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  • two teams set to do battle here in West Lafayette, Indiana, is cold, and it is raining here for tonight's game between Illinois finding a Line I and the Purdue Boilermakers here.

  • Welcome, everybody.

  • I'm Brad Nessler, along with Lee Corso and the quarterback Kirk Curb Street, ready to bring you a classic Big 10 rivalry match up.

  • And let me tell you, these two schools just don't like each other.

  • A boilermaker don't seem to match up too well in this one.

  • Kirk.

  • I'm not sure I like their chances very much, You know, I'm gonna have to agree with that.

  • For one big reason.

  • Illinois has one of the better running attacks in college football and a very good running back leave.

  • This would be a great opportunity here for fans to get a chance to see him run the football and lead his team to a victory.

  • I was just about to say that, but forget about Illinois loves to run the football, then that's how they win ballgames.

  • I think they're gonna have a big game on a ground today.

  • And Kirk, I agree with you.

  • I think they win this one.

  • No problem.

  • We're hoping for a great game.

  • Guys, let's get down on the field.

  • The team captains air ready for the coin toss.

  • I do has lined up for the kick off, and we're ready to get this one under way.

  • Not a real deep pick should be returned.

  • Morton takes it at the time, we'll go to work at the 26 yard line war with three wide receivers.

  • War back to pass rifles.

  • This went out to the left, and they couldn't hook up on that one.

  • It looks like he overthrew him on that one.

  • I tell you, I think the quarterback got rid of that one too quickly.

  • Kirk.

  • Coach, You're right.

  • They need to work on their timing a little bit more.

  • It's second down and tend to go all in a 26 yard line.

  • Boilermaker come out in a 34 defense ballcarrier he spends around.

  • Turner would take down at the 33 a seven yard run by the running back.

  • Get 33 here, all in the 33 Boilermakers lined up in a 34 Herrin.

  • Number 34 brings it down at the 34 yard line, and that won't be enough for the first time.

  • Great job here by the defense and shutting down the run.

  • That's a real boost for this team.

  • Now it's fourth down in two yards to go all in 34.

  • Illinois lining up the morality calls for the fair catch, and they make the fair catch at 32 way first ball in the 32 yard line.

  • Purdue comes out with to tight end balls.

  • Low recovery.

  • They talked it up.

  • What, They got it back anyway.

  • Well, any time you run that option play, you've got that added risk because you're not only pitching the ball mid play, you got to catch it, then hold onto it something they didn't do very well in that last play.

  • Second and long ball in the 20.

  • Finding a line I bring in the nickel package number 18 drops back.

  • He scrambling.

  • He passes a yard pick up on the way down and 12 ball on their own.

  • 30.

  • The finding a line I bring in their dime package back to pass lets it fly, and it's got that good looking.

  • What impresses me is the composure.

  • This young quarterback he made a great read saw the open receiver and deliver an almost perfect strike.

  • Good looking place.

  • It's burst in 10 ball on the 46 Purdue lines up in a double tight set.

  • Number 18.

  • Drop to throw looks and it falls in, complete the tiny and couldn't get back for that ball.

  • So it's second in 10 ball in the 46.

  • Purdue goes with the A sat here.

  • Number 45 tackles in for a loss on the play, and the defense just warmed over him.

  • On that, they were able to penetrate the offensive line and get to the running back.

  • Before that play even had a chance.

  • 13 12 Coming up on this one, All right around midfield.

  • Boilermakers come out of the shotgun, drops back to pass.

  • He fires left side.

  • Incomplete pass.

  • How about that?

  • He's got to come up with that catch here.

  • You're right, coach.

  • This is a catch that has to be made.

  • There's really no excuse for dropping that ball within 12.

  • Coming up all right around midfield.

  • It's fourth down now, and we'll see the punt.

  • Team number three signals for a bear cat calls it in.

  • Get the ball here at the nine yard line.

  • Do lines up defensively for three.

