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  • It’s important to remember that Holmes wasn’t born Holmes. Holmes was born like you and

  • me but probably with greater potential for certain elements of observation, but he learned

  • over time to think like Sherlock Holmes. At the beginning, he probably thought more like

  • Watson because that’s more of our natural state. He’s able to attain what he does

  • because he’s become an expert of sorts at observing.

  • He’s become an expert at person perception. What I mean by this is he has thousands and

  • thousands of hours of practice, and that practice has been interwoven with feedback. So I look

  • at you and I tell you something about yourselfAnd you say, “No, that’s actually wrong.

  • That has nothing to do with me at all.” Or you say, “Wow. How did you know that?”

  • So I’m learning which details matter, which details don’t matter, which observations

  • are logical, which ones are false. And over time I build up that expertise that will allow

  • me to look at you and in one second say, “Hey, Watson, I think youve been in Afghanistan.”

  • And it seems like it’s completely just out of the blue, oh, my God, how did he know that?

  • But then if you go back, youll see that this is not intuition in the sense of just

  • “I knew it.” It’s intuition in the sense of expertise, in the sense of judgment that

  • has been honed over years and years of practice. So, for Holmes, the entire thought process

  • is akin to a scientist who is doing a research experiment, so someone who is doing - who

  • is following the scientific method. So for him the mind is like an attic, and what that

  • means is you can store only so much in it. The space is finite. And what you store and

  • how you store it is incredibly important as you try to figure out, how do I optimize my

  • mental resources? How do I then take the things I’ve stored and access them? How do I organize

  • them so that there are connections between them so that I can use them and make them

  • as part of kind of a broader whole so I can see the bigger picture and not just these

  • random components that I put there? So, what a researcher would do at the beginning

  • of an experiment is to say, what is my question? And that’s exactly what Holmes does. He

  • says, what is my goal? What do I want to accomplish? Before he ever opens a case, before he ever

  • meets a client, he already wants to know what is it that I want to get from this meeting.

  • And so he comes into the meeting with a prepared mindset. His attic has already been primed,

  • so to speak, to take in certain inputs and to not allow other inputs in. This is important

  • because attention is incredibly finite, and so we don’t have just endless resources,

  • so we can’t pay attention to everything; we do need to be selective to what we pay

  • attention to. Now the scientist after kind of setting this

  • hypothesis would say, okay, how would I go about testing it? That’s, once again, exactly

  • what Sherlock Holmes doesAfter he sets his goals, he goes about observing and collecting

  • data, and asking, okay, how do I answer this question? And what is it about this conversation,

  • about this person, about this situation, whatever it happens to be, that will enable me to gather

  • the data that I will then be able to use to see whether my hypothesis holds up?

  • And then he does this thing that every great scientist does and I think mediocre scientists

  • probably do not, which is take a step back and learn to look at the data, recombine it,

  • look at different possibilities, be imaginative with that data to see, is there anything that

  • I didn’t think of beforehand? Is my mind still open? Do I still know what’s going

  • on? Does this data somehow make me think of new ideas, think of new approaches, think

  • of things that I hadn’t thought of in the past? And so he has this incredible space

  • for imagination, and I think that that is an essential part of the scientific method

  • as well. You know, scientists from Feynman to Einstein have really valued the importance

  • of imagination and have spoken a lot about it. So the reason I’m stressing this is

  • because people tend to forget it when they think about the scientific method.

  • Now finally, what you do after that is you go back to the data and you look at the - kind

  • of what youve done with it and you see what makes sense based on my observations.

  • Have I framed the question properly? Have I accomplished my goal or do I need to start

  • over? Because it’s an iterative process. You may need to go through this method over

  • and over and over until you finally come to a conclusion. And that's kind of the final

  • step of Holmesapproach. He always keeps his education going. He realizes that the

  • scientific method doesn’t have an endYoure always going to have to go back the

  • beginning. It’s going to be a constant feedback loop.

It’s important to remember that Holmes wasn’t born Holmes. Holmes was born like you and

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