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  • Perez Hilton here and today I'm gonna be talking about the very tragic death of Caroline Flack.

  • She died by suicide this past weekend.

  • A lot of people are feeling very hot emotions over her tragic and sudden passing.

  • And a lot of people are angry and blaming the media, and some people are even angry at me.

  • I'm going to talk about all of this, give my response to those that are upset with me and try to give some context for those of you who don't know who Caroline Flack Waas, she is somebody that I wrote about on my website and, ah, lot, especially back in the day.

  • Many of you may remember that she dated Harry Styles back when he was 17 and she was much older.

  • And it was a big story for me and in the UK and in the one d fandom because in 2012 back when they dated one direction was so popular.

  • I mean, they're still popular, and they're not even together anymore.

  • Since then, she went on and did many things in the media.

  • She Hi, Kylie Kincaid Bless you.

  • She won strictly come dancing.

  • She was on many other shows but really rose to prominence by hosting Love Island, which is an insanely popular show in the UK When I found out about Caroline's passing high, I digress.

  • I was shocked and gutted for her, for thinking that was her only option and also for her family and for the boyfriend she left behind.

  • I can understand what she was thinking, though in her mind she probably thought that her entire career was over.

  • Stephanie Cole.

  • Thank you, Caroline Flack assumed Kiko Martin.

  • Oh my God, you guys, thank you so much.

  • I was almost even nervous to make this video because I really don't want to upset.

  • People just don't like being misunderstood.

  • And I also feel like a lot of people are projecting onto me hate or disdain that they have with the media.

  • I have lost thousands of followers on Instagram, and that's not why I'm making this.

  • I don't regret posting about Caroline Flack.

  • I don't regret a single thing I said about her because I do not think I was disrespectful at all when the news first broke.

  • All I wrote was my condolences to her family.

  • That's it.

  • And then I made a tic tac video saying in a little bit more of a new elaboration.

  • I said How tragic and she'd been going through issues recently.

  • But whatever issues she was going through, her family must be devastated.

  • That's all I said.

  • Then Sunday, her boyfriend spoke out, and when the boyfriend spoke out saying that his heart was broken, I wrote the following quote.

  • Caroline Flack died by suicide yesterday.

  • Her boyfriend is also the alleged victim of a very violent attack, which he called police after he claimed the British TV presenter assaulted him while he was sleeping.

  • Really hope he has the support he needs.

  • He must be feeling so many different emotions.

  • I did not spread any false information.

  • It felt relevant in this post about the boyfriend to explain what had happened.

  • Highbridge guard.

  • Thank you.

  • I think a few things aren't play.

  • I think I got the biggest negative response from people on Instagram because Instagram, more so than Twitter or Facebook, is overwhelmingly female and so is my audience.

  • I think a lot of women could see themselves in Caroline Flax Place.

  • I also think it would have been reversed and a man that died by suicide and a man that had been accused by the girlfriend of violently attacking him.

  • People would feel very differently, but because it's a woman who allegedly attacked a man, there's a different perception about this.

  • The boyfriend studies heartbroken, and the boyfriend did not want the upcoming trial court case to go forward.

  • But the boyfriend did tell police this was presented into court evidence.

  • In a prior hearing, the boyfriend said that she tried to kill him, the boyfriend said to police, even though he later did not want to pursue this, the boyfriend said Caroline Flack violently attacked him while he was sleeping.

  • That's just a matter of court record, Okay, it's sad.

  • It's tragic.

  • It's awful.

  • However, that shouldn't be swept under the rug either, and especially when it's so relevant to what the boyfriend was saying.

  • And I spoke about it in a respectful manner.

  • Now, to answer the question that I posed is the media to blame?

  • No, the media is not to blame for Caroline Flax death.

  • Neither is her boyfriend.

  • Know what?

  • Nor am I know.

  • Nor is social media this case.

  • This sad situation made me think of Lori Laughlin or even R.

  • Kelly.

  • Has Lori Laughlin taken her own life?

  • Lori Laughlin must also be thinking like I'm sure Caroline Flack was that her career is over.

  • Who's gonna employ Lori Laughlin now after her recent scandal at Becky from Full House?

  • If you're watching from the UK and you don't know who Lori Laughlin is, when I did, I'm a celebrity.

  • Get me out of here recently for Australian television.

  • Ah, lot of the camp maids didn't really know about that story.

  • They weren't paying close attention to that.

  • You know even R.

  • Kelly, who is going to even worse issues than Lori Laughlin.

  • He's not taking his life.

  • It's really sad.

  • But it is unfortunate.

  • Psychologists experts say No person or thing is to blame for somebody taking their own life by suicide.

  • And I think the people on social media that are blaming this or blaming that are blaming the other.

  • They are hypocritical, in my opinion, they are hypocritical or just tainted, tainted by the facts of projection, or that she's a woman or whatever it might be.

  • And there's especially in the UK there.

  • It's very hypocritical, the same people now being outraged.

  • Ah, lot of those same people in the UK.

  • I see the comments there tagging me every day.

  • Ah, lot of these same people are the ones speculating, asking me questions, wanting me to talk about Philip Scofield.

  • And I will not talk about Philip Scofield on my website.

  • In fact, I've never even said what the allegations against Philip Scofield are because they're just that they're rumors.

