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  • a was going on guys.

  • So here today we're going to be taking a look at the SD Gundam World.

  • Sango Kaku!

  • So cat Sudan Seema Yay!

  • Destiny Gundam!

  • Pretty tongue Twister of a name there.

  • But this is from band Aiso San Goku soak it, Sit in line!

  • That's been going on for a little bit.

  • Now they've got a bunch of releases out on the line.

  • They're coming out with a load of them.

  • I haven't really been paying too much attention to them, cause this sort of thing is not the thing that I'm typically into, but just because there's a lot of kids coming out on this lion.

  • Recently I was thinking that I wanted to take a look at at least one of them, just to give a review of at least one of them.

  • Just you guys could have an idea of what they're like.

  • And then I saw this one was coming out.

  • I thought just the boxer was very striking.

  • I thought it looked pretty cool, like the big claw hand here.

  • It reminds me of the war gray mon kit that actually is just coming out recently with another big clock it coming up from Ben did, But I was thinking about it.

  • I had an idea and what I was thinking.

  • What would be really cool to do?

  • Was Kit bashed this with the recently released SD Destiny gonna revive Kit?

  • Because I didn't review that kid either.

  • I just kind of skipped over it because I didn't really do.

  • You wouldn't really feel like I really needed to review that.

  • I wasn't really all that interested in it.

  • But now I'm thinking, I want to get one of those and I'll do a review of that just as normal as well.

  • And then after this was reviewed and then later on, what we'll do is we'll Kit bashed them together so we'll make an SD slash h g kit bash again.

  • But this time it will be in this style.

  • So basically, I'll use some of the parts from the regular HD version just to give us that sort of larger scale for that, the not like the semi s D scale for it.

  • And then I use a bunch of the like, more decorative son Goku so gets it in parts from this, like the head of this of course, will use, like the chest, the front skirts and, of course, like the big claws, the wings and stuff like that would basically put all of that onto the H G and make a cool kid bash with that.

  • But anyway, so that's my plans for this later on in the future.

  • It won't be like this week, but in the near future, that's gonna be a kid bash project that I'm gonna be working on with this.

  • And that's so look forward to that in the near future.

  • As always, guys big thank you to s a gun store.

  • For their support, check out the link to their side.

  • Down below.

  • You can check out this kid and everything else.

  • They're on their site.

  • Save 10% with that coupon code.

  • There's Ackerley, is 10.

  • It's all down there in the video description, so all right, cool box are here in the front.

  • As we can see, this is based off of the destiny Gundam.

  • As you could tell from the name around here, onto the side of Long's.

  • This is already 24 in this line.

  • See, I like I said, there's been a good amount of them out already.

  • They have all based on different kids, like the non Jew O R.

  • What?

  • What else are they?

  • I know there's a bunch of the tall these things like that.

  • So, as always, goes with s tickets.

  • Of course, The kid is not always as appealing as the box the box are you know, they make it look really awesome.

  • The kid has a hard time, of course, actually capturing that in kit form.

  • But these do look pretty cool in the detail.

  • Anyway, The color separation is always going to be a problem for them, though.

  • So here we have just a look at the front and back of that.

  • Of course, these are just painted samples, so they look really nice, but we'll see how well the color separation is once we actually get the box open.

  • But has this cool, big tail thing on the back as well.

  • And so when we ever get around to actually to the kit bash portion of this, I don't think I'm gonna use necessarily all of the parts of this cause Some parts I like more than others, but also has this kind of like a big hat thing on the head, which is kind of interesting.

  • I'm not sure.

  • How much are we really gonna like that or not, But that again, it will depend on the ones actually get the kid built up.

  • I'll see how well, actually, like it's got harder to get a good feel for these, Uh, just by looking at pictures of them because they're so detailed.

  • They have so much stuff going on, you have to build it in order to get, like, the best sense of the kit because it includes one eclipse memory.

  • I'm not really sure what that's about, but it's some sort of gimmick they're building with that.

  • It says the angle Camacho on the back can be equipped onto the all right arm.

  • That would be this big, giant claw bit there.

  • So there's that.

  • And it says the eclipse memory can be attached onto the forehead, and the eyes can be rearranged to recreate the two types of expressions that could make these the super duper crazy eyes there as well as it goes with s tickets, they often have the swappable I features there, right, so here's just a little bit about this story, I suppose the Gundam, anyway.

