarling) (Steve screaming)

  • - Steve, no!

  • Man, I'm gonna miss him, although on the plus side,

  • now that I'm alone, I can let the silent

  • and deadliest one yet rip! (grunting)

  • - [Steve] Whew, luckily I set my spawn point

  • right near where I (sniffs)...

  • (ominous music) (screams)

  • (cheerful music)

(cheerful music) ♪ Hmm hmm hmm hmm

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