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  • Hey, it's Marie Forleo and you are watching MarieTV, the place to be to create a business

  • and life you love.

  • You know, if you've ever been in a position where people have told you that you don't

  • have what it takes to go for your dreams, this episode is a must-watch.

  • Amanda LaCount is a professional hip-hop dancer, choreographer, actress, singer, model, influencer

  • and body positivity advocate whose videos have received over 70 million views.

  • Amanda has her own movement #BreakingTheStereotype, which promotes body positivity and the belief

  • that any body can be a dancer.

  • She's been on The Ellen Show, Dancing with the Stars, The Voice, and alongside Meghan

  • Trainor on The Radio Disney Music Awards.

  • She has choreographed and danced for Ryan Blythe's “Raise a Glassmusic video,

  • appeared in Katy Perry's “Swish Swishmusic video and helmed her own national dance

  • tour Amanda LaCount Live.

  • Amanda, thank you so much for being here.

  • Yeah, of course.

  • I am very excited.

  • We are excited to have you.

  • Obviously, I stalked you for awhile on Instagram.

  • You are so inspiring.

  • I love your dancing and I loved our connection.

  • I'm thrilled that you're here.

  • I would love you to take us back to the beginning.

  • When did you start dancing?

  • I started dancing when I was two, so pretty much like my whole life I've been dancing.

  • Do you feel like...

  • When you look back, whether it's video or images, like did you just kind of pop out.

  • I remember when I was a kid I see old home videos of like spoons and like moving in my

  • diaper.

  • What that kind of like how you were?

  • I think, yes.

  • But, there's one picture I have, I think I was like a year and a half, like very little,

  • and I had big sunglasses on and I was like posing.

  • I look at that picture and I'm like, "Oh."

  • I didn't know I was going to be a dancer but I knew I was going to be a star, something

  • in the entertainment industry because I love being the center of attention, I guess, even

  • when I was a year old.

  • So, I read that part of what inspired you was seeing your sisters on stage?

  • Tell me about that.

  • So, I have six siblings, so big family.

  • My two older sisters they were into dancing.

  • I would always go to class with them but I wasn't dancing with them.

  • I'd be looking through the window and I would just be bouncing up and down.

  • My mom would see that.

  • I think she just realized that I really wanted to be in there with them.

  • She enrolled me in like the combo classes, the ballet, tap, jazz, and I've been taking

  • class ever since.

  • Yeah, so you knew it.

  • So you felt it.

  • Once you got in there it was like, "This is my life's passion."

  • Definitely.

  • So, I also read that one of your earliest teachers shared that you have this ability

  • to memorize choreography fast.

  • I'm so curious because, as I shared with you when we were DMing back and forth, I started

  • my dance journey...

  • I never took a class until I was 25 which, as you know, very, very late for the dance

  • world.

  • One of the things I used to beat myself up about was because I couldn't memorize choreography

  • fast.

  • I have a feeling it's very different for you.

  • Yeah.

  • It's not something you can kind of...

  • You can practice it but it's either like you have it or you really have to work on it.

  • Luckily for me I kind of have always just been really good at memorizing choreography.

  • One year, actually, I was maybe like 10 or 11, or maybe even younger, I had 17 numbers

  • in one show.

  • I memorized them so easily and that's when people were like, "Okay, that's like not normal.

  • I don't know how you're memorizing that much," because my sister who was in the same recital

  • was freaking out over having five routines.

  • I was like, "That's nothing.

  • That's nothing.”

  • She was like freaking out.

  • I've kind of always just always had that ability to memorize really quickly.

  • That's so cool.

  • So, when you're in a class is it almost like you see the teacher do the moves and it just

  • feels like it downloads like it's so...

  • Not quite like that.

  • I think what happens is...

  • I mean, after I do it like two or three times I have it, but really helps is when they play

  • the music, because then when I hear the music with the steps it just like connects and matches,

  • and now every time I hear the music I think of those steps.

  • Interesting.

  • So, it's not like I can forget the step if the song's playing.

  • It's weird.

  • Yeah.

  • Once I hear the steps with the music it like clicks.

  • Interesting.

  • Okay, so something happened quite significant when you were about 10.

  • Tell us what you experienced.

