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  • Doesn't it look delicious?

  • It's amazing.

  • Oh my God, who is going to eat this?

  • Me.

  • We never look at the past in a nostalgic way.

  • We look at the past in a critic way

  • to get the best from the past into the future.

  • Taka, join me please.

  • Here's my buddy, Taka, my brother in my restaurant,

  • Osteria Francescana.

  • We are rated the best restaurant in the world,

  • but it's much more than that.

  • It's about feeding people with emotions.


  • I want to teach you the way to evolve classic recipes

  • from traditional Italian cuisine and bring them into the future.

  • This is like the pasta is talking to you,

  • when it's saying eat me, please.

  • Eat me.

  • I am here for you.

  • How you can improve tradition-- this

  • is panettone in a traditional way.

  • This is a panettone you can make from the leftover.

  • Can you imagine?

  • But this is 100 times better than this.

  • You know, in cooking you always have

  • to keep the door open for the unexpected.

  • I want to tell you a story.

  • At the moment I had to create pesto for 120 people.

  • We are out of pine nuts.

  • What are we going to do?

  • Bread crumbs.

  • We put bread crumbs instead of pine nuts.

  • This is like, exactly how to evolve tradition-- tradition

  • in evolution.

  • Don't throw away anything.

  • You can use everything and make it even better.

  • Ask those ingredients the right question.

  • They're going to answer.

  • Cooking is an act of love, and it's bigger and it's deeper.

  • So you, you're going to explore where you come from.

  • You're going to explore your memories.

  • Your palate is going to talk to you

  • and it's going to tell you where to go.

  • It's up to you because you are expressing

  • yourself, your experience, your own flavor.

  • I'm going to show you how to be free to imagine,

  • to dream, to transfer emotion.

  • Sono Massimo Bottura e questa e la mia MasterClass.

Doesn't it look delicious?

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