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  • -You made the most appearances on "The Tonight Show,"

  • out of any guest -- it is you, Hugh Jackman, number one.

  • -Number one? -Yeah.

  • -Wow.

  • [ Band plays ]

  • What? What number?

  • -This is your ninth appearance.

  • -Ninth! -This is your ninth appearance.

  • -I'm very competitive, so thank you.

  • I love to hear that. -I love that, too.

  • -Who's my competition -- J.T.?

  • -Uh, there's a dog named Zippy.

  • And that -- Eh, I don't want to get into it.

  • Okay. -Right.

  • How long do dogs live?

  • All right, I got to keep going for a while.

  • -In dog years, who knows? Yeah.

  • -Yeah. Just let me know if I'm about to be beat, all right?

  • -Okay. -And do me a favor.

  • You'll quit at the same time so we can go out together.

  • I think that's a nice -- -Okay, I see what you're saying.

  • Yeah. -No, seriously.

  • -We'll ride out into the sunset, yeah, together.

  • -Yeah. All right? -Yeah, of course.

  • So, if someone's getting close to you --

  • -Yeah, we'll both -- That's it.

  • -That's it. -Okay.

  • You heard it first. That's it.

  • [ Applause ] -It's my final guest.

  • My final guest -- Hugh Jackman, everybody.

  • -Thank you. I love being here, man.

  • -I love having you. The movie comes out December 20th.

  • -Yes. -And this is a --

  • It's a great holiday movie. Big movie.

  • So much fun. Great music.

  • -Do you go back to Australia for the holidays?

  • -I go back to Australia.

  • I will be there on the 20th of December.

  • -Oh, yeah, wait, you do -- -Middle of summer.

  • -Hot Christmas. What do you call it?

  • -Well, it is hot. -Yeah.

  • -We just call it Christmas. -Okay, okay.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • I'm sorry. [ Chuckles ]

  • -No, in our house... -I might have made that up.

  •'s very hot. -Oh, yeah, yeah, of course.

  • -But that's not me. -Hot Christmas, yeah, yeah.

  • -But it is super, super hot.

  • Although, my parents -- I'm English,

  • so we persevere with all the English traditions,

  • which is like, here, we have hot turkey, hot ham,

  • gravy, steak, potatoes, cooking.

  • It's literally like 110 degrees. -Yeah, it's cozy.

  • -The paper hat's disintegrating.

  • Sweat, drunk, arguing. It's messy.

  • -It's the middle of the summer, yeah.

  • -Come. Please, everyone, come. -Oh, yeah, yeah.

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • -We can come. -Come, really.

  • Yeah, we swim, we go to the ocean.

  • Yeah, we get up, we swim in the morning.

  • We have 30 for lunch.

  • I mean, I'm from a big family,

  • but Deb's family does it on steroids.

  • Like it's literally 30 for lunch and then 100 for dinner.

  • -No! -Yeah, we go...

  • Like, she calls it the Christmas orphan dinner.

  • So anyone who's without a family

  • or doesn't celebrate Christmas,

  • whatever reason, they're invited over.

  • -That's the best. -Come on. Just come out.

  • -I'm gonna come over.

  • -What?

  • -I'll come by, yeah.

  • I'll come by. It's just hop on a plane.

  • It's no big deal -- like a 27-hour flight, yeah.

  • You were here last for "Logan," and I just loved it.

  • -Thank you. -What a performance.

  • -Thanks. -But what a cool movie, too.

  • Like, you really -- I did not see that coming at all.

  • And it was just great. -Thanks.

  • And are you gonna miss Wolverine? Are you gonna...?

  • -Um, in a way.

  • In all seriousness, a little bit of him, I'll miss,

  • but I'm -- To be honest, I'm so grateful to Jim Mangold,

  • everyone at Fox who took a chance on that film.

  • -Jim Mangold did a great job. -That guy -- Like, honestly,

  • I feel like I owe my life -- my work life -- to him,

  • because that movie --

  • For 17 years, I played this character.

  • I knew it was going to be my last one,

  • so it meant a lot to me, and he delivered a movie --

  • Literally, I saw it in Berlin next to him,

  • and I was just weeping. -Yeah?

  • -He was like, "Pull it together, man. You're Wolverine.