  • And then there's a cure code there for about the story of the San Goku.

  • So consider an info and the no list price listed for this.

  • But the list price was a very affordable 1000 yen for this, of course, is nasty kid going to be relatively simple.

  • But for 1000 yen, get a good amount of stuff in here.

  • And I think that's gonna be a pretty pretty nice price for this because you got a lot of different colors here.

  • It looks like a lot of really nice detail.

  • And so I'd say that price seems pretty nice.

  • It's gonna look here at the manual for assaults.

  • A nice, cute little small manual got the box.

  • Are there up on the top at the bottom here?

  • A little more about that.

  • There's an actual illustration there.

  • Looks pretty cool.

  • He's got that.

  • The wings got the cool hat.

  • All right.

  • Very nice around here on the back.

  • A little bit more about that Basically kind of the same stuff we saw on the outside of the box a little bit more about the memory and device over here in Japanese and in English.

  • Some cool action poses.

  • There's against See that?

  • Using the big claw and then a little bit about that.

  • The angle Gu Ma show down there on the inside with it being SD kid.

  • Of course, we have a little SD comic again.

  • It's all in Japanese, but we actually have some English, so it's actually translated.

  • When did they start doing this?

  • I didn't know they started translating the SD comebacks as well.

  • That's pretty cool.

  • You got the We're going to restrain you.

  • You must be seen my year.

  • Uh, serving Deng's l.

  • Well, well, if it isn't, we sure are lucky.

  • Become elaborate to test out my powers.

  • All right, there you go.

  • So, anyway, we do also have our parts list over here and then just going through the construction year.

  • So we're just gonna build up all of that, the complete assembly there and then just a little bit about the gimmicks, the weapons and all of that over there on that end.

  • And let's see, back around here, all we do have a little more of the comic.

  • You're I didn't notice that, but so you've got a continuation of that here on Kai May show on, then you just basically destroyed everyone.

  • I'm sorry, but we don't have any time to love.

  • Okay.

  • Very beautiful little commentary there.

  • So All right, there's a little just about the equipping of the big claw.

  • And with that, let's just get into the runners, shall we?

  • Are its first up Here is the foil sticker sheet, which it's great to see for an SD kit is very minimal.

  • We've got just the two cigarettes there for the eyes.

  • One sticker for what looks to be a head camera or some sort of camera there in green and then a couple of gold stickers.

  • And that is is so that is pretty good.

  • Seeing as how this is an SD kit, most of the runners are also esti scale.

  • They're all kind of these, like small size little runners here.

  • For this, this runner is simply labeled S J p.

  • Wanna can't exactly make out exactly what that's supposed to mean.

  • I'm not entirely sure, but this runner is just in a molded gray.

  • And as you can see, we've got this is regularly acting, as I guess, sort of inner frame runners is just a bunch of joints and what would be probably caps.

  • But they're not Polly caps.

  • In this case, there's regular plastic parts as well as a couple of hand parts on there.

  • Gonna be here is specific for this kid, though.

  • It's in a light gray color and some really nice details on there.

  • He had a little shield part little faceplate, part in a couple of their parts on their energy is in a nice mold of golden.

  • It's also a really super high gloss as well.

  • So you got a really, really glossy gold here for some of these really decorative parts.

  • Their burner E is in a kind of clear smoke, black color kind of color, clear black, and it's just gonna be a few parts on there.

  • Some parts.

  • It looks like they're for the claw as well.

  • So pretty nice, very nicely detailed.

  • F isn't clear red for some more parts here for this, including parts like for the feet, it looks like for a couple maybe skirt parts or other detail parts around there as well.

  • Where a G is containing a few of the larger parts for the kit is just in plain black and then when the age is just in a plain, blue colored is a straight up blue number.

  • I is also in clear red, and this is obviously gonna be some parts there for the clear red wing effect parts there on the back.

  • So that is it for the boxing guy is gonna be a pretty interesting experience.

  • Like I said, this is not the sort of thing that I'm typically into.

  • It's always nice to try out some new things every now and then, especially if it's only gonna cost you around 1000 yen.

  • It's not gonna cost you much to try out something different, and that's always a good thing.

  • So that's it for the boxing guys.

  • Thanks so much for watching.

  • If you have questions or comments, leave those down below.

  • I'll see you guys an interview coming up next.

  • Bye, guys.

a was going on guys.

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