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  • Hi.

  • How are y'all doing?

  • I think I'm like, what, three minutes late?

  • All right, apologize.

  • Um, I was actually looking for another deck, and I don't know what I did with it.

  • It's, um, older.

  • Like, I think the golden Tero I was looking for and I couldn't find it, so I don't I don't know where I put it, so I'm going to find it at another time.

  • Um, my, how y'all doing?

  • Yes, they did take something off.

  • Run anything.

  • How?

  • Well, from what I understand from my Evelyn Boswell, obviously I have it.

  • The tile that they were digging underneath, one of I believe it was the grandfather's turn.

  • Their home or the brothers are the uncle travel in his trailer home.

  • But I know it was one of them.

  • And last night, like I said, I went and I had him for the decks behind me that I used the boxes.

  • So this Jonah Oksana Lobular interested in what cards I saw?

  • I don't usually see all's comments like when they come through, right?

  • So I don't really get to see him to the next day sometimes.

  • So what I did is, um this is the deck that I used pretty much all the time.

  • It's the gilded Tero, and I don't know if I'm pronouncing all right, but it's It's sir.

  • Zero Mark Teddy, I believe, is how you France it.

  • And, um but it's a companion book was made by a barber more.

  • And I will show you the book before we get started, because the night is kind of more just like a five night.

  • We're not gonna, like, do anything.

  • Super super, um, deeply is that we are offering the two readings that I put in there.

  • But this is basically the deck that goes with this box.

  • So I know he's a something We were interested in it and they were asking what book I used to learn from and things like that.

  • Now, this is not the bark book I learned tarot from, though this is just the one I currently used the most, because I connect with the pictures the most.

  • And I said, This is the one you'll see me use the most.

  • So again, that is, that is that decks of box and how it looks in what it comes in.

  • And then the book it comes with looks like this.

  • And so it is a big book, so you can read it very well, but I have used I mean, I have highlighted stuff in here are underlined stuff.

  • So I do read it, um, and takes up out of it.

  • And there's also what I want to say.

  • Spots where you can write notes like See, I care of highlighted some stuff.

  • So I do use I do look at all the books because each one that kind of has a little bit of a different story to the to the cards.

  • So that is going to be that one.

  • I do not have the the writer Wait one because it comes in just a box, like, literally a card.

  • Boxing a playing card box and my kids ripped it up.

  • So that is the one that I use that is more like kind of like old timey looking like kings and queens.

  • And that's why I wanted to show you the Golden Age Terrel.

  • I think it's called.

  • I'm not really sure, but it's been like, um, it's basically like old, old, old timey like in Queens.

  • So, um yes, that's what I use for my clarifying.

  • Um, is the writer wait and then I use my, um gilded to actually lay down the cards and start to spread.

  • And then I use angel answers that was bought out from they bought a Don't even know if I'm pronouncing his name right either, um, Radley Valentine, I believe, or rather read lies in a Valentine again, though he bought out Doreen Virtue.

  • That's pretty much the angel answers.

  • It has his name on it, too.

  • And then I have actually, now that I've been asking, like, Not that I've been asking, but like when I've been doing readings.

  • For some reason, I've been getting for my spirit guides, more or less to pull up his duck, which is the psychic terror or cool that.

  • And so which angel answers is an oracle deck to?

  • It's not a tear objective.

  • I said that, Um, I apologize, but it is a 65 card deck and a guidebook.

  • So it is by dawn hand Holland.

  • So that is the one where I showed you last night, which will get back to the point and I'll see if I can find the card.

  • But that gets to the point of where last night we got a firm foundation.

  • And that was for Evelyn, right?

  • Well, today they were digging in Foundation 108 the house.

  • So now we know why she showed us that card.

  • So, um, it bet me since anybody else do you all kind of see how that connected now today And then the day before that, they were in the lake.

  • We had said that I thought there was water involved in the next day.

  • They were at the lake.

  • And then I asked her last night, what does what do we need to know?

  • And she said, firm foundation with the heart.

  • And then we ended up finding out that they dug underneath the trailer home today.

  • So those cut those kind of go together again.

  • And these were these were things that they said, Here's the card firm foundation.

  • And again, I can read what it meant.

  • But as you can see, there is like, there's ground, their cement there's ground that you could dig in, and it's like firm foundation.

  • So I'm gonna look it up, bro.

  • Close again in here.

  • All right, So what it means is um, I am This car denotes that you have already or are currently working towards establishing a solid foundation in the material world.

  • Which means doesn't mean she could be trying to do but proving that what was done.