  • Just hold it together a little bit."

  • -Exactly, it's Wolverine.

  • Exactly, yeah, it's a superhero movie.

  • But it's not -- It's more.

  • -So grateful. And the fans really sort of dug it.

  • -Oh, dude, I think it made almost a billion dollars or something like that.

  • -$7 billion, I think. $7 billion.

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • -$700 billion. -Just in Australia.

  • -$700 billion. -$700 billion.

  • -But it's also on

  • a lot of critics' top-10 lists of the year.

  • So congratulations on that. -Thank you so much, man.

  • -Well-deserved. -Thank you.

  • -Tonight, you're leaving our show

  • and headed over to a giant, giant, massive ship.

  • -[ Chuckles ] -Look at this thing.

  • -It's not a boat. Look at that.

  • It's the Queen Mary. -Look at that thing.

  • -What is...? -The Queen Mary --

  • -It's the size of Manhattan. -Yeah, it's huge.

  • So, we're premiering "The Greatest Showman" on that boat

  • because the Cunard Line --

  • Barnum used to take Jenny Lind when he went on his world tour.

  • That's the connection. But, basically, he's Barnum.

  • Barnum was like, "Why have a one-ring circus

  • when you can have three?

  • Make everything huge, make it massive,

  • build that kind of hype."

  • So, yeah, that's what we're doing tonight.

  • And you're all welcome.

  • [ Cheers and applause ]

  • -We could all fit. It's giant. -Literally.

  • But it's actually going off tonight.

  • -It really is? -Yeah.

  • So, you know, if it doesn't go well,

  • I might just stow away.

  • -Yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • And tell me about this movie now.

  • 'Cause you've been working on this for a while.

  • -Seven-and-a-half years.

  • So, seven-and-a-half years ago, I just finished --

  • -See, so much work goes into these things.

  • I don't know if people even realize it.

  • -Well, I just hosted the Oscars.

  • The producer of that came to me and said,

  • "Man, you should do what you've done on the Oscars,

  • what you've done on stage, you should do it on film."

  • And he had this idea

  • for an original movie musical about P.T. Barnum,

  • and I said, "Fantastic."

  • To be honest, I thought it was about a 1 in 10 chance,

  • because it had been 23 years

  • since a studio had commissioned an all-original movie musical.

  • So, that's -- So all the music is original.

  • -Wow. -All 10 songs.

  • And that started seven-and-a-half years ago,

  • and I'm so proud of it.

  • I can't wait for you all to...

  • And the soundtrack just came out today.

  • So, check out the soundtrack.

  • 'Cause these guys who wrote the music are phenomenal.

  • They really are.

  • Justin, Benj, and -- Justin and Benj.

  • Which is Justin Paul, Benj Pasek -- Check them out.

  • -And then, how did you come up...

  • These guys, when you started doing this,

  • they were kind of unknown. -Yeah.

  • Like straight out of college. -Yeah.

  • -They really -- We found them,

  • and they wrote one song, which we loved.

  • And at the time, we were gonna go for,

  • like, whoever the biggest artists were.

  • We went to Bruno Mars, we went to Pharrell Williams,

  • Adele, all the writers, Macklemore/Lewis.

  • These guys were just writing the best stuff.

  • So, after they wrote one,

  • one of the studio execs said to Michael Gracey, our director,

  • he said, "Who's this, uh, Justin and Benj -- Who are they?"

  • He said, "Oh, they're huge. They're really huge.

  • They just won a Tony Award for -- Yeah, on Broadway."

  • -Is that true? -And the guy's like -- No.

  • [ Laughter ] He goes, "For what?"

  • And he said, "Oh, it was 'James and the Giant Peach.'"

  • And he goes, "Oh, fine."

  • There's never been a "James and the Giant Peach" on Broadway,

  • but this was Hollywood, so they assumed it was true.

  • -Wow! -And that's how they got in.

  • And then they ended up writing all 10 songs.

  • They just won the Oscar for "La La Land."

  • They won the Tony Award for "Dear Evan Hansen."

  • They just got nominated for three Grammy Awards,

  • and they do not talk to me anymore.

  • So, uh... [ Laughter ]

  • -That's how you do it.

  • -That's it. -That's the beauty.

-You made the most appearances on "The Tonight Show,"

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