Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles - [Keith] Oh my god, (dogs barking) what a nightmare. Oh my god! Oh, they're all doing it! Except for the sweetie. Look at her, she's just in a little ray of sunshine. (upbeat music) - Today we are switching dogs and we're gonna dog-sit each other's dogs. - This is just another episode of the Try Guys learn about the different responsibilities that each dog needs. I already know that they a lot of responsibility, that's why I don't have one. I grew up with eight, at a time. - This is my dog, Bean. He is a two-and-a-half-year-old labradoodle. He's my first child! I'm excited to maybe try a different dog out that is maybe a more chill temperament. - This beautiful boy is Bowie. Hi baby! Bowie is my puppy, he is just a little over a year old. I love my dog more than anything, and I am more or less totally indifferent about most others. - This is Emma, she's about nine-years-old. This is Pesto, he's almost five: and they're my two pups. They are brother and sister. I'm very used to having low-maintenance dogs so, I'm a little worried about having a high-maintenance dog. - I don't have a dog so, why am I here? Well, I'm still a Try Guy so I have to be involved some way or another. - We're going to be doing a dog-choosing ceremony, cause it's not about us picking the dogs, it's about the dogs picking us. (dramatic music) - Welcome to the dog-choosing ceremony. Today, Bowie will choose a new daddy for a day. Bowie is, you know, he's an active breed, he's hyper. Australian shepherds are known for being really active. - If I could be any dog parent, I would not be the guy who runs hiking with his husky. I like dogs when they're relaxed. - He's an anxious breed, if you break from protocol, it's gonna stress him out. - If I have to babysit another dog that's really needy, I'm not gonna be able to pay a lot of attention to them, until the baby goes to bed. - Bowie is too much to handle. - Last time Bowie was at my place, he wrecked it and shat all over my carpet. - Are you ready? Three, two, go get your daddy! - Come here, Bowie, come on! - Come here, Bowie! Come here, Bowie! (collective aww) (angelic harp) - Wow, Eugene got Bowie, wow, oh no! - You didn't even try, Kieth. - Oh, I missed it, I didn't even hear it start. - You didn't even call for Bowie. - I missed the beginning, oops. - The one thing that I lack with these two pups is having a bigger dog, and I love big dogs, mainly cause I like to do a lot of outdoorsy activities. Bowie is the most high energy dog, and in a ways I have a very high energy lifestyle, so I'm interested to see how that pairs. Plus, I forgot how hot Bowie is! - [Zach] Yeah Bowie's hot! - [Ned] Bowie's hot. - I think I gotta like, model with Bowie a lot. - Eugene, her you go, here's a treat pouch, so Bowie has IBS, he can only eat these treats, I know, I know, dude, if you give him anything else he's gonna have a lot of diarrhea. - He's just like his father! - I think whoever gets him today is gonna be surprised by how far he's come. (dog bark) - Okay Bean, it's time for you to choose a new daddy for the day. I am so excited for today because Bean needs this. Ever since the baby was born, Bean has not gotten enough attention. I think whoever gets Bean, might be upset if Bean barks too much because, he's used to protecting the baby. - I think that barking is the most unforgivable trait that a creature could ever have. - I don't like it when dogs are running around with their little nails on the floor. (tapping) Come here, Bean! - Go play! Come here, Bean! - Go play! - Oh, who's he gonna pick? Who's he gonna pick? - Me, me, come on Bean! - Bean come over here! - Go! - [Zach] Beanie, come here! And, oh god. - Yay, he punched him in the dick! (Ned laughing) It's his, it's his! - He chose you! - The old dick punch choice! - [Zach] Bean was not my first choice, I've never gotten to really bond with him, but we're gonna love each other today! Historically, I am a cat person. I just don't care about most dogs. But my goal today is to figure out what the other guys love so much about their dogs. - Zach thinks Bowie's the best and that all the other dogs suck, and I'm over it. I hope Zach gets Bean, cause then he'll be forced to love him. (dog bark) - Hey, what's up? You guys ready to go to a new uncle? You guys ready to do it? Alright, you guys ready? You want my dogs? Yes, Emma! - Emma! (clapping) Emma! - My ideal version of today is that I get Emma and we spend the entire day being rich ladies in Los Feliz. Carrying her tiny dog around, and drinking expensive coffee. - I've never really connected with Pesto or Emma. They just sort of sit there. - I wanna wear athleisure, like we can wear little matching outfit, I can have it under my arm. - I mean I want a low-maintenance day. I gotta focus on the baby and Emma's the chillest of all the dogs, so I want Emma. - I wanna take Emma on a rich lady trip to Los Feliz where we will be rich ladies. - Emma. Emma. Emma! Emma. She has a lot of anxiety, see, she's upset. Emma, it's okay. Emma, come here, it's okay, come back, come back, come back. Emma is a darling but she has a lot of weird emotional issues. My theory, cause she's a rescue, is that she was raised by an elderly woman who coddled her and then died in front of her. And so Emma was left with the woman's body. Alright, you ready to release the hounds? - Yes. - Yes. - [Eugene] Alright, one, two, three, go get a new dad! - [Ned] Come on, Emma! Come on, Emma! - [Keith] Emma! Emma! - Yes, Emma! (angelic harp) - [Ned] Wow! - I win, I won! - Great! (angelic harp) We're both stuck with each other. - Pesto on the other hand, is pure dog. He tends to be kind of lazy. He knows how to sit. That's uh, that's pretty much it. (Ned laughs) Alright well have fun with my pups. - Thanks! - Oh, thanks. - Bye, kids. - Bye! Okay, Emma, let's go get some coffee. - Hey Pesto, just try not to ruin Ariel's house. (dog bark) - Come here, Bean! Alright, you ready to have a... Every dog has its day, you ready to have yours? Me and