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  • I don't ever wanna welcome to another video.

  • And what is another episode of Sunday Tech Talk?

  • The show where we talk about tech on a Sunday that I know.

  • We're not just talking about any tech.

  • We're talking about your tech.

  • I feel if I say tech anymore, it's going to start to sound like one of those made up words.

  • Anyway, I instagram at our ji in.

  • Actually, I asked you guys to send me pictures of your gaming rigs along with the detailed specifications so that I could review them in a video and perhaps give you any advice as to some of the upgrade you might want to make.

  • I thought it would be interesting just to see what you guys are using on a daily basis as well.

  • I've got to be honest that this wasn't my idea.

  • A guy named Connor on Instagram damned me and said, Could you turn this into a month of the Siri's?

  • So I thought I'd do the 1st 1 today, considering I got a ton of requests on dhe.

  • We go from there, see how well it's received on dhe.

  • If you guys like it, we'll do one perhaps every month or so.

  • First, though, let's quickly talk about rising because with the imminent launch of the 3000 serious chips, the previous generation CPUs are falling in price.

  • In fact, here on Amazon UK of since and great deals on even the top end 2000 Siri's processes.

  • So if you're looking at doing the gaming PC at the moment, perhaps wait and see some of the reviews of the rising 3000 Siri's chips.

  • But just know that the previous generation ones are going to be very competitively priced even more so now than they have ever been.

  • So just bear that in mind when making a decision as to which process that you're going to pick up next.

  • I thought mentioned that because I've seen the prices off old horizons dropping almost on a daily basis this past week.

  • So that's something to look out for if you're looking at building a PC right now, but without the way, let's move on to the main segment of this video roasting your bill.

  • It's not roasting reviewing, so let's kick things off with this system from Christian is here.

  • He sent me the picture, but unfortunately forgot to include a description, all the specifications, which is probably for the best after I saw this.

  • Now I'm not quite sure what's going on here, but it's probably best that the explanation waas left out.

  • It looks like the power cable has been taped into place or the top of the case has been taped down.

  • It looks like a little bit of a harness for the P S U cable, which seems to suggest that maybe it's loose in the socket, in which case you're probably gonna want a new cable or a new power supply to avoid any unwanted fires.

  • Now it should be okay.

  • That's certainly a unique way of keeping your PS.

  • You cable in place, though, so I'd like to apologize if I pronounce any of your names wrong.

  • Classic case of this will be this guy home with the user name K.

  • Understood, Understood, Understood, understood, understood, Understood.

  • E r j m.

  • Thank you for your submission.

  • I like what you've done here.

  • You said yourself It's a classic case of grabbing only a machine and stick a low power GPU.

  • Inside we've got the eye 3 41 56 gigs of daily are three Onda gt 7 10 which is bottleneck in the whole system.

  • Your own words, not mine.

  • And the 300 what?

  • 80 plus bronze ps you that somehow hasn't exploded yet.

  • You wanted me to roast your system, but you've done a pretty good job over resting it yourself.

  • You've also got the GPU fan tied to the graphics card with string a very inventive solution on.

  • Believe me, you're not the only one who has done that as will be moving on to in a second overall, I'm always a fan of this idea buying an alien machine, sticking a cheap GPU inside.

  • As you said, the GT 7 10 is probably gonna be holding you back.

  • But it's a nice, cheap set up that should be ableto handle some lower end and less intensive games.

  • Quite well.

  • If you do want a place and newer titles, consider upgrading to maybe a 10 30 a little bit down the line on installing eight gigs of DDR three Ram Instead.

  • Cobalt first sent me a picture of his PC and he sort of incorporated a similar solution.

  • He said.

  • The found controller on the GPU stopped working.

  • So what you've done here is rigged up to case fans to the graphics card.

  • I'm not sure how good of a job that's going to do it courting your GP you.

  • But if it works well, it works, and I cannot fault it's something I'll probably have to try myself.

  • The specs include on FX 6300 and DRI Tex 9 80 the FX is gonna be holding you back in a lot more than titles there.

  • Even an ethics 83 20 would probably give you some issues when paired with that card.

  • Um, but aside from that, you got eight gigs of DDR three memory that's still okay.

  • And overall, the system, I think, looks pretty good.

  • So yeah, very inventive submission there.

  • Good job.

  • So next that we have a submission from Louis Weeble or Rebel, forgive me again for the pronunciation there on old school system, by the looks of things with an interesting back story to go along with it.

  • So let's take a look at a few screen shots here.

  • That is a pretty nice looking retro set up.

  • I love the retro Riggs.

  • We've got a slot one Pentium two really old school here, overcooked to 750 megahertz for 450 megahertz.

  • 768 megabytes of RAM on FX 5200 from in video, along with a 20 year old DVD drive.

  • Absolutely love it.

  • This is my rectory gaining root, which I ended up building with free spare parts.

  • However, it did end up costing a trip, accident and emergency.

  • As when I was removing a bracket to fit a replacement floppy drive.

  • It sliced my little finger open to the bone, which caused permanent nerve damage.

  • Those old cases, man.

  • Brutal.

  • Anyway, love the channel.

  • Thank you.

  • Work for Intel.

  • So it's great seeing someone experiment with everything, especially with stuff from C E.

