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  • Are you transgender female-to-male,

  • trans-masculine, or female to whatever?

  • This video is part two, so if you have

  • not watched the first one I recommend

  • that you do so, before watching this one. A

  • criteria to understanding if you are

  • transgender, is regarding how you feel

  • about your gender. On a constant basis, do

  • you not feel female? This does not mean

  • that you specifically feel male, although

  • some people do. Some feel that they are

  • bi-gender or without gender, and then

  • some may feel more male as their body

  • changes. Regardless of how you feel about

  • your gender specifically, female just

  • does not fit. Again, you do not feel

  • yourself to be female, and no matter what

  • you do, or how good or bad things may be

  • going in your life, this feeling is a

  • constant presence for you. I want you to

  • think about how you felt about your

  • gender over your life. I am going to make

  • a list of what some transgender people

  • experience over the course of their life,

  • that demonstrated that they did not feel

  • female. I want you to know that this list

  • is not a comprehensive list. This video

  • can only be so long, so I can't list

  • everything, so there's a lot more

  • involved than the list I'm about to make.

  • You can still be transgender without

  • having a single thing on this list

  • because it isn't comprehensive. Growing

  • up you might have secretly wished or

  • prayed to wake up as a boy the next day.

  • When you had a chance to play with

  • others as children you may have picked a

  • male role such as father, uncle, or

  • brother. If you played video games or

  • even do so now, you may have preferred

  • male avatars or gender-neutral

  • avatars, like an animal. You may have cut

  • off your hair, or hated it being long. You

  • may have been

  • drawn to toys or clothing which was

  • traditionally associated with males.

  • When you look at men

  • you may feel yourself jealous at how

  • they look, or jealous that they have

  • facial hair, and muscle mass, and you

  • don't.

  • Despite this feeling of not being female

  • you may have a period in your life where

  • you participate in traditionally female

  • behaviors, such as wearing dresses, makeup,

  • or high heels.

  • I actually know one trans man who he got

  • breast implants at one point. The

  • purpose of doing this was to make an

  • effort to fulfill the expectations

  • placed on your gender, in attempt to

  • convince yourself that you can be

  • comfortable living as female if you just

  • try hard enough. Unfortunately it just

  • doesn't work. I would like to add that if

  • you are watching this video for yourself,

  • and researching what transgender is

  • online, then it is likely that you are

  • transgender, because cis-gender people do

  • not ask this question. "Am I transgender?"

  • Not generally. Again, think about your

  • life. Look at the signs that show how you

  • feel about your gender, and make your own

  • list. If you have dysphoria or a constant

  • feeling of not being female, then I believe

  • that you at least owe it to yourself to

  • explore this further. Talk to a mental

  • health professional who is knowledgeable

  • and experienced with transgender clients.

  • If after some exploration you feel

  • yourself to be transgender. Then I

  • believe you at least owe it to yourself

  • to try hormones for a few months. Going

  • on hormones for a month or two will not

  • lead to major changes in your body, but

  • it will give you an opportunity to see

  • how you feel on them. Studies show that

  • people who transition with hormones

  • experience less depression and anxiety

  • than those who go without it. It can also

  • help you clarify things. I hope you found

  • this video helpful in clarifying how you

  • may have a history of what you feel

  • around your gender, and that your

  • feelings surrounding your gender may

  • have been present for some time. I know

  • that some people are still going to be

  • confused after just watching this video.

  • I will be making more in the future

  • with specific examples to illustrate

  • this. For now these are the two

  • criteria which are required for being

  • transgender. If you found this video

  • helpful then please remember to like,

  • share, subscribe, and if you can afford to

  • do so, make a donation.

Are you transgender female-to-male,

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