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  • Costco can be a busy place any time of the week.

  • What?

  • It's especially noticeable these days.

  • It's like Christmas time Onley, featuring more people wearing facemasks, stocking up on essentials.

  • Stupid people are panicking overto the paper They are from Vancouver to Calgary to Toronto.

  • Even though Ontario has the most people in self isolation, the message from the health minister is clear.

  • People should not panic, and no, they don't need to stock up.

  • The system is working.

  • I would like to assure the people of Ontario and the risk to one.

  • Terrians remain civil, but retailers and organizations are preparing what they call pandemic plans.

  • This is daily bread's new fridge for the daily bread food Bank.

  • That means thinking about the people who can't afford to stock up if this this goes south in a dramatic way, doing to make a single monthly delivery rather than weekly deliveries.

  • If you're using public transit, thio get your food on a weekly basis, and suddenly you've got to carry four times that food back home.

  • How do we accommodate that?

  • And the more people deplete store shelves, the less food is available for food.

  • Bank shelves were a little bit concerned that as we go out in solicit industry donations that because the demand is there, they will perhaps think twice about donating to a local journey.

  • The Canadian Retail Council, which monitors buying behavior, says There's no need to panic.

  • We're not seeing massive runs on product, and also we've spent a bit of time talking to suppliers who manufacturers primarily, but also importers, and they give us pretty strong assurance that they can meet the demand.

  • But that's as long as things stay the way they are when it comes to the spread of the virus and to the fear it causes.

Costco can be a busy place any time of the week.

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