  • Drop back to pass.

  • He stepped up in complete second ball on their own nine one man backfield War back to looking steps up, guns and across the middle, it's intercepted on.

  • It will be the safety that gets credit with that last interception.

  • Let me take the reason why he watched the play develop and made a break on the ball.

  • And then he made a great kid.

  • Goes on all the ingredients that you need to intercept the football.

  • It's first in 10 all right around midfield.

  • They'll bring in their dime.

  • Package drop back, throws it out.

  • Their rallies hangs on the o.

  • Get the first down that.

  • That was a very nice first down convergence.

  • The key.

  • That play was the fact that the quarterback plenty of time to look downfield first intent ball on the 39 Number 18 with four wide receiver.

  • Wait stop At 37 games, too.

  • It's second down and eight all in the 37 yard line.

  • Do in a five wide number.

  • 18 back to pass and it's incomplete, and he overthrew that one badly.

  • Whoa, receivers fast, but he's not that best.

  • It's third down, eight to go.

  • Wall in.

  • The 37 do comes out of the shotgun way.

  • They'll bring him down at the 34.

  • Tried play little power football there.

  • Yeah, but they got out powered forth and five coming up here, falling 34.

  • Not many options here.

  • They have to go for it.

  • Number 18 drops back.

  • He's looking for his man, and they couldn't look up on that.

  • Defense.

  • Stopped him.

  • That fourth down play was very important as Faras, the big most concerned.

  • Now they have momentum on their side.

  • Go for it.

  • They'll start this drive at the 34 yard line, way inside full back, back to the original line of scrimmage.

  • And that's it.

  • It's second down and nine to go.

  • All in the 35 defense lines up in a 34 He's been loathe.

  • Blix cause enough confusion up front.

  • They were able to get to it's third down, 11 ago ball on their own 33 nickel defense back.

  • He's looking.

  • He wants it all going long complete, and they finally make this stuff at 42.

  • Your reaction to that pass play coach Well, Any time you get a first down, you're happy.

  • But in this case, you get a first down and in a bunch of yards.

  • On top of that, you're a static.

  • We are ready to start.

  • Quarter number two First intent.

  • Fall on the 42 yard line.

  • Illinois comes to the line, only one man in the back way tackle at the 33 yard line.

  • That's a good nine yard gain.

  • 2nd 1 This is the fifth play of this Dr Boilermaker come out in a 34 defense left side number 44 with the take down at 23 yard line.

  • He picked up the first down on that one.

  • Yeah, I like the way they ran the ball on that play.

  • There's more where that came from.

  • Believe me.

  • First in 10.

  • Play this Dr coming up.

  • Finding a Lina.

  • Come out showing three Wythe first down and 15 to go ball in the 28 way.

  • Gives froth 0.7 yard line and he gets a yard on the run.

  • Second down.

  • 14 7 Play this Dr coming up.

  • Used four linebackers ground up the middle.

  • He's at the 20 and they make this stop at the 12 yard line.

  • Picked up big yards there, and he's gonna have a first down.

  • A nice job there.

  • This guy does a good job of reading his blocks and accelerating through the holes.

  • It's first in 10 8 play this Dr coming up.

  • Her do comes out of a 43 back to pass.

  • He unloads it and it's got number 34.

  • Brings him down for a loss and they lose a couple of days.

  • It's second down and 12 ago.

  • Ninth play this Dr coming up.

  • Illinois sets up in the I warned, dropped the throw.

  • You want to go?

  • Johnson brings him down for a loss there.

  • Stop two yards behind the line.

  • 14 ball in the 16 yard line.

  • Do lines up with five.

  • Venture back.

  • Let's go and they're gonna rule him out more than 14 ball in the 16 yard line.

  • Number 22 lines up for the field goal.

  • It's up, and it's good way Illinois is ready to kick it away.

  • Carrot and number six set to return.

  • Kicks it on.