  • When I was about 10 years old this certain studio director in Colorado where I'm from

  • he begged me to come to his studio, like begged me because he had seen me perform at competitions

  • and stuff like that.

  • The dance world in Colorado is pretty small, so everyone knows each other.

  • We see each other all the time.

  • He begged me to come to his studio.

  • My mom and I were like, "Okay, we'll give him a chance."

  • Like why not.

  • I had an amazing year.

  • I won this, this, this, whatever.

  • It doesn't matter about that but I did really good that year.

  • He asked to have a meeting with my mom and I. I don't know about my mom, but personally

  • I thought it was going to be a check in type of meeting.

  • "Oh, you did this this year and this is where I see you going next year, and things like

  • that."

  • But, that was not the case, and he sat down with my mom and I and he goes, "Hey, I'm sorry

  • but Amanda's body type just doesn't fit my vision for my team," and kicked me off my

  • team.

  • Oh, off my team, and kicked me off his team.

  • I was...

  • People always ask me like how I felt in the moment and, yes, I was sad but I was more

  • like shocked that he even said that, that came out of his mouth.

  • I was like, "I did nothing to deserve this.

  • I worked so hard.

  • I did so good and he's kicking me off just because I don't have the right look, I guess,

  • to be a member of his team."

  • It was very hard to hear that, obviously, because that was kind of my first experience

  • of someone telling me that like my body isn't right for dance, like face-to-face.

  • It was really hard to hear that from someone that I kind of looked up to.

  • I was training with him for a whole year.

  • I mean we got pretty close, and to hear that from almost a friend was like, "Whoa."

  • Really devastating?

  • Yeah, definitely.

  • But, I left, obviously, and my mom encouraged me to keep going.

  • It was hard.

  • I wanted to stop at some point, stop dancing.

  • Close in, like was it close to that experience?

  • Do you feel like if you wanted to stop dancing it was because of that comment?

  • Yeah.

  • It was like if he thinks this then is everyone going to think this?

  • Is it even worth me investing my time and effort and all this if no one's going to give

  • me a chance?

  • It was like, "Do I try or should I try to find something else?"

  • Tell me about that exploration in yourself at 10 or 10-1/2.

  • How did you...

  • Because anyone of us, anyone watching, if someone said that, or something similar, to

  • you at that tender age about your dream, or even as an adult.

  • If you're in your 30s or your 40s or your 50s, and someone who you trust, who you've

  • worked with, comes in and has a comment like that, any one of us would understandably pull

  • back.

  • Yeah.

  • What turned it for you where you were like, "mm-mm"?

  • I think it turned from me being like devastated and feeling so down and bad and all that to

  • me feeling like confident.

  • I think it was just I realized...

  • There was like a switch in my brain that went from like, "Oh, my god, I'm terrible.

  • I should stop dancing," to "Oh wait, no he said that but I want to show him that I can

  • do it."

  • So I don't know what happened like in my head but just one day I think it just like clicked

  • for me and I realized, "Wait, I can't let him just like make me stop dancing.

  • This is what I love to do.

  • It's the only passion I've ever had."

  • So, it's like, "I can't just stop because one person that doesn't even matter said that."

  • Yes.

  • So you kept going.

  • You've also shared this.

  • You've said, "The media tells us that if you aren't skinny you aren't beautiful.

  • This is especially true in dance where the underlying stereotype that is to be a dancer

  • you must be tall and skinny and Caucasian."

  • You were told by many people, peers, parents of peers, dance teachers, studio owners, strangers,

  • even Richard Simmons, that you were too fat to be a dancer.

  • "But I am here and I've proved them wrong."

  • You're so dedicated.

  • You work so hard.

  • I think for any of us, no matter how much we believe in ourselves to consistently hear

  • hurtful words, it's tough.

  • How, at this stage you're at now, where you've had success, you're building your success,

  • you are such a role model.

  • How do you respond, whether it's in person or even on social media when people have hurtful

  • comments, or do you just move past them at this point?

  • Most of the time I don't answer, just because the reason they're doing that is for the attention,

  • so I try really hard no matter how bad it is not to answer.

  • But, every once in a while if I see something I'll comment back but not as like an attack

  • to them.

  • I'm never like mean and like, "Oh, my gosh, how dare you."