  • X.

  • That is an amazing retro rig.

  • Louis or Louis again.

  • Forgive me.

  • I'm sorry about your finger.

  • That is certainly one of the most interesting back stories I've ever read in regards to a PC.

  • Build that one.

  • Wasn't a picture of a PC at all.

  • Okay, give me pay.

  • It wasn't pc.

  • Do not send me pictures.

  • Oh, Moving swiftly on here.

  • We have one from yes, sins.

  • 0 40 arising.

  • Five.

  • It's sis's system with eight gigs of 2133 megahertz.

  • Ram.

  • He said he bought the round because round was stupidly overpriced when he bought it.

  • And that's all he could fool, which is a perfectly reasonable excuse.

  • I remember back in 2017 our mining thing.

  • Was it 2018 on RAM?

  • Prices would just ridiculous.

  • In fact, prices of everything We're ridiculous.

  • I knew a lot of friends that switch to console gaming because upgrading their PC would've cost double the amount for half the performance than an Xbox one X, for example.

  • We've also got a 79 70 in here, on which he said he sold implants.

  • What grade?

  • That's still a very nice car and a course a t x 6 50 m the very power supply I still used in my rig behind me here.

  • He's also painted an AMG logo with his initials on the case.

  • Let's see if we can find that there it is a side.

  • They're very nice custom paint job there.

  • Next up, we've got a very green system from MD underscored deejay Underscore looks pretty good.

  • One thing I would advise immediately would be to turn that CPU call around.

  • You've got the fan pointing.

  • What I would say is the wrong way, which isn't going to be doing a fantastic job airflow, and you probably want a fan at the back of the case as well.

  • Turn the CPU caller around to the fans, hear something in the blocks behind it and then have a case fan behind that wall.

  • And although I recognize the case, I think that's a C.

  • I.

  • T.

  • Seven case.

  • It always has a different name, but they're cheap and they're pretty sturdy.

  • The hard drive I've noticed is held down with blue tack again, a very innovative solution here.

  • But I understand that because it's mounted at the bottom, trying to screw it in from underneath can be an absolute nightmare.

  • So that's a pretty decent solution.

  • I wish I thought of myself.

  • The specs, including 5 24 100 still a pretty decent budget seat for you in our 7 to 50 on dhe A 750.

  • What black ps you from C I t.

  • Now those c I t p s use are ok for low powered systems will be fine with that are 7 to 50 on the I five in there.

  • But should you want to upgrade that graphics card, then you're gonna want to upgrade the P S U as well, because I can't speak too much for the reliability of C I t.

  • P s use.

  • I just know that they're not considered very good.

  • So if you want a little bit about great advice of side from turning their CPU cooler and found around putting a rear case fan in there, I'd say upgrade the power supply and upgrade the graphics card when your budget allows for it.

  • Because you should see a nice performance boost in a lot off newer games.

  • Next up, we have a very clean looking set up from Spencer Grew his PC includes and I 7 26 100 non K at 4.4 gigahertz said 68 Extreme three motherboard, eight gigs off 1600 megahertz DDR three and a six.

  • Gig 10 60.

  • You've also said that you're using a generic del cable.

  • Don't worry about it.

  • I'm using generic Del Mouse.

  • You can see that I've been using it for months.

  • My gaming mass broke and I meant to buy a new one, and I just never got around to it.

  • There's a there's a little secret for you have been using this £5 Dell OptiPlex mouse for the last a few months, and it's it's that absolutely fine.

  • It's probably the reason I suck so much at CS go.

  • But there you go, you're not alone and I've just got a text message that's probably ruined the audio on that recording, but I don't care.

  • It's OK.

  • OK, so what I have noticed that is that, like a few other people, you've decided thio implement a custom solution of some sort here.

  • That would go against the advice of many PC building professionals, but the fan seems to be held on with a couple of wires or something.

  • But some of those little they called them little metal cables, cable, tie sort things.

  • That's probably the word I'm looking for.

  • It's a unique solution, but I can't complain.

  • You know, it seems to be doing a good job.

  • If your PC staying at nice temperatures and you've lost the little brackets that hold the fan on the heat sink.

  • What can you do?

  • It's a good custom solution, and it saves you buying another heat sink fan combo.

  • All in all, a pretty nice combo.

  • The ice 6 27 100 I've got that completely messed up, I said in 2600 with 10 60 is still a nice 10 80 p 60 f ps combination, and I think that's a pretty sleek looking white Silverstone case there as well, because of the damage percent in Is Alien were here.

  • Very nice system, I think, is just showing off a nice 7 8700 with aji ticks, 10 80 t I and 16 Gigs of Ram.

  • Of course, that's an absolute beast.

  • You guys do love your custom modifications, though, because it seems that we have a hard drive duct taped to the bottom as well.

  • They said he was really striving for five terabytes of storage on.

  • That was the only way.

  • It seems he could fit it in the case by taping it to the bottom of the enclosure again.

  • If it works, it works.

  • I cannot fought it right, Max, Scoot 10.

  • We need to have a few words he starts off with.

  • Hello.

  • I'm going to send you my gaming Rick for the video on Dhe.

  • It seems we've got an impostor amongst the ranks here.