  • Wait, wait.

  • They'll take over at 29 Purdue in a five wide set back, he throws it.

  • Incomplete pack.

  • They got some good pressure on him there.

  • Yeah, but don't forget the fact that nobody was open.

  • That was good coverage to second and 10.

  • All of the 29 Illinois brings in the nickel here.

  • Number 18.

  • Back to throw.

  • He passes it caught on the bounds and incomplete.

  • Great effort here by the White House.

  • But you know what?

  • The quarterback was off.

  • Just enough to cause that incompletion.

  • They're down in 10 coming up.

  • All of the 29.

  • Number 18 back in the gun number 18 steps back to pass.

  • Rifles it over the middle there.

  • Bring it down.

  • Long game gives him a first down coat.

  • A first down in a nice cast plate.

  • No one you can convert on third long will open up your offense a little bit more.

  • On first and second.

  • Let's see what they do from here.

  • First in 10 ball in the 42 days back, field number 18 back to pass, steps up in the pocket lets it fly.

  • Batted away.

  • Nice job getting a hand on that one.

  • Yeah, really good.

  • Heads up.

  • Play there to get a hand on the football by the defense second and 10 ball on the 42 yard line, low alone in the backfield.

  • Number 18 drops back to pass.

  • Throws it out their complete inside the 30 and they finally bringing down at 21.

  • Tight end came up with a nice catch that time.

  • Yeah, nice catching his shows off a few moves.

  • They're here, the big fellas.

  • Pretty athletic for a tight end.

  • And as a quarterback, it's always nice to have a big target like this to go to burst in tan ball on the 21.

  • Finding a line I lined up in a 43 He's looking for his man number 82 has it.

  • Wide receiver picks up good yardage that time its power football time.

  • Folks number 18 gives it up the middle way.

  • Teams mix it up.

  • Get the full back situations, Please.

  • I can't get you a couple yards.

  • You don't deserve to be.

  • Oh, anti tax On the extra points, with less to go in the second quarter, our floor is for do seven.

  • Illinois three.

  • I do ready to pick this one off.

  • Lewis and Morten back to return.

  • He kicks it.

  • Morton takes it from the way way, its first in 10 26 yard line.

  • Boilermaker put four men up front.

  • Ward dropped the throw, and it's got number nine.

  • Brings him down at the 38.

  • A nice looking play that time.

  • Well, the defense was blitzing here and again.

  • Great recognition by the quarterback to find the hot receiver first and 10 ball on the 38 yard line.

  • Defense lines up in a for three or four drops back.

  • He unloads.

  • It complete.

  • Turner would take down at the 41 yard line.

  • The offense calls a time out, and they've got two remaining 2nd 7 ball in their own 41.

  • Finding a Lina.

  • Come out of the booth.

  • Wait a second to fall on the 46 yard line back to throw under heavy pressure.

  • It falls incomplete.

  • It's third down and two to go ball in their own 46 Illinois lines up with the receiver waiting in the back booth, and we'll have two remaining forth and five coming up here, all on their own 43.

  • Number 37 set to put morality calls for the fair catch, and they make the fair catch at the 13 yard line.

  • We'll go to work at the 13 Illinois lines, up with five defensive back for 18 steps back to pass, looks fires deep down the left side, and he's finally shoved out at the 44 and they're gonna rule him out of bounds.

  • It's second down and tend to go ball in the 13 yard line.

  • Illinois comes out defensively with six defensive back.

  • He lets it go, and it's got right there.

  • Right reason why this play work is at the play action.

  • Close defense.

  • Just enough to allow the receiver to get open, its first in 10 ball in the 27 yard line.

  • Her do in a four wide set, 18 drops back to pass.

  • Let's ago, incomplete in the direction of his wide out.

  • There was no way that his receiver could have gotten to that one, so it's second in town ball in the 27 yard line.

  • Purdue comes out with two tight ends.

