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  • There he is.

  • The sugar show.

  • Is it back?

  • Is it for real?

  • Is it really happening?

  • Sean, are you really back?

  • Two years later?

  • Well, see, I don't know that we'll see.

  • I mean, this is the fourth time without a fight book.

  • Ah, well, see, I'm not I'm excited, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

  • So is that a weird feeling?

  • Because usually when you get a fight, you're probably excited, Anxious?

  • But are you not allowing yourself to fully invest yourself in the fight?

  • Because of all the setbacks?

  • It's a super shitty feeling because, um, you shouldn't have to feel like this going into a fight.

  • But I think about it.

  • I do my best and not think about it.

  • But every single day I think about it, I'm act.

  • I was actually driving to the driving home right now because you started just called that in my house, but oh, pull over so I could do this interview.

  • Oh, my gosh.

  • Are they gonna get mad at you for being ah, for being late?

  • Um, yeah.

  • I don't know.

  • Probably.

  • I mean, we will keep you very long.

  • I'm here.

  • I think I'm live Yes.

  • Okay, so So it's It's a bit of a complex situation as best as you can.

  • Are you able to explain to us what is going on here with you?

  • Because they did give you the retroactive suspension?

  • You are clear, but you do have to continue to take tests.

  • And it's because of this Austrian that keeps popping up.

  • And you can't be at a certain level because of the puzzle.

  • It's a little confusing to the casual fan.

  • So what could you tell us about this state of what you're dealing with right now?

  • It's confusing to me to, um, the levels Nate pop for when he got popped that that time were higher than the both the ones that I tested for what I got pulled off fight card.

  • So when I first got it scheduled to fight, um, was a I tested for I don't know, 20 PICO grams or whatever, but I tested lower than Nate when he tested, got pulled off the card, got got that all figured out, got booked against Cheeto, full infested again, again lower than he got tested for it.

  • So I got pulled off those two fight card Um, and then that whole Nate thing blew up.

  • So now they changed it to under 100 PICO grams.

  • So now I just have the test negative or under 100 PICO grams.

  • I guess that's what's considered performance.

  • Enhancing it.

  • So if you test for 100 and one PICO grams, it's considered performance dancing.

  • If it's under its not so I think they don't.

  • They don't even understand.

  • They have the scientist that created offscreen.

  • He doesn't understand what the what's going on like with my levels.

  • So it's just like, I don't know, none of it makes sense.

  • So it's like they're like, I don't worry, You're gonna be able to fight our seventh like, Well, it's kind of hard to worry.

  • We tested everything I've taken and nothing came back.

  • So it's like it's super frustrating.

  • I'm just honestly going day by day and just I don't have a problem training hard training like I'm in fight camp.

  • Um, so I'm just gonna train like I fight march 7th and not can't be surprised if they say anything because how it's been going.

  • So as of right now, you still don't know how this got in your system.

  • You don't know if it was a tainted supplement or anything like that.

  • Well, a message, because obviously, you know, there's a ton of athletes.

  • Not just you see, they've been testing for Austrian.

  • I've messaged them.

  • I said, Hey, do you guys ever figure out where it came from?

  • Not one of them has said yes.

  • So I don't know.

  • I don't know if it's a commune me again.

  • How?

  • They told me they reached out to, like, a bunch of different scientists and not any of them have any any idea or understanding of what's going on.

  • I think it's this shitty situation every time you take one of these tests.

  • Now, are you freaking out?

  • Are you nervous?

  • Cause you don't know when it's gonna come back.

  • You know how it's gonna come back?

  • What it's gonna say what your levels are gonna be all that stuff.

  • Yeah, I had four neck like I'll have.

  • I'll test negative negative.

  • Random 30 pictograms, negative neck, foreign road negatives, random PICO grams.

  • So yeah, every time I get tested like I'm getting tested today, I'm like I could be getting pulled.

  • I have two tests.

  • I'm waiting on.

  • They told me I'm gonna be now that last year I was most tested writer in the whole roster, and now they said they're just gonna start testing me again regularly are normally just like everyone else.

  • But thanks for the third time in three weeks that I've been tested.

  • So every time there, they're like, great, This could be it.

  • This could be a So I have to test.

  • I'm waiting on, um right now.

  • And why?

  • Because initially, weren't you supposed to fight in Texas on the Houston card?

  • And then they moved it to the Vegas card?

  • Why's that?

  • Yeah.

