Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles Hi, I’m John Green, This is Crash Course World History and today we’re going to talk about World War II. Finally, a war with some color film! So, here at Crash Course we try to make history reasonably entertaining, and fortunately, World War II was hilarious… ...said no one ever. Mr. Green, Mr. Green! Is this, like, gonna be one of the unfunny ones where you build to the big melodramatic conclusion about how I have to imagine the world more complexly? Me from the Past, as long as you have that eighth rate soup-strainer, I’m not even going to acknowledge your existence. [BEST] [intro music] [intro music] [intro music] [intro music] [intro music] [EVER] Right, so you’ve probably heard a lot about World War II from movies and books, [for better or Bay-- Pearl Harbor] The History Channel, before it decided that Swamp People were History, the incessant droning of your grandparents, etc. We’re not gonna try to give you a detailed synopsis of the war today. Instead, we’re going to try to give a bit of perspective on how the most destructive war in human history happened, and why it still matters globally. So one of the reasons history classes tend to be really into wars is that they’re easy to put on tests. They start on one day and they end on another day. And they’re caused by social, political, and economic conditions that can be examined in a multiple choice kind of manner. Except, not really. Like, when did World War II start? In September 1939, when the Nazis invaded Poland? I’d say no— it actually started when Japan invaded Manchuria in 1931, or at the very latest when the Japanese invaded China in 1937, because they didn’t stop fighting until 1945. Then again, you could also argue 1933, when Hitler took power, or 1941, when America started fighting. It’s complicated. But anyway, in China the fighting was very brutal, as exemplified by the infamous rape of Nanking, which featured the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Chinese people and is still so controversial today that 1. It affects relations between Japan & China and 2. Even though I have not described it in detail, you can rest assured that there will be angry comments about my use of the word “slaughter.” But the World War II we know the most about from movies and TV is primarily the war in the European theater, the one that Adolf Hitler started. Hitler is the rare individual who really did make history—- specifically he made it worse—- and if he hadn’t existed, [read: if Evil Baby Orphanage did exist] it’s very unlikely that World War II would’ve ever happened. But he did exist, and after coming to power in 1933, with the standard revolutionary promises to return the homeland to its former glory, infused with quite a bit of paranoia and anti-Semitism, Germany saw rapid remilitarization and eventually, inevitably, war. In the beginning, it was characterized by a new style of combat made possible by the mechanized technology of tanks, airplanes, and especially, trucks. This was the Blitzkrieg, a devastating tactic combining quick movement of troops, tanks, and massive use of air power to support infantry movements. And in the very early years of the war, it was extremely effective. The Nazis were able to roll over Poland, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, and then all of France, all within about 9 months between the fall of 1939 and the summer of 1940. So after knocking out most of central Europe, the Nazis set their sights on Great Britain, but they didn’t invaded the island, choosing instead to attack it with massive air strikes. [Whovians will recall "The Empty Child"] I mean, you look at this poster and think, “Man, the queen wants me to finish my term paper, so I can do it” but when this poster was first produced in 1939, it was to quell terror in the face of bombardment. The Battle of Britain was a duel between the Royal Air Force and the Luftwaffe, and while the RAF denied the Nazis total control of British airspace, the Nazis were still able to bomb Great Britain over and over again in what’s known as the Blitz. STAN, NO. NO JOKES this time. Yes, the Blitz. Meanwhile, Europeans were also fighting each other in North Africa. The Desert campaigns started in 1940 and lasted through 1942— this is where British general “Monty” Montgomery outfoxed German general Irwin “the Desert Fox” Rommel. It’s also the place where Americans first fought Nazis in large numbers. But most importantly, it’s where Indiana Jones discovered the Ark of the Covenant. [and, there it is] Okay, let’s go to the Thought Bubble. 1941 was a big year for World War II. First, the Nazis invaded Russia, breaking a non-aggression pact that the two powers had signed in 1939. This hugely escalated the war, and also made allies of the most powerful capitalist countries and the most powerful communist one, an alliance that would stand the test of time and never end until like three seconds after the defeat of the Nazis. The Nazi invasion of Russia opened the war up on the so-called Eastern Front, although if you were Russian, it was the Western Front, [you're really blowing my mind, man] and it led to millions of deaths, mostly Russian. Also, 1941 saw a day that would "live in infamy" when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, hoping that such an audacious attack would frighten the United States into staying neutral, which was a pretty stupid gamble because 1. The U.S. was already giving massive aid to the Allies and was hardly neutral and 2. The United States is not exactly famed for its pacifism or political neutrality. 1941 also saw Japan invading much of Southeast Asia, which made Australia and New Zealand understandably nervous. As part of the British commonwealth, they were already involved in the war, but now they could fight the Japanese closer to home. And shut up about how I never talk about you Australians. I just gave you 1.5 sentences. [John's nothing if not a giver] But by the time the Americans and Australians started fighting the Japanese, it was already a World War. Sometimes this meant fighting or starving or being bombed; other times, it meant production for the war— you don’t think of Argentina as being a World War II powerhouse, for instance, but they were vital to the Allies, supplying 40% of British meat during World War II. Thanks, Thought Bubble. [seriously. that was pretty awesome] So, not to sound jingoistic [n. extreme patriotism in the form of a belligerent foreign policy] [you're welcome] but the entry of the U.S. into the war really did change everything, although I doubt the Nazis could’ve taken Russia regardless. No one conquers Russia in the wintertime, unless you are— wait for it— [you know they always are] --the Mongols. [Oh Mongoltage! So beloved, your bellowing brass, blaring a bray of baned brutality] Okay, we’re going to skip most of the big battles of 1942— like the Battle of Midway, which effectively ended Japan’s chance of winning the war— and focus on the Battle of Stalingrad. The German attack on Stalingrad, now known as Volgograd because Stalin sucks, was one of the bloodiest battles in the history of war, with more than two million dead. The Germans began by dropping more than 1,000 tons of bombs on Stalingrad, and then the Russians responded by “hugging” the Germans, staying as close to their front lines as possible so that German air support would kill Germans and Russians alike. This kind of worked, although the Germans still took most of the city. But then, a Soviet counterattack left the sixth army of the Nazis completely cut off. And after that, due partly to Hitler’s overreaching megalomania and partly to lots of people being scared of him, the sixth army slowly froze and starved to death before finally surrendering. Of the 91,000 Axis POWs from Stalingrad, only about 6,000 ever returned home. Stalingrad turned the war in Europe and by 1944, the American strategy of “island hopping” in the Pacific was taking GIs closer and closer to Japan. Rome was liberated in June by Americans and Canadians; and the successful British, Canadian, and American D-Day invasion of Normandy was the beginning of the end for the Nazis. Oh, it’s time for the Open Letter? [jovially jaunts w/o gyration to jumpoff] An Open Letter to Canada. [this should be interesting] But first, let’s see what’s in the secret compartment today. Oh, it’s Canadian mittens.