FouryearsagoonMother's Day, I calledherandthen I I senther a pursebecause I toldthatstorybeforethat I usedtosendhercoachpursesbecausewhen I was a kid, shealwayswantedoneanyway.
But I didn't giveher a card.
I didn't I didn't I didn't send a card.
Well, mymother, I wouldcallherafterthatMother's Day.
And I noticed a littleKurtnouslike a little, youknow, willcometofindoutshewassohurtandsomadthat I didn't send a Mother's Daycardand I hadtoexplaintoher I thatwasitwas a learningmoment.
Itwasnot a Z a saylovelanguage.
I'm intherapy.
Andif I hearthetermlovelanguage, if I hearthewordthetermlovelanguageonemoretime I'm gonnahitsomebody.
I mean, I'vebeen, anyway.
Mymother, mymymother's lovelanguagecardsmean a lottoher.
Theydon't mean a duck's rearendedmelike I I honestlydon't care.
I couldn't carelessaboutgettingflowersanyway, Soletmebringyoutothepresenttime.
Somypointisyouneverknowwhatmeans a lottoanotherperson.
So I'm sosoyesterday.
Uh, I'm eaten.
Youknow, I'm watching a showwhichwe'lltalkaboutlater.
And I getthistextfrommymother.
Shegoes, I thinkitwouldbenice.
I lovewhenpeople I thinkitwouldbeniceifyousentyourgodmother.
Ah, birthdaytext.
ItisAuntPat's birthdaytoday, anditwouldmean a lottoher.
Sothen I responded.
I responded, TheygoWell, motherHeart, heartemojiheartemoji.
I said, Well, sweetheart, I'm actuallyonestepaheadofyou.
I noticed, andPatwasonFacebookearlierthismorningandshewasliveonFacebook, so I sentherinstantmessagegoingHappybirthdayandPat, I loveyoubecause I do.
She's I lovemyAuntPat.
Mymothersaysthat's notgoodenough.
That's notthat's notgoodenough.
A personaltext.
I wouldreallylikeitifyousortofpersonaltext.
And I thoughttomyselfitwasifitwasanybodyelsebutmymother, I wouldhavebeenlike, Don't youtellmewhattodoandthat's plenty.
ButButmymomstufflikethatmeans a lottomymotherand I.