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  • all right, so we've got a later case update.

  • It's actually pretty exciting.

  • It's been a crazy has been a wild ride.

  • To be honest, it's quite a process.

  • Well, first of all to produce a case, but then also to kind of manage with the launch and shipping and responding on social media and just the logistics of of actually making it happen.

  • So many people have already purchased the case.

  • It's kind of amazing it actually to look at it and realize and see people in a real world out there that are tweeting at me, using some version of the later case, it's Ah, it's a different type of experience from just publishing videos.

  • It's been a cool thing to be a part of up until this point and, ah, big component in the launch.

  • A big reason in a motivation for going into this in the first place was around availability and so the voting mechanism was put into the website right from the jump so that you guys could actually influence what the next later cases were going to be.

  • Under the assumption that the list of available cases was going to grow over time, as the company and the volume was able to scale up.

  • Now the good news here is that it already has.

  • Well, we've already seen people purchasing the cases as expected, for the more popular devices that have that's now enabled us to go out and actually very quickly, rapidly developed for thes new skews as well.

  • The popular new one plus devices, which were the most requested, in fact, this one in the middle, the one plus seven pro the most requested and voted for.

  • If your device is still unsupported, that is where you should go.

  • Because obviously, as you can tell, we're paying close attention to what people are voting for.

  • And it does influence the product's going forward and were able to adapt fairly rapidly if the demand happens to be there.

  • So in the middle, here is the one plus seven Pro later case.

  • Yes, it looks a lot like the existing case thief First party case that one plus makes.

  • But there are some modifications, so all show you will do a quick comparison here.

  • The one plus seven Pro first party case is actually really difficult to get your hands on if you don't get one at launch out of stalking the U.

  • K out of stock in Canada believe they're out of stock in the U.

  • S.

  • So nothing against one plus, that's where this one comes in.

  • But then there's more to the story as well.

  • As you can probably tell on the one plus case you have.

  • Ah, really large cut out in the center.

  • It does leave a fair amount of space around the camera module, and it also just brings the same cut out down below the flash module.

  • So just one big cut out, and then you've also got one plus logo up until this point with later case.

  • I'm not a huge fan of logos and on this version, a dedicated laser cut out for the flash independent off the camera module and to bring the ranch all the way into the edge.

  • As you can see there of the camera and actually sit a little higher than the camera itself when the case is laying on a table, it's actually laying on the Kevlar material.

  • And, of course, this gives you more coverage as well.

  • Just because of how tight the cutout is, there's less opportunity for dust particles of things to actually sneak in there, wedge in there and live in there.

  • And then the other elements from from the other cases is carried over as well.

  • With the super easiest is one of the nicest and easiest to remove cases of the entire lineup.

  • Now, these air heading into production.

  • But they're not at the warehouse yet, so the volume is going to be limited.

  • And if you are interested in one of these, you can actually head over and hit the pre order right now.

  • The other thing, I should mention as well oh, pre order for delivery at the end of January.

  • So you're not gonna have to wait that long.

  • It's actually the development process is fairly far along.

  • The other thing, I should mention, if you head over to the website is there has been a price adjustment.

  • So that's good news.

  • It was part of the agenda to bring the price down to make it as accessible as possible.

  • We did a part time promotion at $35 then it went back to the original $45.

  • But as the volume has increased, I was able to re evaluate that the popularity of the case and so many people supporting the case that we've now been able to discount it again toe $39.

  • So it's sitting there at $39 for this pre order, but also for the entire inventory right now, moving a lot.

  • We got another new case for the 70 and I'll just jump right into the comparison there.

  • This is a pretty simple case.

  • The agenda here was to give a little bit of camera protection.

  • So this ramp comes up and extends beyond the glass portion of the camera module and on the first party version because he'd leave some space around the camera.

  • The ramp is not a significant.

  • It's just a different option, a different choice.

  • So in one plus land that now gives you support for the 17 theseventy pro and, of course, the seven pro.

  • Okay, now the next part we're talking about Holloway devices actually supporting three of those give a shout out to everybody involved right now, to be able to have this kind of turnaround to be able to support this many devices, which, as I said, was the original motivation for me.

  • Support here is P 30 p 30 pro and made 30 pro.

  • I understand it's not every single skew from them, but these are the popular ones.

  • Get the cut outs as tight as possible.

  • I kind of like how this ramp moves along year ever so smoothly.

  • It's one of the benefits of working with this particular material.

  • Working with Kevlar.

  • This one is also interesting what you'll see on this particular one.

  • The ramp actually moves up this way first, so there's a ramp up to the camera unit there, and then it extends ever so slightly past camera unit as well.

  • Pops off like that pops on these channels here that allow you to have that really easy on and off.

  • This means later.

  • Case supports 20 different skews 20 different smartphone models.

  • It always bugged me that the good accessories on Lee existed for that limited set of devices.

  • But it's it's already crazy to say that that makes 20 smartphones supported by later case.

  • Thanks so much to everybody that's been supporting up until this point, and I'm listening.

  • We're paying attention to what you're saying.

  • That's the price point coming down that's the new devices being supported as rapidly as possible showed it to everybody working on this as well.

  • It's much appreciates, not easy.

  • I'm telling you, customer service and shipping and tracking and doing it globally, man, it's a whole new perspective for me.

  • It's not easy, but it's been rewarding and it's very interesting to me.

  • And I promise you, I'm in this going forward, so we're going to continue to refine and support more devices.

  • So go vote if you haven't yet, and if you have one of these phones, go pick up a case.

all right, so we've got a later case update.

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