  • So using good judgment in heating lessons from the past, that concerning financial matters, which is I think a lot to do with what's happened will assist you in laying down firm ground work.

  • By doing so, security will have a better chance of building you in the future.

  • So I kind of feel like I said, I know it makes it sound a lot more like money, but I think what she's saying is that like, even though they found her like they were, they found something in the dirt because they did take the bag with him.

  • They put it into brown evidence bags and took it with them.

  • So they did find something underneath the homes.

  • I don't know what it was, though, but she is saying, you know, firm town for a foundation is ground.

  • So, um, she was basically saying that they were gonna find something underground, which they did so plan.

  • So what do you think about shout out to Chloe.

  • Hi, Chloe.

  • How are you?

  • Thanks for watching.

  • I guess you're into this kind of stuff already.

  • That's pretty cool.

  • Most kids don't really notice it that young, so she is enjoying that type of stuff at school.

  • You're welcome.

  • I just I wish I would have had someone help explain to me what was going on and was had someone to explain it to me.

  • Okay.

  • All right.

  • That's cool.

  • I know.

  • Well, let's welcome, Chloe.

  • Like I said, I must think clearly for being part of the Southern soul families.

  • And she's enjoying the shot.

  • Uhm re the one that's on me about above the home.

  • I get a few messages.

  • I'm sorry using.

  • Okay, hold on.

  • I had three messages.

  • Okay.

  • I see.

  • You know.

  • Okay.

  • Yeah, I see it now.

  • Um, hi, Travis, but let's see who else is here.

  • Hi, Heather.

  • How are you?

  • Yes, that's fine.

  • Christmas.

  • I'll get with you back on the messages later.

  • I just didn't realize I had that many messages on there, but I was talking with the client earlier for a little bit, so I think that might have been when the messages came through.

  • Um, hi with big eyes.

  • Hi, Lily.

  • More candles, baby bottles.

  • I was red room here.

  • It's here.

  • Are you guys?

  • So I guess being kind of doing a short spread and see maybe what?

  • It was that, um they were looking for what it is that they could have found underneath the trailer, Um, that they were so concerned about.

  • And I'm kind of used some of the horrible That is the 2nd 1 again, huh?

  • Or angel answers.

  • Whichever one pose in accounting, we'll hang around.

  • Rahm.

  • I don't see Yeah, but everybody else is saying Heidi s i N g um huh.

  • Yeah, we're into a quote from our book like we normally do.

  • Hey, Red Rama.

  • See?

  • You know, I think I said, hey, Lily, if I did a high Lady Di Oh, thank you.

  • I appreciate that Crystal.

  • So tonight the quote that we're gonna have a cz God is able to bless you abundantly so that in all things at all times having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

  • So obviously it's kind of saying service clitoris already put the work in every will be abundant.

  • So, um, that is gonna be the quote from the keep calm and trust God.

  • But but we usually take a quote from and then we're gonna go ahead and maybe see if Evelyn, huh?

  • And I got water again, because again, my throat hurts right here.

  • Um, and I apologize if I cough again.

  • Sorry, I really If I do, that helps.

  • So, um, welcome, everyone who's coming into the room.

  • Thank you for joining us.

  • This is all coming.

  • If I'll give it a thumbs up, we greatly appreciate it.

  • Um, if you can't if you don't know how or you don't want to back out of the chat.

  • I said to give it thumbs up is kind of like holding a candlelight vigil, which last night, I thought was a bunch of baby bottles.

  • But apparently they were all candles, eh?

  • So I am bears myself on that one of it, and that was pretty funny.

  • So I'm glad that happened.

  • But it was a good laugh this morning when I realized that everybody was putting handles and from my computer screen, it looks like baby bottles.

  • So I know it was awesome.

  • You know, when I watched it back this morning.

  • I could not stop laughing.

  • I was I cannot believe I was like, Why is everybody put in baby bottles?

  • I was like, I'm not gonna do the reading.

  • And so you will tell me why there's baby bottles and it was like candles the whole time with their minds.

  • I wasn't very the Emmy wasn't embarrassing.

  • It was funny, really, to be honest, but they're always baby bottle in his green ward.

  • But I'm so we're gonna ask her, um, where her dad and brother are, what they might have to do with anything.

  • Because again, I don't feel a strong pool to the father or the brother to be completely honest, and so I don't know what their role is, but I'm gonna ask her what it is.

  • And I'm gonna ask her if they knew about whatever was under the trailer that was supposedly taken out and what it could possibly be, and then how she feels about them s.

  • So that's kind of what I'm gonna ask her.

  • So I said, yeah, as well.

  • Come in the shower.