  • There's a place he lives at.

  • Last swatted away.

  • Nice job knocking that one down.

  • You're right.

  • Good job there on the coverage.

  • That's just what they teach you to do.

  • It's third down and 10.

  • This is the fifth play of this Dr seven.

  • Purdue lines up in a goal line set number 18 tried to number 33 brings him down at the 33 yard line.

  • Defense calls a time out.

  • That was their second time out.

  • Four.

  • Coming up on this play ball in the 33 yard line.

  • They line up to put this one away.

  • I didn't get all of that one, and it's out of bounds at the 48 way.

  • We'll get the ball here at the 48 boilermaker, line up in a 43 ward, back to pass looking, and they bring him down for a sack on the play, a six yard loss.

  • They like to run this fast paced kind of office, and sometimes you get a defense to panic.

  • Waste time out.

  • Four drops back.

  • He steps up.

  • He's looking.

  • He's in trouble.

  • He guns it to the right and it's incomplete and he misses his wide receiver there.

  • Yeah, you're right.

  • This is an area that he's worked so hard to improve since Day one accuracy of his throne.

  • He's improved.

  • As you can see.

  • He's upset here with himself.

  • Third and long ball on the 46 yard line, finding a Lina.

  • Come out two and three wide back to throw, looks, steps up, going Dean, and they couldn't hook up on that.

  • Work will bring up down fourth down.

  • And let me say one thing.

  • This defense was up to the task that time and shutting down the pass.

  • Play.

  • Yeah, they shut it down and they got three and out there looking for It's fourth down and a long ways to go fall on the 46 yard line, and they're ready to put this one away.

  • Morality signals for a fair catch.

  • He hauls it in at 20 to.

  • We'll start this drive at the 22 yard line.

  • Finding a line I lined up in a 34 Number 18 gives up the middle and down ago a 24 yard line.

  • That'll be a two yard gain, and that'll do it for the first half of play.

  • Our halftime score for do seven.

  • Illinois, three way kicking off to start the second half.

  • Kicks it off.

  • Number six fields it at three, and he couldn't get a thing going with that return.

  • Lee course.

  • Brad Let me tell you something about kickoff returns.

  • They required good blocking, a precise timing.

  • They didn't have either one of those things.

  • Right there.

  • We'll take over at the 17 17 boilermaker.

  • Come out in the eighth formation.

  • Mole on the inside.

  • Handoff brought down at the 18 maybe a yard on that drop point.

  • 2nd 9 Coming up here, all in the 18 yard line.

  • They'll use a 44 defense here.

  • Roll the ball carrier, tackle football and they fall in.

  • No change of possession in the offense.

  • Recovered school back.

  • Better watch out.

  • Coach might want to yank him if he fumbles again.

  • It's first in 10 ball on the 28 yard line.

  • Low binds up.

  • It's a single back number.

  • 18 steps back to pass.

  • He throws it.

  • Not a good decision there.

  • Why do you even through that?

  • It's a good job by the corner of sitting back and reading a quarterback's eyes.

  • Good job, disguising coverages.

  • Well, this quarterback is a gamer.

  • He comes to play every game, first, intent.

  • All of the 40 do lines up in a dime.

  • Defense here, back back, steps up in the pocket.

  • He passes it and that one's fallen in complete.

  • It's second down and tend to go all in Illinois.

  • Lithe lets it fly.

  • Hearing with it'll be a two yard loss, 13 12.

  • Coming up on this one, all in the 42 Boilermakers, bringing their dime package looking.

  • He's on the run.

  • Throws it out there and they make the stop.

  • 20 yards.

  • That ball was thrown high.

  • Yeah, but this receiver knew he could jump up and get it.

  • Great.

  • Play its first in 10 20 yard line.

  • Illinois lines up with back to you flag on the play number nine with the take down at 12 holding only on the way first and 15 now falling 25.

  • Purdue comes out defensively with six defensive back, back to pass.