  • They said that the Texas Commission will not go off of the you saw the ruling.

  • And so the if you test for even under 100 PICO grams in Texas, they'll still suspend you because they won't go off.

  • The U Sada in Vegas said Rule will listen to you saw it and go off with science that they have.

  • Uh oh.

  • They just decided to switch it to Vegas.

  • Can you say unequivocally that you have never taken any kind of performance enhancing drug knowingly like you've never taken steroids?

  • You never tried to cheat.

  • This is something that you had no idea about like, because Because obviously, this is what is being, you know, labeled on you, right?

  • Yeah.

  • I'm I'm 25 years old.

  • I'm I'm fucking I'm an animal.

  • I'm 25 years old.

  • I eat good.

  • I sleep good.

  • I recover.

  • Good.

  • I do everything right.

  • I don't need to take anything.

  • I'm 25 years old.

  • Why would I be taking anything?

  • I fucking wake up with a boner.

  • Ready to fucking kill the day.

  • I'm ready to go always, don't you?

  • When you when you see people call you a cheater, Does it drive you nuts or have you just sort of ignored all of that?

  • Do not read social media and things like that anymore.

  • It doesn't really?

  • No.

  • Just because what their perspective of me is doesn't change anything.

  • Like I just love the trains by I love this lifestyle that I live.

  • So when when I see some kind of random people call me and then it honestly doesn't bug me anymore.

  • It used to.

  • But it's been fun.

  • It's been like two years now.

  • If I let it keep bugging me, I'm not doing something right.

  • So, yeah, I know.

  • It doesn't bother me anymore.

  • Mentally, though.

  • How are you handling all this?

  • Mentally?

  • Emotionally?

  • Two years You haven't fought you on such a high trajectory.

  • And not to say that.

  • That's, you know, not gonna fulfill itself, but two years, a long time to not to not compete.

  • How are you dealing with this?

  • And also like getting the fights, having them taken away, getting mentally up for a fight and then crashing down?

  • How do you How do you deal with all of this?

  • If I didn't grow so much and and get so good in the last two years, I would probably look at it.

  • Go and find a way to bitch about it or complain about it.

  • But honestly, like I'm not, I have nothing to complain about because how good I've got in the last two years has been and insane jumped from where I was at where I'm at right now.

  • If I wouldn't spot Jose two years ago, I would've still beat his ass.

  • Now I feel like I'm on a whole nother level, like I don't want to sit here and talk about fighting march 7th because I've talked about I was fighting Jose.

  • I talked about us fighting Marlin, and then it never happens.

  • I feel stupid saying you're telling you guys I'm gonna fight when I keep saying I'm a fight and nothing happened, so I don't know.

  • Well, you guys will get a find out where I'm at mentally where I'm at physically and where my skill levels out.

  • If I get a fight you guys were gonna see and, uh, I live this lifestyle I've lived it for the last nine years I trained and I wake up and the next day and I go train again and I don't Friday night, Saturday and I don't go out not a Oh, no, you can't live.

  • You can't be in this game.

  • You could be in the game 100% still get hurt.

  • So it's like I'm not going to try to be in this game like 80% night, like I'm in this 100% ready to become world champ.

  • That's that's where my mindset has been at the last, not just last two years for the last ever since I started this.

  • So nothing's really changed.

  • Other than I haven't been able to fight.

  • Still been training like Like I'm world champ.

  • So, at any point in the midst of all of this frustration, did you consider walking away at the very beginning the first time?

  • I'm like, what?

  • That doesn't make any sense.

  • Okay.

  • Have you been a crazy mistake?

  • The neck.

  • I'll be able to fight again right away.

  • Like I figured it was just gonna be something like a tainted stuff, man.

  • And then I quit taking it, and then I fucking can fight.

  • Then the second time it happened again.

  • Then the first.

  • I remember the first couple of days, I was really I was like, There's no way this could happen right now.

  • What's going on?

  • Um, so the first couple days, I was pretty upset.

  • Um, but then I got my mind right.

  • Got my mind set back, and, uh, I haven't No.

  • Now I just know it's gonna be world champ, And as far as like making a living, how's that been for you?

  • Two years.

  • No fighting.

  • How have you been able to support yourself?

  • Um, I made that last part.

  • I made $100,000 I was I've been fine, Okay?

  • I don't.

  • My life That was not I don't do nothing crazy.

  • Um, And then like Sanibel, they stuck with me, um, to shout them on a pier.

