Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:04,740 Welcome to Excel Basics Number 1. This is the first video in a series of Excel Basic Videos 1 to 25. Now, in this first video, we're going to talk about the Excel Grid, Formatting, Formulas, Cell References, and Page Setup. Now, this is a continuation of my Office 2016 video series. This is video number 13 in that series. Now, here's our list of topics. And there are a lot of amazing topics. Even just this one first video will give you a lot of basic skills to accomplish tasks in Excel. Now, this is our goal. We're actually going to create a grade sheet-- names, assignments, numbers, and then formulas for average, total, and even percentage grade. All right. I'm going to close this. And here's our system of folders. And of course, now that we're on to Excel, we're going to be saving all of our files to 04 Excel. Now let's open up a blank Excel workbook. I'm going to click on the green x. Now, just as in Word and PowerPoint, the blank workbook is highlighted. I can either click with my mouse, hit Enter, or use the Escape key. And here's our blank workbook. The very first thing we do is we look up to the title bar. Book 1 is not a good name, so we use our keyboard for save as-- F12. Now, we're going to navigate to our folder. And there it is-- 04 Excel. We're going to click down in the file name and we're going to call this EB for Excel Basics 01 dash-- and this is going to be a Gradebook. There's our name. The file extension by default in Excel is dot xlsx, and that's fine for us. I'm either going to click Save or hit Enter to enact that Save button. Now, I want to zoom in, but, of course, just like int Word and PowerPoint, instead of using our Zoom bar down on the status bar, I want to hold Control and roll my wheel. Now, the first thing we need to talk about is the structure of Excel. Notice up at the top, I hover my cursor-- DEF. If I click on the E, that's a column. Columns are represented by letters. If I go over to the rows-- 2, 3, 4 5, and click on 6, numbers represent the rows. Now, the reason that's so important is because the intersection of a column and a row is called a cell. Now, the name of that cell is E6. We can actually see the name of this cell by looking up. This is called the formula bar. And all the way on the left in the formula bar, if you hover your cursor, is the name box. We can see that that cell is named E6. So the column is the letter. The row is the number. And I can click in any cell-- click there, and I know it's G6. Now, the reason that knowing letters are columns, numbers are rows, is because later, we'll have to refer to our cell in formulas. And knowing that E is the column and 6 is the row will be very helpful. So if that's a cell and these are all cells, then all the cells together make up what's called a Worksheet. Now, we call them sheet for short. Now, notice the little plus right there. Sometimes we need new sheets. We might need one for January, February, March. You can simply click the plus, and there's a new sheet inserted. Now I can click back between the sheets. I'm going to click on sheet 1. Now, these are called Sheet Tabs. Click back on Sheet 1. Sheet 1 is not a good name for our sheet tab. So to rename our sheet in the sheet tab, we simply double click. Now we can name this-- I'm going to name it GradebookFall17. Now, if I come up to the ribbons and try to use something, everything is grayed out. That's because-- just like over in Windows Explorer-- we have to hit Enter to register that name. So I hit Enter. Now column, row, cell, sheet. That's called a Worksheet tab. All of the Worksheets together make up what's called a Workbook. And a Workbook has a name. The name of our Workbook is EB01 Gradebook. So this is called a Workbook file. Now, the next thing we want to talk about before we start entering data and numbers and formulas is just something very basic. Hey, this cursor right here-- that white thick cursor with a black shadow-- it's called the selection cursor, and here is why. If I click in the middle of a cell and hold the click and drag-- oh, look at that. I can select or highlight cells. So this is the selection cursor. Now I'm going to select cell A1. There's two other cursors we want to learn about in this video. If I hover right at the edge, that's called a move cursor. Now, most of the time, the move cursor will get us in trouble. But we need to know the difference between selection, move, and-- right in the lower right-hand corner, that little green box-- that's called a Fill Handle. If you move your selection cursor or move cursor right over the Fill Handle, you'll see a crosshair. Now, I like to call it-- instead of a crosshair, I like to call it an Angry Rabbit. Now, we'll learn a lot of amazing tricks that we can do-- not with our selection, not with our move, but with our Angry Rabbit cursor. Those three cursors, we'll see in this video. Hey, let's use our selection cursor. Oh, we already have cell A1 selected. I'm going to type something. I'm going to type Data. Now, to put something in the cell-- whether it's text, number, a formula-- you have a number of different options. If you want to put the thing in the cell and move the cursor down, you use the Enter key. If, on the other hand-- I'm going to select the cell. And remember, just like Word, if we have a word selected and I want to replace it, I do not need to hit the Delete key. I simply start typing. I'm going to type Name. Now we have something in the cell, and we do not want to hit Enter to put it in and move our cursor down. Because we want to enter data across the columns, I want to put the thing in the cell and move my cursor to the right by hitting the Tab key. Now, we're going to fill this out later with student names, but we need quiz 1, quiz 2, quiz 3, and then test 1, test 2, test 3. So in cell B1, I'm going to type quiz space 1. Now, instead of using Enter to put the thing in the cell and go down or tab to go to the right, I actually want to put the thing in the cell and keep the cell selected. So to do that, we use Control Enter. Now, if you remember back to Word, we used Control Enter a lot for page break. But we're going to use Control Enter even more over here in Excel because a lot of times we want to put something in the cell and keep the cell selected. Now the reason we want the cell selected is we might want to add formatting. Or in our case, we want to copy it. Now, remember, that little thing on the lower right hand corner is called a Fill Handle. And if you move your cursor over the Fill Handle, that's the Angry Rabbit. Now click-- that's a left click-- and drag.