  • I never go that route.

  • If I do comment it's always a witty comment or like a funny comment.

  • So, for example, someone put, "Oh we all all no one's ever going to book her."

  • I was like, "You're right, only Katy Perry, Meghan Trainer and Ellen."

  • That's what I said.

  • I love comments like that because it's not like I'm attacking them or their character

  • or anything like it.

  • It's just like, "Well, you're kind of wrong."

  • It's just like, "Um, well..."

  • Factual, and you're responding through your own heart and through the hard work and the

  • success you're creating.

  • Yeah, so make sure you know your facts before you try to come for someone.

  • This is why I love you so much.

  • So, following your dreams no matter who you are takes tremendous dedication.

  • Tell me about when you guys were still living in Colorado and you and your mom would take

  • these 16 hour round trips to L.A. every weekend.

  • What were you doing and what was that for?

  • So, when I was about 12-13, I want to say, so two years after the incident with the one

  • guy happened, there was a dance crew called Latin Flava, and my mom was going through

  • Instagram and saw that.

  • She was like, "Oh, Amanda would be perfect for this."

  • I don't think she realized that...

  • Like this is weird but she sent the producer my videos and my resume that had nothing on

  • it, like nothing.

  • It was recital 2010.

  • I was like, "Oh my god."

  • That is not a resume.

  • I don't know how she had so much confidence but she sent in my stuff and was like, "Hey,

  • my daughter would be a great asset to your crew," or whatever.

  • This crew had some of the best kid dancers.

  • They had Kaycee Rice and Jordyn Jones and Lexee Smith.

  • These were all big kid dancers at the time.

  • Then she's sending me, like this nobody from a small town in Colorado.

  • I was like, "Okay, Mom, sure send it in.

  • Whatever."

  • But, the producer actually came back to us, and she messaged us and said, "Hey, I love

  • your daughter.

  • I would love for you guys to come out and rehearse and perform with us."

  • I was like, "Oh, my god."

  • Me and my mom I actually have a memory.

  • We were in the kitchen and we playedCelebrateand we were dancing and we were like, "Whoo,"

  • because we were just so excited that I get like an opportunity in L.A., because that's

  • a big deal.

  • But, the rehearsals were every weekend, and sometimes we had performances, too, every

  • weekend.

  • We would drive 16 hours each way, so 16 hours to California and then 16 hours back.

  • And, I was not home-schooled.

  • Many people think I was home-schooled.

  • I've never been home-schooled in my entire life, and I just graduated last year.

  • Wow.

  • I've always been in...

  • Well, I was in private school til sixth grade, but after that I was in public school the

  • rest of the way.

  • It was very hard trying to manage homework, and then dancer teams, and then practicing,

  • and then a social life...

  • A 16-hour each way commute.

  • It just speaks to your dedication, and it speaks to your passion, and also your beautiful

  • mom.

  • Yes, oh my god, she is so supportive.

  • She would like do anything just to get me on a stage for one performance.

  • She would do anything.

  • Well, she loves you so much and it's clear because you're so talented at what you do.

  • Let's talk about...

  • I also love...

  • Actually, I want to put on this for your mom for a minute.

  • I love that she said, "If you ever got a big head that she would take you right back home."

  • Yeah, she says that all the time because being in L.A. so many people get one big break and

  • they think like they're the best dancer to walk on the Earth.

  • I'm like, "Okay, where were you a year ago?"

  • I'm like, "You were nothing a year ago," and then all of a sudden it just like switches

  • in their head and they think that they're a celebrity now.

  • I'm like, "Okay, like you need to bring that right back down."

  • I'm like, "No, no, that's not cute.

  • It's not a good look, and no one's ever going to book you if you're like a mean or rude

  • or egotistical person."

  • It doesn't matter how talented you are because they're 800 more dancers that are just as

  • good or better than you.

  • It's like you have to be a nice, humble person that's easy to work with and people get along

  • with easily or else you're never going to make it.

  • She always says that if I ever get cocky, or start bragging, or anything like that she's

  • just going to drive me right back home.

  • That's good momming for you.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • Let's talk about social media for a bit.

  • I think both of us share something in common.

  • We have a little bit of a love-hate relationship with it.