  • Fires a bullet over the middle.

  • Edwards brings him down at the floor.

  • A nice completion to the tight end.

  • A good play here in the thing that I notice is that he provides a nice big target out there for the quarterback.

  • Wait, they got all the big boys in for this one.

  • David makes a handy work it on the ground coaching the results.

  • Six point Brad, absolutely right They made it look easy and he hits the P a T.

  • So just over three minutes remaining in the third quarter, Illinois 10 do seven.

  • Get this one off.

  • Not a real big pick should be returned.

  • Number six takes it up four ways.

  • We'll go to work at the 20 Illinois lines up defensively in a 34 drops back to pass.

  • He's looking for his man number 82.

  • Makes a cat.

  • Wilson will take down 36 yard.

  • Not a bad play.

  • They're not at all in this.

  • White House.

  • Could continue to make plays like this, allowing them to spread the ball around.

  • This office is gonna be tough to stop.

  • Birthday booth.

  • Boilermaker.

  • Come out in a shotgun, he unloads it swatted away.

  • Not a good decision here by the quarterback throwing into coverage, so it's second in town ball on their own.

  • 36 Boilermakers come out in the ace formation.

  • Number 18 gives up.

  • The middle been moved.

  • Park brings him down at the 44 8 yard gain.

  • It's third down and two to go.

  • All in the 44 yard line.

  • They line up in the jumbo set.

  • Let's go and he's taken down and get the first down.

  • That is unbelievable.

  • Wow.

  • Kurt, this quarterback showing some big time nerves out there.

  • Third long.

  • It's just like I first intended this guy.

  • You're right.

  • A lot of poise from this young man.

  • It's first in 10 ball on the 41.

  • The Boilermakers line up with too tight end on the ground up the middle, and he's tackled at the 37 yard halfback runs for four yards.

  • 2nd 6 Coming up here.

  • This is the sixth play of this.

  • Drives Mo alone in the backfield for 18.

  • Dropped the throw.

  • He steps up, He's looking.

  • Let's go, Davis drops it.

  • It's third down and six to go.

  • This is 1/7 play of this dr.

  • Finding a line on bringing the nickel package Maxi pad.

  • He rifles into the lab and it's caught 10 way.

  • Great call.

  • The quarterback knew he had a matchup that he wanted, and he took advantage of that receiver.

  • Wait anti tax on the extra point.

  • Just over a minute to go here in the third quarter and store do 14.

  • Illinois.

  • I do ready to kick this one off Morton and Louis back, ready to return, and they will be returning for Morton Field nine.

  • That way, we'll get the ball here at 21.

  • Remain front defensively, Ward back to pass.

  • He throws it in complete pack in the direction of his white out.

  • There was no way that his receiver could have gotten to that.

  • So it's second in Tan Booth on the inside and down ago at the 33 yard line, and the fullback comes up with a nice run.

  • This is just strength on strength right here.

  • They give to the fullback, and he powers his way for some good yardage and another first down, its first in 10 ball on their own 33.

  • Illinois comes to the line.

  • Only one man in the back booth drop back to pass.

  • He passes it.

  • Lewis hangs on to it on a nice catch, bythe, first of all, right around midfield, lines up with the receiver Philip will take down at the 48 yard line.

  • Pick up of a yard for the tailback.

  • 2nd 9 Coming up here all on the 48 yard line, her do comes out in a 34 steps up, lets it fly complete.

  • Johnson brings him down at 28 a nice pass to the tight end.

  • Yeah, this is what I like.

  • Move the ball down the field.

  • Use that nice and steady intermediate passing game.

  • And that's the end of the third quarter.

  • Our score in this one.

  • Purdue 14 Illinois 10.

  • And we're ready for the start of the fourth quarter.

  • It's burst in 10 ball in the 28 yard line.

  • That's up in the eye.

  • Back to pass under pressure.

  • Throws it out there.

