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  • Today was the day

  • that Democrats began to lay out

  • their case against the president.

  • But, last night, fights were already breaking out

  • about whether this trial should even be happening

  • in the first place.

  • Opening arguments begin early this afternoon,

  • and we're expecting a very fierce debate

  • over why the president should

  • and shouldn't be removed from office.

  • Republicans want this all over

  • by the State of the Union address in two weeks.

  • Democrats say, "Not so fast."

  • Why are we here?

  • Are we here because of a phone call?

  • We are here, sir, to follow the facts,

  • apply the law,

  • be guided by the Constitution

  • and present the truth to the American people.

  • That is why we are here, Mr. Sekulow.

  • And if you don't know,

  • now you know.

  • -Oh...! -(cheering and applause)

  • And if you don't know, now you know! ♪

  • That's right. That's right.

  • Congressman Hakeem Jeffries just quoted Biggie

  • on the floor of Congress.

  • The only thing, the only thing I wish

  • is that he'd used the entire line.

  • That would have been amazing. He was like,

  • "If you don't know, now you know, nigga!"

  • Because if that happened,

  • black people would have been out celebrating in the streets.

  • It would have been MLK Day part two.

  • All of a sudden, they're like... ♪ You know very well

  • Who you are! ♪

  • But I got to say, man, hip-hop has come a long way.

  • Think about it. In the '80s and '90s,

  • it was considered gangster music,

  • and now it's being quoted in an impeachment trial, huh?

  • That's how far hip-hop has come.

  • -(cheering and applause) -Think about that.

  • That's insane.

  • Hip-hop just keeps going. I bet it's only a matter of time

  • before, like, Mitch McConnell responds

  • with a rap lyric of his own.

  • Just like... ♪ Mah, my name is Mitch and I don't have a jaw

  • ♪ I love the Senate and saying "mah." ♪

  • Now, now, the reason things got so heated yesterday

  • is because Democrats tried ten different times

  • to get new witnesses and evidence

  • into this impeachment trial,

  • and the Republicans shot them down each and every time.

  • There hasn't been that much rejection in D.C.

  • since Stephen Miller went speed dating.

  • Now, one of the main witnesses Democrats really hope

  • will testify is former Trump advisor

  • and grumpy Cap'n Crunch John Bolton.

  • But when the president was asked about it this morning,

  • he had a list of reasons why he doesn't want Bolton to testify.

  • The problem with John

  • is that it's a national security problem.

  • You know? You can't have somebody

  • who's at National Security.

  • And, uh, if you think about it, John,

  • he knows some of my thoughts.

  • He knows what I think about leaders.

  • What happens if he reveals what I think

  • about a certain leader and it's not very positive

  • and then I have to deal on behalf of the country?

  • It's gonna be very hard.

  • It's gonna make the job very hard.

  • Uh, he knows other things.

  • And, uh, I don't know if we left on the best of terms.

  • I would say probably not.

  • You know, you know,

  • one thing I enjoy about Trump is that he will give you

  • every excuse all at the same time.

  • Right? He'll start with the fake excuse,

  • but then he'll just keep going until you learn the real reason.

  • Just like, "Sadly, we can't hear from Bolton

  • "because it's a national security threat.

  • "And, also, he'll reveal what I think about other world leaders.

  • "And, also, he hates my guts.

  • And, also, he'll implicate me in the crimes that I committed."

  • (applause)

  • "So many reasons."

  • (cheering)

  • Because-- let's be real, let's be real--

  • I don't think it's a big deal if Bolton reveals

  • what Trump thinks of other world leaders.

  • Because Trump already tells everyone

  • what he thinks of world leaders.

  • He'll even do it while they're standing right next to him.

  • He'd be with Macron like, "I just had

  • "a very productive meeting with this little French bitch

  • over here."

  • So, Bolton may or may not appear at Trump's impeachment trial.

  • But even if he does, even if he appears,

  • there's a good chance that the senators won't hear

  • what he's saying at all.

  • Because, based on yesterday,

  • half of them are already checked out.

  • REPORTER: At least seven senators were spotted Tuesday

  • wearing Apple Watches. That's a no-no.

  • Rand Paul played a crossword puzzle.

  • A big no-no.

  • Shortly after 5:30 p.m.,

  • Senator James Risch, the Republican of Idaho,

  • could be seen motionless, eyes closed

  • and head slumping against his right hand.

  • Risch was the first lawmaker seen

  • by Washington Post reporters to have clearly fallen asleep.

  • It's a bit like a college lecture hall.

  • Some of them are busily taking notes.

  • Some of them look bored out of their minds.

  • And if they're thirsty, we're told that only two beverages

  • are allowed on the Senate floor, water and milk.

  • Yeah. Some senators are playing with their Apple Watches,

  • others are solving crosswords

  • and, worst of all, a senator from Idaho fell asleep.

  • Like asleep-asleep.

  • 'Cause you know you've been sleeping for a long time

  • when an artist has time to sketch your portrait.

  • That's sleep.

  • But I'll be honest,

  • I get why some of these senators are struggling.

  • They're sitting there for long hours, up to 12 hours,

  • late into the night, and they're only allowed

  • to drink milk or water to stay energized?

  • That's a tough situation.

  • I mean, it was a tough situation,

  • because, luckily, there's a new product out

  • that could help them out.

  • ANNOUNCER: When you're stuck on the Senate floor

  • for 12 hours at a time, you need a pick-me-up.

  • But you're only allowed to drink milk.

  • You have no options.

  • -Until now. -(lightning crashes)

  • -Introducing Impeachmilk. -(mooing)

  • It's the only milk fortified with caffeine,

  • amphetamines

  • and just a little bit of cocaine.

  • -So you can get your impeach on -(sighs)

  • and fulfill your constitutional duties to the max.

  • -(bleep) yeah! -Ready to impeach!

  • With Impeachmilk, you'll have the energy

  • to render judgment all night long.

  • So get some Impeachmilk

  • and get jacked up on justice.

  • Desi Lydic and Roy Wood, Jr., everybody.

Today was the day

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