  • It's amazing, because that's where I found you, and we can connect with so many beautiful

  • people doing incredible things and find inspiration.

  • Then, of course, there's some tough stuff on there, as well.

  • How have you found it, or if there are any practices that have helped you have a healthy

  • relationship as a creative, as a performer, as someone really putting yourself out there...

  • By the way, just want to also say, every time you share pictures and posts you bring so

  • much joy to my feed.

  • Aw, thank you.

  • Yeah, really truly.

  • I would say that social media is like a love-hate relationship, because I love it because it's

  • given me a platform to like inspire so many people that I would never have been able to

  • even like connect with had it not been for social media.

  • So that's the amazing thing about it is that you can connect with people from literally

  • anywhere.

  • I think that's so amazing.

  • But, the negative is, I think for me at least, people are so quick to comment on social media

  • because there's not like a real consequence.

  • It's like they can like respond back, or whatever, but it's not like it's going to really hurt

  • you, or change your life in any way, so they're like, "Oh, I'll just comment.

  • It doesn't matter blah, blah, blah."

  • But, I don't think they realize how much that could like hurt someone.

  • Even just reading a message, if it's bad about you it hurts a lot.

  • I don't care what anybody says it affects you.

  • No matter how big you are, no matter how successful you are it still affects you because it just

  • hurts to have someone like tear you down like that, no matter how big you are or how successful.

  • But, as far as like staying positive with the comments, I always try to think like,

  • yes, social media there's a negative side of it, but the positive is so much bigger

  • and more important than the negative.

  • So it's like, yeah, I'll get hate comments, whatever, telling me I should stop dancing,

  • blah, blah, blah.

  • But then like the one comment that's like, "You inspired me," or like "I took a class

  • today because I saw your video," or something like that it's like that's worth the 10 hate

  • comments.

  • Like, whatever I don't care.

  • You have such a great perspective on that.

  • You kind of have to look at the positives.

  • You are reaching a lot of people and inspiring them.

  • Let's talk about in November a really big milestone for you.

  • So, you are on the cover of Dance Spirit magazine.

  • Tell us about that experience and what it meant.

  • Yeah, so Dance Spirit magazine is probably the biggest dance magazine in the country.

  • It's huge.

  • They've had the best dancers, obviously, on the cover.

  • I mean, Brian Friedman, like the biggest people in the dance industry on the cover.

  • Actually last year it was a goal of mine to just be mentioned in the magazine.

  • I literally wrote it down, "Just to have my name in Dance Spirit magazine."

  • I'm going to pause you for one minute because we talk about this a lot, the power of writing

  • down your dreams, the power of just writing it down so it's real.

  • Okay, go on.

  • Definitely.

  • My mom...

  • I was actually in dance class at my school and my mom came into the dance class.

  • I was like, "Oh, my god, what are you doing?"

  • I was like embarrassed.

  • I was like, "What is happening right now?

  • Why are you here?"

  • Because it's not like we have parents coming into our class every day.

  • That's weird.

  • She pulled me out.

  • At first I was like, "Am I in trouble?"

  • I was like, "What did I do?

  • I don't think I did anything."

  • She pulled me outside.

  • She's like, "Yeah, so I was just wondering if you want to like go to New York and shoot

  • a Dance Spirit cover for them Monday?"

  • I literally fell to the floor, like fell to the floor and just balling my eyes out.

  • I was like, "Oh, my god."

  • Just because like that's so crazy, because five years ago I would read these magazines

  • and I thought they were so cool, and the people on the cover were like celebrities to me.

  • I was like, "Oh, my gosh."

  • Then to realize that I'm going to be on the cover, like be one of those people it was

  • like full circle.

  • Also, I mean they've had maybe like two size 8s on the cover but never someone like my

  • size, so it was really cool to kind of be one of the first dancers, or one of the first

  • plus size people to be the cover of a dance magazine.

  • It's like, "athletes" or like...

  • Yes.

  • Things like that because, obviously, people think automatically if you're not skinny then

  • you're unhealthy and if blah, blah, blah you're skinny then you're fit, which is

  • It's not the case.

  • It's not the case at all.

  • Speak to that, please.

  • Let me hear your passion about that.