  • Makes a catch in the end zone.

  • Touchdown.

  • They went deep there and did they have good luck with it?

  • I'll say that was a great touchdown catch by.

  • The wide receiver had some trouble defending that one.

  • Hey, this is just a great play by the offense.

  • Brad.

  • Watch that delivery.

  • It doesn't get much better than that, and he hits the Ph D way.

  • Kick Harris and number six to return Harris.

  • Field it.

  • In the end, we'll start this drive at 20 to Purdue.

  • Comes to the line on the one man in the back to you.

  • They'll throw the flag breaks.

  • One brought down 32 yard line first, a long fall in the 13 yard line.

  • Four wide play action.

  • He's looking for his man and God.

  • He's taken down to the O 2nd 13 ball in the 19 yard line, fighting a line I line up with six defensive back under pressure.

  • Complete Number 14 would take down at the 31 yard line.

  • Ah, good.

  • Pick up on the play action pass.

  • It's third down in the yard for the first down ball on their own.

  • 31.

  • They'll use a 44 defense year.

  • Number 18 isn't up the middle.

  • Number 93 brings him down with 34 yard line.

  • He didn't get much, but he got enough for the first.

  • Well, that's really all they wanted.

  • There was to pick up the first down and get a fresh set of downs.

  • Continue to move downfield first and 10 ball on their own.

  • 34 Illinois lines up defensively in a 43 rows with warning Number 33 with the take down at the 43 yard line.

  • That's a good nine yard gain.

  • It's second down and one to go ball in their own 43.

  • Illinois going with a three man front.

  • He dropped back steps up in the pocket and they couldn't hook up on that one.

  • Loathe down in the yard for the first down six play of this dr coming up their crime.

  • That line of scrimmage Farm number 42 brings him down at the 49 yard line, and a tailback picks up the first half.

  • But here's a plate.

  • It's not gonna make the highlight reel, but it's so important to this offense.

  • You're absolutely right, Kurt.

  • This offense is all about working your way down the field first in 10 7 play of this dr coming up, finding a line I bring in their dime package.

  • There was a deep downfield and it's caught.

  • He's at the way he could provide some excitement.

  • Sure can.

  • And the thing that makes this place successful is the fact that he's on the same page with his quarterback.

  • Sometimes you see wide receivers that don't have their heads in the game and they make stupid mistakes.

  • You're right.

  • Then they complain about not getting the ball with it's first intent.

  • The threatening inside the 20 move binds up is a single back back to pass.

  • Here comes the pressure, David.

  • That's a two yard loss.

  • Back to pass.

  • He steps up.

  • He unloads it.

  • Complete school, that touchdown worth seeing again.

  • He runs a good clean, their quarterback anti tax on the extra point.

  • So under three minutes to go in the fourth quarter and the score it do 21 Illinois 17 do lines up for the kick off Lewis and Morten back.

  • Your return kicks it off Morton with five.

  • We'll take over at 30 to Paris, alone in the back booth, Middle East of the 14 crosses midfield.

  • They'll bring it down 44 that one goes for a big, big first down.

  • You know, every time you run the ball successful like that, the defense starts to keep up a little bit.

  • That's when you go to the air.

  • My friend Ward.

  • Back to throw number 40 with the take down at the 42 he gained a couple of yards on the Keeper.

  • He dropped back, steps up.

  • He lets it go and it's caught and he's tackled at 27 and the defense got burned on the blitz that time steps back to pass.

  • Let's go, Turner bats it down in an outstanding play defensively.

  • Yeah, he timed it perfectly and managed to get a hand in there to deflect the ball away.

  • Second booth.

  • Roger brings him down at 16.

  • Monster run there by the fullback.

  • You're right, Brad.

  • That was a scary run for this defense coach.

  • Scary big guy up.

  • You can't allow the fullback to run wild like that on your defense.

  • He throws it.

  • He's got it.

