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  • it was going on guys that they were taking.

  • Look here at the Master grade.

  • Luna Maria Hawks Custom Gunners Aku Warrior is This is a brand new master grade, and it's a pretty interesting build.

  • I've got a lot of thoughts that I want to share you guys about the actual building process and how I think that or I have a theory after building at that.

  • I really feel like this is maybe was originally designed to be in our E 100 kits and then later on or somewhere along the line, they decided to just make it a full on master grade.

  • Really get that feeling, and I'll explain more about that later on.

  • How I feel like this is kind of like equal parts Master grade and Ari, so we'll talk more about that later.

  • But overall, the construction of the kid is just pretty simple.

  • It really didn't take me very long to put this together at all.

  • It's really comparable to like, say, the Master Grade J gin, which came out not too long ago, which was also pretty simple, very straightforward.

  • Master grade.

  • This is very similar to that It was a pretty fun.

  • Interesting, Bill.

  • Just very simple and very quick.

  • It took me just a couple hours to get this built up.

  • But as we get into guys, just as always, big thing get us a goddamn store for their support.

  • If you want to check out this kid's, then check out the link to blow down below.

  • They're in the video description there is linked to their site.

  • You can go there and check out this kid and everything else you can save 10% off everything.

  • They're on their store using that coupon code there.

  • Zachary Leah's 10.

  • So it's just first off.

  • Go through the accessories, everything get included with the kid, and we'll talk some more about my thoughts on it.

  • All rights first.

  • Have you got this bagel sheet of sticker markings, which I used a couple of them.

  • But you have a ton of them on there just marking stickers after logos and other different gunners, aka Worry logos, as well as some caution markings and striping bits that go around on their butt as you'll see from the ones that I put on here.

  • They don't really look that good on the plastic especially on curve service, is there?

  • I'm gonna lay flats, and just anything on the red service is you're going to see the outline of the sticker and over here like that on now.

  • So if it's on white plastic, then it looks buying.

  • You're not really gonna see the outline of the sticker all that well, anything on the darker colors.

  • They're just gonna look kind of all right.

  • Not really.

  • All that great.

  • What?

  • We're here that we did also have one single foil sticker, which was for the model I n there.

  • So we'll talk more about that little bit later.

  • It also have our little 100 scale pilot figure here, standing little Maria Huck, as well as our action based at after.

  • For that and for the hand options for this guy, we're gonna have a swappable fingers.

  • So, like with a lot of master grades these days, you're just going to swap out the fingers.

  • So we've got a set of clothes.

  • This there you also have a set of extended fingers for making open hands is that of holding hands for holding on to the max and then a set of trigger finger hands for holding on to guns and each of the hands you have both left and right sets for those.

  • Then we have the beam assault rifle.

  • Now I gotta say, I do kind of like the changes they've made to the design of this that made it look a little bit more bulky, a little more substantial.

  • I've never really too much liked the design of this beam machine guns, obviously very stylized to look sort of like he's aka Machine Gun, as is forced to look like those aku.

  • But it wasn't really all that ever appealing to me.

  • But this design, I think it does look pretty good.

  • Yet it's white part here in the front.

  • No sticker or anything for that camera, as I suppose it's supposed to be on there.

  • But you do have a couple of those stickers.

  • I just threw one of them one here, but again, Sticker on the dark plastic doesn't look all that great.

  • You could hold this neither left or the right hand.

  • This forward handle does move up and down so you can pull that out like that.

  • And also this part here are the top.

  • You can pull that Well, don't want to pull it all off.

  • You wanna pull?

  • And ideally, the whole thing up like that.

  • See?

  • Alright, eh?

  • So once that's up, then you can rotate that You can Ben that off to the side like that.

  • And that's so you can store this on the back skirt.

  • There's little pig here on this side for plugging that onto the back skirt.

  • With this emission drum there on the top, it wouldn't fit.

  • So you have to move that off to the size that works.

  • Well, background here on his back story have this panel here in the center that will slide down, exposing the hard point where he can plug in the rifle onto the back here and with the backpack.

  • Everything going on here, it's kind of a squeeze to get it in there amongst everything else.

  • But it does fit in their back on the back skirt.

  • However, you can't say the same here for the beam.

  • Tomahawk.

  • But I do really like the redesigned to this beam.

  • Tomahawk.

  • I think it looks really cool.

  • Very unique.

  • Looking at houses as, like the blade out the back.

  • Of course, we have our beam, in fact, parts for this.

  • Two of them.

  • So you got this one little one, That's it's up here at the top, and then the other one will go out the front now.

  • So yeah, this one.

  • This can't be stored anywhere on the kid when not in use, so it's either in the hand or just out somewhere else.

  • So that said, I do really like, Look at this.

  • It looks really, really cool.

  • So I think I'll probably keep us in the hand ultimately, but the being effect parts also, they're very, very light pink, almost clear.

