Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles I'm getting ready to go in and do a meeting for my sales team They're on the phone every day. They think I'm going in there talk about sales I'm going in there talk about money because if you don't have your money, right if you're not thinking about money correctly. Guess what? You're never gonna make a sale. You're never gonna push through the objections and the barriers and the hang-ups and Everything that goes on the sales a disappointing job. It's a tough job. It's a crazy job. It's like being an actor Okay, why would anybody be an actor after they go on 100 auditions? Nobody ever picks them and they're like I'm done. The only reason you want to do that is because you want to be a superstar Okay guys, so this is what I want to do. I want to talk to you about money today not sales If you don't get the money, right, you're not gonna make the sale period okay million dollars a million dollars Peter Thiel 2.8 billion dollar Peter Thiel said the single-digit millionaire You know what? That means god with $1,000,000 or 2 or 3 or 4? Cannot even provide his family with proper defense legal defense in America much less much less Emergencies divorces, you know major lawsuits business lawsuits issues happening to kids going to college So what he's saying is this ok, it become a very very controversial article because he's like rich dude Scratching fingers on the chalkboard, this slides. Okay, he's saying hey man, if you got a million dollars, you're basically just a freakin deadbeat And that your daddy didn't tell you that your daddy's like oh man a million dollars a million dollars you and the money So what I want to do is I just want to, I'm gonna show you today how to get through all this rejection and disappointment Discouragements the hangups, you got to change the way you look at money. This is not money right here. Okay This is not money. This is just dumbness This is you not make a decision This is you being lazy saying man a million dollars Then I'd be set just do the math on a million dollars. I did this when I was 34 years old million dollars if you didn't have any more income and you were How old are you? 27 years old and you didn't have any income a million dollars a Million dollars. What does that say right there? Oh no income, zero income You're 27 years old. I'm gonna do this at 47. I'm gonna do it at It's 65 Okay, 27 you don't have any more income how long would that money last if four thousand dollars a month You got 25 years Where can you live on four thousand dollars a month by the way four thousand a month assumes No other income social security systems broken Medicare is broken because they are already it's just a matter of when probably gonna happen in most of your lifetimes You'd have to live on four thousand dollars a month for 25 years. You will be 52 years old my friend and dead broke Okay, four grand a month, four grand a mounth is is is what thousand bucks a week You're spending probably $900 a month on groceries 20 what's your rent? 3,000 You got like 12 years left and you're a millionaire. Everybody's like, oh my god, the iconic millionaire. You're wealthy You're not wealthy dude, you're worried is what you are. Okay, because you don't have new income So so watch what happens what if what happens if there's an accident a major car accident? Are you married? Okay married kids Okay, the two kids will cost a million five each to get through college So you're busted you understand. So when you come to work in the morning, you're like man I need to make 80 grand this year I need to make eight thousand or ten thousand you guys got to change or think on money Like if you want to make real money if you're 47 years old you have until 62 to live if you're 65 years old by the way, and Anything bad happens like anything you lose a job. You lose your income If there's any inflation this this equation right here doesn't assume any inflation assumes everything stays the same in this rent never goes up It's car payments. No gold. Nothing goes up. It's impossible. It's an impossible cycle the problem is nobody talks about this because nobody wants to go on TV and say hey millionaires are basically middle-class people that are worried about money So when I did the math at 33 years old, I'm like do I need a lot of money? This is where the whole 10x concept comes up from. All right Hey, man, what if what if it took 10 million, by the way, I think that's the number CNBC says it's 5 million I think the numbers really 10 million ok, 10 million with no new income You could probably live The life you wanted to so how would you get that if that's the number cuz this is clearly not the number Everybody agree with that by the way, if you make 40 grand a year for the next 25 years You're gonna make a million dollars anyway. You're gonna make the money if you make $80,000 a year every time you double this you cut the years this takes to twelve and a half years if you make $160,000 a year it takes you six years right or you could just go make a million bucks in a year So you got to do the math if you hadn't done the math if you're going for the wrong target I'm always talking about targets in here. Do you you and the husband you and the wife need to get the target, right? We're talking about. Oh, man. I love this new car You you I'm gonna go buy a new car like Sisler will go by imma get a new car, dude Your attention needs to be on this. This is the target. It's not the watch. It's not the car and it's not the vacation It's freedom 67% of wealthy people's surveyed said they weren't going for wealth for cars and boats and trips they were going for the freedom of Worry to not be concerned about money every day. I want to be concerned about my kids I want to be concerned