  • Touchdown tight, and this guy can play some football.

  • You bet he can.

  • He's such an all around player.

  • He's just a good and blocking as years of catching the football.

  • And he hits the P A T with just over two minutes remaining in the fourth quarter.

  • Our store.

  • Illinois 24 Purdue 21 Illinois kick this one on Harris and number six set to return to Paris Field.

  • But in the end zone, we'll go to work.

  • At 24 they'll bring in their dime package back to pass.

  • He passes it and it's incomplete.

  • Wait, so it's second in 10 ball on their own.

  • 24.

  • Illinois comes out defensively with six defensive back.

  • He dropped back, lets it fly and that one's fallen in complete.

  • Boy, would he like to have that one back?

  • Yeah, you're right.

  • This offense relies so much on timing, and as you saw there, when their time it gets knocked off, they have a tough time connecting on plays like this.

  • It's third down and 10 ball in the 24 yard line.

  • Number 18 as five receivers lined up here, Number 18 drops back.

  • Looks.

  • He's gonna try.

  • Scramble.

  • It falls incomplete, put down in 10 while on their own.

  • 24 her do in a five wide set.

  • Number 18.

  • Drop to throw morality with not much of a chance that we have to go to a point where there's not much time left and you gotta put it all on the line.

  • Get the ball here at 29 43 Defense.

  • Wrestle him down in the backfield.

  • Do takes a time out and they've got two remaining.

  • It's second down and tend to go ball of 29.

  • Finding a line a line up in a split back set, Eric runs a counter number nine with the take down at the 24 Purdue calls a time out, and now we've only got one remaining.

  • It's third down and five to go All in.

  • 24 Boilermakers come out in a 43 back to pass.

  • Throws it out there and they couldn't look up on that.

  • One.

  • Could have been a huge guys while quarterback had a wide open receiver.

  • He needs to be able to make that throw better, regroup and get ready for that next play forth and five coming up here wall in the 24 yard line.

  • They're gonna try a long field goal here.

  • The kick is up and it is good, and that was not an easy thing to make it from 60 yards further.

  • Illinois lines up for the kick off.

  • He kicks it off and he got all number six field in ends up tackle.

  • It's first in 10 ball in the 20 yard line.

  • Number 18 minds up with five wideouts back to pass, and they make the stop.

  • At 22.

  • He gained a couple of yards on the keeper.

  • Number 18 drops back to pass, complete nothing, doing tackles for loss on the play.

  • That's a loss of about five number 18 back to pass.

  • He's looking for his man.

  • It's dropped about that.

  • He's got to come up with that catch here.

  • You're right, coach.

  • This is a catch that has to be made.

  • There's really no excuse for dropping that ball forth and 13 ball in the 17 boilermaker.

  • Line up with five receiver looking, and that one's fallen in complete, and they're gonna have to give the ball back after going for it on fourth and long.

  • How much you can do there?

  • You gotta go for it and give yourselves a chance.

  • We'll start this drive at the 17 yard line who do comes out in a 43 for dude takes a time out, and that was 1/3 and final time out.

  • Second down, 12 ball in 19 yard line for three defense.

  • It's third down and 14 to go all in the 21 hair.

  • It lines up in a neat back formation, 13 yard nice game there, but not enough for the first.

  • I don't think they're too concerned with getting the first down at this point.

  • The game.

  • Otherwise, they would have thrown for it, and that's the end of the game.

  • Any final thoughts on this one?

  • Coach?

  • I really enjoy watching these two teams Duke it out.

  • Illinois is a really fun bunch of guys to watch.

  • This is a good looking football program.

  • Folks next were tuning into this game.

  • Our final score.

  • Illinois 27 per do, 21.

  • Our thanks go out to everyone here a t e a sports.

two teams set to do battle here in West Lafayette, Indiana, is cold, and it is raining here for tonight's game between Illinois finding a Line I and the Purdue Boilermakers here.

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