  • But they could definitely be dark and up a little bit if you want to take some clear pink or something like that to spray that on there.

  • But anyway, the effect of them, they look cool.

  • They're very nice and sharp, and the effect does look nice.

  • So I really like this weapon.

  • That's pretty much it for the accessories.

  • Everything else is just mounted onto here already.

  • So on the science fair, it's, We have the grenades.

  • You can just pull these off like that.

  • There's two for the left side and two for the right side.

  • can pull those off and they're pretty cool, having have the white and red separated.

  • But on the backside you have this pig here and that empty space in there, which is not really looking all that great.

  • So you can't really hold these in the hand.

  • There's nothing really that you could do with any of the different hands.

  • Even like the trigger finger hand is like, sort of extended out.

  • It could almost sort of hold it in there, but it really seems like a misstep that they didn't make a hand option that's able to hold the onto these.

  • So if they're not plugged onto the side streets in school, you can take them off and use them.

  • You could sort of, like, make it look like he's throwing it plug in this some way onto an action based, But they didn't even give you anything like Bluetooth home to an action based or anything.

  • So it's just kind of like, on or off.

  • You can't really do anything with them.

  • And of course, we have the shield over here on the side.

  • I like the new look in the design of the shield here.

  • This is on a kind of extending Paige.

  • Here's that extends out away from the body even more like that.

  • And just of aldrin and bulging at the two ends.

  • Just this hinge here in the center, on the underside of the shield.

  • We have two extra magazines for the rifle.

  • Those artist dummy magazines.

  • You could use them on the right foot in the connection is the same, but they're just gonna just meant to be stored in there anyway, so this could be moving around really nice.

  • That hinge in there will allow you to bring the shield around to the front of the shoulder like that if you wanted to.

  • So pretty cool the way you utilization of that is nice.

  • And then, of course, the wizard system on the backpack, the giant beam cannon and attachment of the tango over here on the side of Bruce Lee don't know what the designers were thinking about.

  • This other versions of this kid High grade in the 100 skill, non great.

  • Everything you didn't quite look so tingle like definitely does now, but it's pretty nicely detail.

  • Just the tank here for this.

  • Just a few parts, like I said, Like the rest of the kids.

  • Very simple.

  • Then, of course, you have the giant cannon, which is on this arm, which will extend out like that.

  • You have a hinge here as well.

  • See, of two points of rotation and then a injuries were alive to rotate in and out.

  • You have this wire with this red mesh covering over over.

  • That looks pretty nice.

  • I'm not too displeased with that.

  • I think it looks pretty good.

  • Yeah, with this rifle in the back school, that's just kind of getting in the way that was gonna take that off for the time being.

  • Anyway, this can rotate out and around, get that out around to the front and that out here at the back.

  • I should have pulled this out earlier.

  • But that folds out the back like that.

  • And then out the front this part folds out like that for its full length very long.

  • This handle here, the main handle will hold off.

  • The sides were able to hold on to that on the side there.

  • Then it also does have a secondary handle you can also use this also holds out like that.

  • And then the camera on the top here will pull up that just slide up a little bit.

  • Hey Oh, that's popped up and you have a blue sticker there for that.

  • And so I guess that would be a good time to mention the first in my list of reasons why this is more like an ari, or at least just like an ari and less like a master grade.

  • And that is the fact that it has very few clear parts.

  • The only clear part that it has is for the visor for the actual model eyepiece.

  • There's no clear part for that for this big lens, which you'd think we should be perfect for a nice, clear part there on the camera here for the rifle or for the cannon.

  • No clear part for that, either.

  • It's just a regular piece, and you have just a sticker to go over the top of that.

  • So the lack of clear lens parts is for this doesn't seem very master grade asking my opinion.

  • The articulation arm for the cannon is very nice, works really well, and so before we move on to trying out some different poses and other things like that.

  • Let's just talk about some of the rest of the articulation here for the kids.

  • We saw that for Buchanan and then for the shell.

  • Let's go back here to the head.

  • You can point to head up to about there, which is not a whole lot of you can get a good upward look there and then down to they're not too bad.

  • The cockpit hatch will open here in the center of very simple.

  • It's just this little door if you can get to it, that will just fall down like that and are seated.

  • Pilot figure is up inside there.

  • She also mentioned that the head can only rotate to about 45 degrees There.

  • It's getting blocked there in the back so you can't get a full rotation off to the side with them, but pretty good.

  • As for the model I that can also be rotated a little bit here.

  • You gotta pull off the helmet first, Easier said than done that pulled off the whole head.

  • But once you finally get that off, then here's what it looks like on the inside.

  • You can just turn that piece on inside their manually to rotate the mano y off to one side.

  • So even though the masquerade to point owes, Aku has the built in gimmick where when you turn the head, the mano y turns right along with that, you don't have to take anything off for a part to do.