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  • It's a fish with an eye and a mouth!

  • [Kids Try]

  • [Chinese New Year's Food]

  • Hello!

  • What's going on, you guys?

  • Um, wait, what'd you ask?

  • Do you know why I brought you all here today?

  • Chinese New Year!

  • Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.

  • Knew it!

  • I'm a rabbit.

  • What does that mean?

  • Oh, uh, I think it has something to do with, like, the month that, like, each month that you were born.

  • Okay, so Ethan's talking about something called the Chinese Zodiac.

  • I have no idea what I am.

  • I'm the water dragon.

  • So, do you guys know what Chinese New Year is?

  • It's like a new year, but for Chinese?

  • Well, I guess, like, there's no fireworks, but you do have bigger dinners.

  • Obviously, there's, like, the best Chinese food, and you just get together with friends and family, so, yeah.

  • Do you celebrate Chinese New Year, Ethan?

  • Yeah, I do.

  • It's all about removing the old and welcoming the new.

  • That's sad.

  • Why is that sad?

  • Because, like, everything old goes bye-bye and into the dust, and you're like, "See ya!".

  • Can we get to the food already?

  • -Yeah! - Ooh, I'd love to.

  • Does anybody know how to say close your eyes in Mandarin?

  • (speaking Chinese)

  • (gibberish)

  • That sounded close to me!

  • Close your eyes!

  • -Smells good! -It smells so good.

  • - Mm. - I wanna open my eyes.

  • I love, I love that.

  • The first dish I'm going to introduce are the dumplings.

  • Yum!

  • Grab a dumpling, put it on your plate.

  • A dumpling.

  • Mm, I like this stuff.

  • They should, like, make a chocolate outside layer and then put chocolate, like, pudding in it and stuff.

  • Okay, I gotta steal one dumpling.

  • Sorry, you guys.

  • -No, No, you can't! -Our territory!

  • We're gonna move on to this next dish, which I want you guys to try, which are the Longevity Noodles, also known as "Chang Shou Mian."

  • Ethan, am I pronouncing that right or not at all?

  • Mm, well, for the accent, not at all.

  • Um, no offense, but, um, I've never heard of them, so.

  • I swallowed it whole.

  • GG, what are you doing?

  • Ah.

  • You know how we were talking about the Chinese Zodiac earlier?

  • -Yeah. -Yeah.

  • So, this year is the gonna be the Year of the Rat.

  • I saw a red raccoon once.

  • Not the same.

  • In honor of the Year of the Rat, we are going to release ten rats into the studio.

  • What?!

  • No, no, no, no!

  • Do it, do it, do it!

  • Okay, okay, I'm not gonna do that.

  • Chill, chill.

  • I wouldn't do that.

  • I wanna do it.

  • Let's move on to the next dish, which is the steamed fish.

  • Ow!

  • Okay.

  • But it's a fish with an eye and a mouth!

  • -We're not gonna eat -Oh, you're gonna eat it, all right.

  • No, no, we are not.

  • So, at the same time.

  • -Okay. -Everyone!

  • -One, two, three. - Three.

  • It's disgusting.

  • It's bitter.

  • But, hey, we shouldn't say, like, really, really disgusting, because people eat this.

  • I know, I said no offense, it's kinda disgusting.

  • All right, we're gonna move on to the next dish, which is in those little cups.

  • It's called "Nian Gao."

  • Oh, I know what that is.

  • Ethan, am I saying that right?

  • Yeah, except for the accent.

  • "Nian Gao."

  • [Gibberish]

  • How do you dig into this?

  • It's, like, a little sweet, it's not sour.

  • -Like really sticky Jell-O. - Yeah, yeah. -Like the stickiest Jell-O you ever had.

  • How do I get this off?

  • Get off.

  • Get off!

  • We're gonna move on to the last thing on the table.

  • Now, let's all take an orange from the bottom.

  • Timber!

  • I have one last thing to give you guys.

  • I'm gonna guess, um, ice cream?

  • And open your eyes.

  • Oh, I know what these are.

  • In Chinese, we call them "Hong Bao."

  • This is "Hong Bao," like Ethan said, or known as Red Pockets, sometimes.

  • And they're full of lucky money to give to kids.

  • It's a one-dollar bill.

  • Okay, is that not enough for you, Clara?

  • It's one dollar!

  • You put it together, it's only, like, four dollars.

  • Take my little money(s).

  • What was your favorite part of Chinese New Year, you guys?

  • Eating food!

  • But which food?

  • Definitely not that.

  • -Dumplings! -Dumplings!

  • Do you wanna teach everybody how to say good-bye in Mandarin?

  • - Um, (speaks Chinese)

  • That's five in Chinese.

  • If you didn't know.

It's a fish with an eye and a mouth!

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