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  • Released nation-wide on July 16, this latest sci-fi action triller from critically acclaimed

  • director Christopher Nolan grossed over 800-million dollars, and quickly became one of the highest

  • rated films of all time. If you have seen it yet, well, this is likely going to be a

  • bit confusion, but here's a quick plot synopsis for you: Leonardo DiCaprio is Dominic Cobb

  • - a man who is tasked to sneak into someone's dream, and plant an original idea in the furthest

  • depths of their mind - a practice known in the film as "inception". Cobb recruits a team,

  • and by using a dream-within-a-dream approach, they attempt to navigate the subconscious

  • world of their target, and plant an idea that'll benefit Cobb's employer. While the plot is

  • very well woven, and complicated - it isn't actually hard to understand or follow-along,

  • just as long as you pay attention. Following his tradition of incredible films like Memento,

  • Prestige, and The Dark Knight Nolan has once again hit the ball out of the park here - delivering

  • an expertly crafted world within a world for our minds to be completely drawn-into for

  • the 148-minute run-time. Inception's most impressive accomplishment is not in the engrossing

  • story, awe-inspiring visuals, or even the nail-biting action sequences - but rather

  • the chilling accuracy in which it's able to recreate the experience and emotion we all

  • have with dreaming. Because of this, nothing in Inception is wildly unbelievable - or even

  • unfamiliar, even it the movie's amazingly well-filmed zero-gravity scenes. In filmmaking,

  • it's easy to turn a dreamscape into an impossible utopian fantasy, or filth-ridden hell-hole...

  • instead, Nolan presents us with a realistic portrayal of everyone's sub-conscious... a

  • seemingly normal environment, with the occasional quirk or irregularity that go unnoticed to

  • the dreamer. Cobb and his team then attempt to exploit these irregularities they've created,

  • to finish the "inception". From a visual stand-point, Inception's lush and massive landscapes are

  • nothing short of breathtaking... truly transporting the audience to another world, for every dream

  • level reached. DiCaprio is, as always, fantastic in the lead role - and so is the entire supporting

  • cast: Joseph Gordon Levitt, Ellen Page, Cillian Murphy, Ken Watanabe, and perhaps especially

  • Marion Cotillard, who are all fantastic in their respective roles. Sadly though, with

  • the exception of Cobb, and his family, none of the characters in this movie receive any

  • back-story or character development, in fact, many don't even have last-names. It's the

  • movie's lone flaw which unfortunately emotional disconnects the audience from much of the

  • action on screen. Luckily, the visuals, plot, and an another outstanding soundtrack by Hans

  • Zimmer will keep you more-than-invested in this modern classic. A stimulating thriller

  • with fantastic environments.

  • Well, that's what I thought about "Inception" - now lets see what you had to say in the

  • YouTube comments.

  • Here's the rate-o-matic to tell us how we rated "Inception"... an "Awesome", and an

  • "Amazing". An incredible movie as I said, but the lack of character development left

  • me a bit separated from the movie - I gave it a 9. No surprise here though, you overwhelming

  • loved everything about this movie - praising everything from the effects, to the soundtrack,

  • but mostly - the complex and thought-provoking story - scoring it a 10.

Released nation-wide on July 16, this latest sci-fi action triller from critically acclaimed

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