  • Yeah, because people always see me and they're like, "Oh, you need to eat healthier.

  • You need to go on a diet.

  • You need to exercise more."

  • I'm like, "Okay, well clearly you are new to my Instagram, because I dance every single

  • day for hours and hours."

  • I eat...

  • I'm a very healthy eater actually and people never think that.

  • They're like, "Yeah, you eat McDonald's every day."

  • I'm like, "No, that's not the case.

  • I eat very healthy and I exercise all the time.

  • It's just the way my body is.

  • I can't really do anything else.

  • I'm healthy.

  • I went to the doctor.

  • I'm completely fine.

  • People are still always going to have their opinion but I know that I'm healthy and...

  • And, you're a badass.

  • The first time I saw you dance I literally sat back in my chair and I was like, "She

  • is so fierce.

  • I love her."

  • That's all I can say.

  • So, let's talk about your hashtag, which I love, #BreakingTheStereotype.

  • What does that mean?

  • Yeah, BreakingTheStereotype is pretty self-explanatory, but it's all about kind of being different

  • and showing people that you don't have to fit in to be successful.

  • I've said a billion times, "People always tell me I'm too big, or I'm too fat to be

  • a dancer.

  • I'm not skinny enough," or things like that.

  • But, I've proven them wrong.

  • All the things I've gotten to do.

  • I just got back from performing at Coachella with Lizzo which is...

  • Which was amazing.

  • Thank you.

  • Which is a huge deal.

  • I mean dancers like dream of performing at Coachella with artists.

  • I'm only 18 years old.

  • Yes.

  • So, that's like pretty cool.

  • So, I created #BreakingTheStereotype to kind of inspire people to do things that they never

  • would think that they would be able to do.

  • I don't really know what else to say, but it's all about inspiring people.

  • I love it.

  • I love it, because I feel like so many of us hold ourselves back, because we're so afraid

  • of what other people could say, or even the mean voice in our own minds that says, "We're

  • too young.

  • We're too old.

  • We're too skinny.

  • We're too fat.

  • We're too black.

  • We're too white."

  • We're too something and can't do our dreams.

  • I love, love, love that you take such a strong stand for all of us breaking the stereotype.

  • You've been on a lot of incredible stages lately.

  • You've been doing some really cool things.

  • Any lessons that you've learned for yourself as a performer from doing things with Katy

  • Perry, from doing things with Lizzo, anywhere?

  • Yeah, as far as performing, I would say...

  • I don't know if this is really to do with like performing but something I've learned

  • throughout like my career performing and dancing with artists and things like that is, and

  • this actually goes more for like the audition part of it, is that performance is always

  • more important than like technique.

  • No one's watching the show and being like, "Oh, my god, her leg wasn't straight," or

  • whatever.

  • No one cares.

  • They're like, "Oh, she didn't go on the right count."

  • Who is in the audience thinking that?

  • I feel like dancers over-think that way too much.

  • Like, I've gone into auditions before and like messed up so badly, like badly, but I

  • was performing and I was having a good time and I've made them like feel something.

  • I either made them happy, or something like that.

  • They gave me the job because I was performing.

  • If you're in the audience they just want to see someone performing and having a good time.

  • They don't care about the dance.

  • You could stand there but if you're like having fun they don't care.

  • I love this lesson, because I feel like it's applicable to so many people in our audience

  • no matter what we're doing.

  • It's like in our minds we can strive for this perfection and trying to get it right.

  • But, when you see a being being themselves, having fun, emoting, having that energy it

  • makes you feel something and that's what we all want to feel.

  • I love that.

  • So, one of the things that you say, and I want to wrap with this.

  • I think this is so awesome, we're going to make it our Tweetable.

  • "If you love it, do it.

  • It's as simple as that."

  • So, for the folks watching, and we have folks all different ages, from 195 countries, all

  • kind of things.

  • What would you say to them about following their dreams?

  • Yeah, I would just say that people always tend to be like, "Oh, I wish I could do this

  • but this, this, this, and but this, this this."

  • It's like never let yourself get to the buts.

  • Just be like, "I want to do this, period," and then just do it.

  • I don't get why they don't do it.

  • That's not really fair.

  • I get it, it's scary.

  • It's scary to put yourself...