about you know, what we do when we're when we have time together I want to be concerned about how happy I am in my marriage. I don't want to be worried about Pieces of paper that I don't have enough of or where it's going or what things cost That's why you're making these phone calls. Okay, so now what's the target? Because if you're just in here making phone calls saying hey, I'm gonna make I'm gonna make a call I'm gonna make a close. All you're gonna do is get me rich I'm already rich okay now and I started with zero just so you guys know I didn't have anything so when you're sitting there on the phone thinking How am I gonna get to there you can but you need to stay focused. Okay? So number one thing you got to do is this you've got to change the target and you need to look at the target daily The target you have the wrong target right now, if you're struggling you have the wrong target When you change the target everything changes? Right so that when I'm talking to a guy You're contributing to my 10 million every person I've ever sold I treated like an investor this guy is going to invest in my future. He's gonna pay for my college. He's gonna buy my shoes Every time I'm on the phone Somebody's paying for my shit right, so if I want to go on a trip I want to go on a trip and I want to stay in a house that cost 25 grand a night Other people paid for that that's other people's money So you don't need to wait to be a bank to get other people's money Right, the money that I put in real estate that is other people's money. I'm putting in real estate People I had a guy yesterday say man. How can you put 60 million in a deal dude a mine? Say what do you mean raising on? No, no, dude I went and sold stuff people gave me money and I put it in the real estate Which is part of this equation number one the target number two, you need to get your income to a place This is a fascinating concept right here. Okay, you can do this I guarantee you'll be rich you need to get your income not to what pays your bills but to where you can say 40% of your gross income is saved Okay, you want to talk about something difficult this is way more difficult than that if you can do this You will get that All right, so when you sit down and do the math what would it take for you to say 40% of your income So watch what happens? if you make $10,000 a month and You want to say 40,000 of it you would pay yourself. First. The government doesn't let you do that. They don't trust you They're like no no get that money from him first before he blows it. We know he's going to blow it okay, we know the IRS is gonna take they're gonna withhold probably 44,000 of it. So look if you'll pay the freakin IRS four grand of ten You need to figure out how to pay yourself for gram. What's the problem here? You got a live one two So just keep doing the math. Now. This is the math you need to do with your spouse You need to keep working it out until you're like he's like, let's go buy a new car Yeah, we ain't got any money for a new car. That's why when I was 35 years old No one knew that I was a millionaire Nothing had changed. I was still running with shit shoes, you know buying $40 shoes and and and working a shirt out as long as I could and like Nobody saw I didn't have fancy cars. I'm driving a Camry but a million bucks in the bank Because because I was using this, okay, I paid the IRS. I've always paid those bastards All right, and then what I did was I'm like I'm a bank four grand and then I realized yeah I can't live I can't live on two It's make it's making my life hard to do this this money, by the way, a better a better word for saving is storage I was storing storing money not saving money. I'm storing it. I'm stockpiling if you like that word better. You don't want to save money It's worthless. It's like saving a legal pad a legal pad is only good if you use it Money is only good if you use it, you haven't how many heard this term cash is king. It's worthless cash is worthless It's not a king It's no king, dude Like like cash is not king cash is shit It just sits there and dies Are you losing if you if you leave money in this storage account too long? Guarantee you it will disappear it always has in your life. If you look back over your life the longer this money sits in storage Pablo Escobar will see the drug King. That was his biggest problem mold bugs somebody steal it rats You don't want to you don't want to leave it in storage too long because it's going to zero all cash goes to zero All right. So now now when you do this math you like dude, how much money do I actually need? Let's kick this up to 20 grand at 20 grand what happens? You're saving 8 storage you're paying 8 and Now you can live on four. See? Now his is the right way to do a budget You make 30,000 twelve is going to storage twelve is going to the I, R and the S and At leaves you at six. So now you can start seeing you got to be somewhere north to 300 grand a year This is what they don't teach you at Harvard you got to be somewhere north to 360 a year before you even have money to live on unless you're just You know your Trek you're just the irresponsible human being that that's You know not putting stored money away for the future Okay. Now you're saving 12 grand a month. That's 144 thousand dollars in one year in 10 years That's 1.4 million dollars in ten years. You're a millionaire stored Okay. So second thing to do you got to you got to you got to keep playing this 40 percent game Todd you need to work with your guys on: "dude, here's your money yet?" Not on what the call is not on what the script is not on what the handle the objection you need all that But do you need the driver here? You guys need to be heavily money motivated from a survival standpoint. Okay number three thing You're