  • Connor stuck with me, too.

  • So those guys, those two sponsors really helped a lot.

  • Um, some some company, you know, some people don't me, They're like, All right, whatever.

  • Dude.

  • You're not fighting anymore.

  • I get that, too, but I don't know a bit.

  • I've been fine.

  • An amazing story came out recently where I believe you placed Eighth in a fortnight tournament.

  • And you donated all of your winnings.

  • I think the exact amount correct me from wrong.

  • $27,500.

  • You donated to the Raising Special Kids Foundation, a nonprofit organization, Arizona that helps systems of care to improve the lives of Children's with disabilities.

  • Is that true?

  • Did you really do that?

  • Yeah, it was Ah, it was a charity event, so yeah, the winnings went, We gotta pick the charity.

  • It went to Okay.

  • Um, but yeah, that was super.

  • That was That was super fun.

  • Um, there was There was a fortnight.

  • It was in New York in a huge stadium.

  • It was That was in stain.

  • But yeah, eighth.

  • What would have Ah, first place gotten you?

  • I think 500.

  • Dang, that's a lot.

  • Yeah, it was.

  • Yeah, they have a lot of money.

  • Yeah, well done.

  • Eighth.

  • I mean, that's not bad.

  • Um, and so now, as far as what you have to do other than these random tests, is there anything else that they're requiring you to do before this fight On the seventh?

  • No, back in, I think October last year they had me take zero supplement All the supplements I was taken or I'm taking right now too.

  • Is Ah, NSF The Thorn Thorn Someone's.

  • But they told me in October for 30 days don't take any supplements and write everything taken a food.

  • Look at that.

  • And I was still and I still tested for 2030 p program, taking zero supplements, writing down everything I stick in, sent it in, senator like Buck, we're still lost, so but yeah, I'm doing everything they're telling me to do.

  • And on Lee taking Thorne NSF certified supplement.

  • Do you know how many tests you have to take two now and then or it's just you have to be available whenever they want.

  • Just random, whenever they want.

  • Okay?

  • And But what we do with the hair here, is it a little longer than usual?

  • What's going on?

  • Uh, I got on training.

  • It's just crazy.

  • I don't know, right?

  • It's good.

  • It's good.

  • Whatever you're doing, keep doing it, my man.

  • And hopefully we'll see you back in there.

  • We miss you out there.

  • All right?

  • I feel bad that this guy's waiting for you.

  • I don't want to be blamed for ah, miss test or anything like that.

  • So God bless.

  • Get over there, do your thing.

  • And hopefully it all works out and we can see you back in their march 7th.

  • I don't if you know this, but we had, like, a little kind of pole thing that we did over on ESPN dot com recently.

  • And you came in second as far as he topped 25 under 25 fighters.

  • A ce faras ages.

  • Of course, in this sport.

  • So you came in second and we're looking forward to you, you know, continuing to build on that.

  • I saw that I also saw Macy.

  • Barbara Park knows shit about me.

  • Oh, what she said.

  • I said, Well, I think she was talking to you, Not observe beyond their Oh, look, like she don't know, Judge.

  • It do so.

  • Oh, I know.

  • Digit do So I think, uh, I mean, I guess I don't talk.

  • Shit.

  • She got beat up.

  • You think you should have been number one?

  • Ah, not necessarily.

  • Just I mean, yeah, I probably should have been.

  • Yeah, right.

  • All right.

  • We'll see.

  • I'm just excited.

  • You guys about there are excited to go out there and you guys get to judge me after my next performance on where you guys think I'm I think I'm a pop five fighter in the world right now.

  • I believe my skill level is extremely high.

  • And, uh, my mind set and everything.

  • I'm gonna go out there and prove it.

  • Looking forward to it.

  • Thank you, Shawn.

  • All the best.

  • Great to talk to you again.

  • There is Sean O'Malley, Sugar show.

  • Hopefully, we get to see it again on March 7th in Las Vegas.

  • That's UFC to 48 to 47.

  • Of course.

  • Is the next one.

  • Hello, everyone.

  • It's Ariel.

  • Honey, I just came here to thank you for watching our ESPN YouTube channel.

  • It's the best.

  • You know what else is the best?

  • The ESPN app.

  • You could get highlights, analysis, all that stuff and more.

  • And if you want premium content and live streaming sports, there's only one place for all of that.

  • It's ESPN plus.

There he is.

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