  • I love it.

  • Yes, yes, yes.

  • I don't want to make it sound like it's so easy, just like do whatever you want, but

  • that's kind of just what you have to do.

  • Of course it's going to be scary, and nerve-wracking and like, "Oh my gosh, but what if this happens?"

  • So, at least you tried.

  • At least you like gave it a shot.

  • I'd rather like do something I love and then kind of embarrass myself than like not do

  • it and just regret not doing it.

  • I am with you all the way, girl.

  • I embarrass myself on a daily basis.

  • Me, too.

  • All the time.

  • All the time.

  • Amanda, thank you so much for being here today.

  • So, before you leave I'm curious if we can do a little bit of dancing?

  • Would you be cool with that?

  • Oh yeah.

  • Oh yeah, Baby.

  • All right, we're going to change and we're going to get our dancing on.

  • All right, everybody, so Amanda and I are here and she's going to teach us, us, like

  • I'm going to be doing it, y'all going to be laughing at me.

  • It sounds silly, but she's going to be the one teaching us a couple of eight counts.

  • We're going to try it a few times and then we'll rehearse it, and then we're going to

  • try and dance it.

  • So, do it with me.

  • Amanda, take it away, Mama.

  • Yeah, don't be scared.

  • It's not that bad.

  • I'm not going to like sabotage you.

  • Okay, so start off, you're going to jump on your right foot.

  • Come together.

  • Same thing to the left.

  • Jump.

  • Together.

  • You're going to cross your feet.

  • Arms down.

  • To turn around yourself, arms go up above your head and then you squat down.

  • Let's do that one more time.

  • So, we go right.

  • Together.

  • Left.

  • Together.

  • Cross.

  • Turn.

  • Up.

  • Down.

  • Yeah.

  • Work.

  • Go on.

  • Okay.

  • So, we just did up, down.

  • You're going to step on your left foot and do a hop.

  • Hop where your arms are crossing right in front of left.

  • Then you're going to do the same thing on the right.

  • Arms go down and you step to the left, do a little baby circle.

  • Same thing to the right.

  • Right.

  • Baby circle.

  • Let's stop there for a little bit.

  • It might be a lot but I promise you you'll get it.

  • So from the beginning, we go right, together.

  • Left, together.

  • Cross, turn, up, down.

  • Hop on the left, and right, and left, roll, right, roll.

  • Yeah, I can't see you but I bet you're doing great.

  • So, from the top we go, five, six, seven, eight.

  • Right and left and cross.

  • Turn, up, down.

  • Left and right and step, circle, step, circle.

  • Yeah.

  • Are you having fun?

  • I having so much fun.

  • I love it.

  • As long as you're having fun you're doing the dance right.

  • Okay, so let's go on a little bit.

  • It's not too hard.

  • So, we just did left, around, right, around.

  • You're going to step to the left facing the right side.

  • You're arms go back, then you circle around.

  • Then, you're going to do the same thing on the left but a little bit quicker.

  • Left, around.

  • Then you're going to step on the left, as your left arm goes up, and you do a small

  • body roll.

  • Then same thing on the right.

  • Yeah.

  • Then after that you'll only have one more eight count.

  • That's it.

  • It's not too long, it's not hard, just a fun little dance that we wanted to do.

  • So, we just did left, from the new part, right, and we go back, around, and back, around,

  • left, right.

  • Yeah, good job.

  • Yay.

  • Okay, let's put all that together from the top and then I'll add the last little eight

  • count on it and then we're done.

  • Okay, so here we go, five, six, seven eight.

  • Right, together, left, together, cross, turn, up, down.

  • Left, and right, and left, around, right, around.

  • Back, and circle, and back, circle, left, right.

  • Yeah.

  • We're doing it.

  • We're doing it, guys.

  • I'm going to add the last eight count on and then we'll do it a few times from the top

  • and then we'll try out some music.

  • Okay, so we just did left, right.

  • You're going to go around to the left, so you're going to go down and do a left head

  • roll, and then last two steps you're going to go right knee in and left knee in.

  • That's like a, "Oh, I'm cool."

  • Make a little groove.

  • That's the end of the routine.

  • Yay.

  • It's so much fun.

  • Now, if we could just all get it in our heads, but we're going to do it several more times.

