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  • I have a birthday coming up soon.

  • You just celebrated a birthday in quarantine.

  • Eso me what it's like.

  • What can I expect?

  • My birthday, Waas.

  • Actually lovely.

  • My wife did a really wonderful thing for me.

  • I woke up in the so birth like this is right kind of around the beginning of all this.

  • Right?

  • So we know people work knowing what she had planned something and what on?

  • So we were doing way.

  • We woke up in the morning and l goes, l she leans over and she goes, Hey, I just want to show you something.

  • I was like, Oh, great.

  • Yeah.

  • So she gets her iPad she and she turns on her iPad.

  • And there's a video from my father in law and my father.

  • Look, my father in law is a TSA agent.

  • Really?

  • His name is Paul.

  • Since Paul Polisi.

  • He's 78 years old.

  • Woe is way.

  • Think we're not sure, but we're pretty sure he's the oldest TSA agent in America.

  • I would guess seven TSA.

  • So my father loved makes this video for me.

  • And it's a skill that she wrote a sketch with him and his wife.

  • It was it was adorable, wrote this sketch.

  • He's the guy going through security.

  • His wife, Nancy, is She's wearing a sweet little hat like I think it's a homeland Security.

  • But you know what?

  • We'll give them any forever.

  • And so they're doing the sketch and she's grabbing.

  • She's grabbing things out of a suitcase, and she's like, Sarah, may I search your bag?

  • And my father lost doing, You know, you're kind of a requisite airport security jokes that was in my bag.

  • I just picked it up on the side of the road, okay?

  • And so she's taking water bottles out of the bag.

  • Each water bottle is completely full.

  • And she goes, This is okay, It's It's okay, right?

  • This is okay, you know?

  • And she does five So threes and five.

  • So they're learning common pipes and and then and then she pulls out a machete because this is okay.

  • She pulls out a handgun, it goes, This is definitely okay.

  • They live in Florida.

  • It's a pretty decent sketch.

  • That's right.

  • And he's protest that he's protesting.

  • And then she pulls out a piece of paper of the beast.

  • Lord says, Happy birthday cake.

  • And she goes now.

  • This is not okay, so make sure it doesn't happen again next year.

  • And then Right.

  • Very good.

  • Blow a good button.

  • You know what I wrote?

  • Sketches.

  • You know, for years you wrote sketches.

  • For years, I could never come up with an ending.

  • They these two amateurs came up with an ending.

  • Jealous, a green with envy.

  • But they came up with an ending and on scene.

  • So on your birthday, did you hear from anybody else?

  • Besides, and here is the good thing.

  • The great thing about my birthdays.

  • Right after my father in law, I watched a message from my mother in law.

  • Then I watched a message from my 83 year old aunt that I watched message from cousins.

  • And then and then all of a sudden, there were more messages that were starting to come from friends.

  • And then I'm going What?

  • What is going on here?

  • So my wife had collected 75 birthday greetings from the 75.

  • Have fun.

  • So we sat in front of the iPad for hour and 10 minutes and watch all these wonderful A coup, for example.

  • So like like like Dave Matthews Drew Brees.

  • Uh, Michael Strahan.

  • Send a message.

  • Kimmel sent one.

  • Did he?

  • Kimmel did.

  • Cindy, do you have to tell you that those a Kimmel birthday greeting comes standard with any iPhone or flip phone?

  • It's you flip phone.

  • Yeah, understand, son One.

  • Yeah.

  • And if you get a pager that they're on a pager Thio, turn it upside down.

  • All those air.

  • How he makes money.

  • The guy's a genius.

  • That's fantastic.

  • You know, I wish you had reached out to me.

  • No one reached out to me.

  • Oh, well, you know, the thing is, the thing is, I don't I don't have the full number.

  • Oh, right.

  • You know why?

  • Because you're never gonna have my own E o.

I have a birthday coming up soon.

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