  • I have not heard from that other person involved in the Philip Scofield situation.

  • No credible media outlet is reporting any of these rumors.

  • And if, God forbid, Philip Scofield were to take his own life, a lot of these people now that are spreading these rumors and asking the media to talk about it, and this and that and the other then they're gonna be Oh, it was the media's fault, or whatever it may be.

  • No, it's sad.

  • It's painful, it sucks.

  • But the only one responsible for Caroline Flack not be here is Caroline Flack.

  • The court was not to blame for going to do with this.

  • That was the court's obligation.

  • They thought this was a very violent incident that merited being heard.

  • They had enough evidence and felt that it was so violent and so wrong that they were not able to have any contact with each other.

  • It's sad, it's unfortunate, but I think blaming the media is a scapegoat.

  • It's clear that poor, fragile Caroline Flack was suffering extremely from mental health issues.

  • And in seeing the the wake of what happened, Ah, lot of the issues she was having with with a lot of the issues that she was having were with trolls online.

  • I won't even mention who it was that she if you care.

  • Carrie Katonah This British TV personality shared a private DMC was having with Caroline.

  • Social Media.

  • People using social media, not the media, are probably not to blame either.

  • But, um, a factor.

  • You know, it's sad.

  • It's unfortunate.

  • It's especially sad.

  • Hello, Mama Lynn's House of Lightened Freedom.

  • It's especially sad that she tried reaching out whomever she spoke to.

  • Told her that she was a burden reading back on That old instagram post of hers was so heartbreaking, and her family was so worried and her family was concerned, and ah, friend of hers was even staying with her.

  • It's sad because I understand what she's thinking, and I was I was there in that place.

  • I've spoken about it.

  • But in the past, when I was working at Star Magazine and I was so depressed because I kept seeing my future, and all I saw was darkness, I visual.

  • I saw myself moving back to Miami from New York, a failure hating a working an office job and hating.

  • And I saw myself killing myself.

  • When you're that unwell, that's all you believe, and it could be really hard to shake.

  • But if you're a young person, earn old person regardless of your age.

  • I do believe that nine times out of 10 I won't lie.

  • Not every time, nine times out of its 10 things do get better and you find your way.

  • And maybe you won't be working in this career anymore.

  • But you could do something else that makes you happy.

  • I do think that while the British media is not responsible for Caroline Flax passing, they did treat her horribly.

  • They did treat her horribly, giving her nasty Nick Nemec the headlines that they were running over the last few months.

  • The incident happened back in December with her boyfriend they were running awful headlines.

  • Photos.

  • Um, you know, I really do try to be better and do better.

  • And when I make a mistake, I'll own it.

  • Before Caroline Flax passing, I said something about somebody else that I regret now.

  • I was talking about Djamila Jameel on Friday, and she is somebody that I strongly dislike.

  • Okay, I'm not afraid to voice my opinion.

  • Saying I strongly dislike somebody is not mean or nasty or hurtful.

  • However, I referred to Djamila Jameel, the actress and TV personality as a certifiable loony.

  • Others probably think that as well.

  • But I regret calling her Alouni because even though I think privately, I think harsher thoughts of her, you know, she's been accused of having man shoot choosing syndrome where people make up.

  • It's a mental illness where you lie and you make up all these illnesses.

  • Djamila Jameel has alleged to have had a lot of illnesses and diseases and accidents and crashes, and all of these things happen to her allegedly.

  • But that's not even my biggest.

  • That's been an issue with me.

  • That doesn't hurt me, right?

  • Somebody have that ailments or be a pathological liar or whatever it might be my biggest issue and grievance with Djamila Jameel.

  • And instead of calling her certifiable loony, what I should have just said is oh, Djamila Jameel was added again.

  • She is somebody who consistently publicly aggressively attacks those who do not share her way of thinking.

  • Jimmy loves a male isn't just woke and I even hate using that word.

  • She is ultra woke.

  • She is uber woke, super woke and really strongly and negatively attacks anybody who does not agree with her woke sensibility.

  • I mean, some people even called her a bully.

  • I would not call her a bully.

  • I would just say somebody somebody whom I think has good intentions but goes about them in not the best of ways.

  • You know, I really do want to be better and do better.

  • And I'm gonna be 40 too soon.

  • I think over the last four years, I've really grown as a person and evolved.

  • Thank you, Chloe, for clarifying that, um you know, I even have more compassion and understanding in 2020 for people who voted for Donald Trump than I did in 2016.

  • In 2016 and 17 I was so hurt and angry and shocked and in disbelief for over a year.

  • But now I don't want to judge people that hard.

  • I I can still voice my opinion, and I can still think this and that or whatever.

  • Something that I wouldn't do.

  • But just because somebody doesn't agree with me doesn't mean I'm right and they're wrong.

  • And you watching this right now?

  • Hi, Polly.

  • Got though you may not.

  • You may think the media is to blame for Caroline Flax death.

  • That's fine.

  • I I do hope that powder puffs and kittens 333 God bless you, my angel Cheers to you, my friend.

  • And it really sucks that it sucked that I don't even care that I lost thousands.

  • I care that one follower on Instagram said I've been following you for 15 years and I'm unfollowed ing you.