  • We'll do it more times, don't worry.

  • We'll do it together with you and remember this is a video so you can rewind it and try

  • it again.

  • I'm teaching this pretty fast so feel free to rewind as many times as you like.

  • But, from the top we go five, six, seven, eight.

  • Right, together, left, together, cross, turn, up, down.

  • And, left, and right, and left, around, right, around, to the back, and around, back, around,

  • left, right, and circle, and down, and knee...

  • Whoo. ...and knee.

  • Oh she's going too full out.

  • I was.

  • I'm a full out it.

  • Okay, let's do it two more times like that without music and then I'll show you guys

  • with the music.

  • Okay, five, six, seven, eight.

  • Right, together, left, together, cross, turn, up, down.

  • And left, and right, left, around, right, around, to the back, and around, back, around,

  • left, right, and circle, down, knee, and knee.

  • Yeah.

  • Okay.

  • I think you're ready for music.

  • Yes.

  • We could do music.

  • Amanda is so.

  • This is why I love her, she's so happening.

  • I'm not that confident but we're going to do it because it's fun.

  • One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.

  • Whoo.

  • Yes.

  • Yes.

  • That was really good for your first time, though.

  • It's my first time.

  • Not bad!

  • No, that was really good.

  • We had fun.

  • We're going to do it again.

  • Let's do it like two more times.

  • Seven, eight.

  • Yeah.

  • Whoo.

  • We're doing it.

  • We're doing it.

  • She's so good.

  • All right, we're going to do it again.

  • Amanda's going to go full.

  • I'm just trying to keep y'all, and you guys are doing great at home.

  • So, if you're moving at all that's a win.

  • Right.

  • If you're trying at all...

  • If you're even trying this I applaud.

  • It's a win.

  • It's a win.

  • Want to go for it again?

  • Yeah, one more time.

  • Okay.

  • And five, six, seven, eight.

  • Yeah.

  • Yes.

  • Whoo.

  • All right, now.

  • You guys got to see the pro do it by herself.

  • She's going to kill it.

  • I'm going to leave for a second.

  • Five, six, seven, eight.

  • Come on.

  • Yeah.

  • Come on.

  • Is she not amazing?

  • Oh, my god, I adore you.

  • Anyway, for all you guys...

  • Amanda, first of all thank you so much...

  • Of course.

  • ...for taking the time to be here to teach us.

  • Hopefully we're going to do more dancing in the future.

  • Where can people find you if they want to follow your beautiful journey?

  • You can find me ... Pretty much all my social medias are Amanda LaCount, Amanda L-A-C-O-U-N-T.

  • Yeah, I hope I find you guys on my page.

  • Yes.

  • All right you guys.

  • Well, that was tons of fun.

  • Now, Amanda and I talked about it a lot, we also danced, but we're really curious out

  • of all the conversation we had today, what's the biggest insight that you're taking away

  • and, most importantly, how can you put that insight into action starting right now.

  • Leave a comment below and let us know.

  • Now, as always the best conversations happen over at, so go there and leave

  • a comment now.

  • And, while you're there be sure to subscribe to our email list and become an MF Insider.

  • You're going to get instant access to an audio I created called, How to Get Anything You

  • Want, plus some exclusive content, special giveaways and personal updates from me that

  • I just don't share anywhere else.

  • Stay on your game and keep going for your dreams, because the world really does need

  • that special gift that only you have.

  • Thank you so much for watching.

  • We'll catch you next time on MarieTV.

  • Hey, you having trouble bringing your dreams to life?

  • Well, guess what the problem isn't you.

  • It's not that you're not hard working or intelligent or deserving, it's that you haven't yet installed

  • the one key belief that will change it all.

  • Everything is Figureoutable.

  • It's my new book and it launches September 10th.

  • You can order it now at

  • Yes.

  • We did it.

  • Great, you guys.

  • Great job.

Hey, it's Marie Forleo and you are watching MarieTV, the place to be to create a business

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Amanda LaCount:十幾歲的嘻哈舞者誰的戰鬥身體積極性 (Amanda LaCount: The Teenage Hip Hop Dancer Whos Fighting for Body Positivity)

  • 51 2
    Ken Song posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary