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  • Hello friends and welcome to another video.

  • Today I'm gonna be following a YouTube tutorial's instructions on how to cut my own hair.

  • And then I'm going to be cutting my own hair.

  • So earlier this year there was a trend of attempting to follow other people's YouTube tutorials

  • to see if they were actually doable. For example, I myself recreated one of Simply Nailogical's nail art videos

  • with solidly mediocre results, but apparently very upsetting nail shapes.

  • So today I'll be venturing into a different but arguably more high stakes genre of tutorial—hair-doing.

  • As for my current hairdo, I haven't cut it or done anything official to it since Brad Mondo snipped it for our perfect makeover video

  • and I think it's time for it to be short once more.

  • Up until this point I've had trouble finding the right time to get it done,

  • mainly because I don't want to cut it in the middle of producing a video and have my hair just suddenly change.

  • But because we're sort of always filming something in the background, I decided to just make a video about it

  • so it actually finally happens

  • and maybe I'll learn something in the process

  • Maybe. *send help*

  • Now, I don't think I'm the first person to do this—

  • in fact, I know I'm not the first person to do this

  • and though my personal inspiration for this video

  • was Jenna Marbles' rachet salon,

  • I'm gonna link a few haircutting videos in the description below

  • for your viewing pleasure.

  • So I guess with that, let's begin.

  • My only hope is that I don't end up in a hairdresser reacts video.

  • Uh-uh, that is a....

  • *shook*

  • disaster

  • Okay. So we have transformed our filming room into sort of like a hair studio

  • and now I'm here ready to cut my hair

  • with some hopefully protective layers on the ground and table

  • and a giant vanity in front of me that I can barely see because my camera is right in front of it.

  • Oh yeah, you can't see anything

  • So, after looking through quite a bit of the Youtube "cutting your own hair" video catalogue

  • It seems like most of the tutorials that teach you a doable seeming method to cut your own hair

  • are done by like recreational hair cutters and not really by professionals

  • which make them seem more achievable but also way less sanctioned

  • But I guess that just adds to the fun

  • And for my hair type there seems to be like two general categories of self haircut tutorials

  • The first of which is for like a long layered haircut

  • and the other which is for a shorter, more blunt bob cut

  • long bobs, short bobs, it's up to you bob

  • As I mentioned before, I'm looking to take out a little lenght, so I'm leaning towards the long bob path

  • Which, actually, isn't a super different length than from when Brad cut my hair

  • though his style was more layered and he also lightened my hair a bit

  • Which I think woked well and looked good for like spring and summer

  • but know that it's November and it's becoming winter, I'm looking for something more severe

  • Blunt and dark. Sort of like how it is at 6 p.m. now that daylight savings time has kicked in

  • Is it daylight savings time or standard time?

  • Well...what? Did Ben Frankling do it?

  • Oh my God

  • I feel like that's my first negative feeling towards Ben Franklin

  • So I will be dying the leftovers of my hair back to my natural color or perhaps even a bit darker

  • and we'll also be following a Youtube tutorial for that

  • This could be like a fun video transition. Ready?

  • *Funny wheuh noise*

  • So the tutorial I've chosen is the one by Sharee Annonuevo

  • And it's called "How to cut your hair short and straight"

  • Which is what I want

  • And her technique is to basically put your hair into two pigtails with rubber bands

  • and then use the rubber to measure where you should cut and then chop

  • Now that seems to be the general advice from everyone. To use rubber bands and then cut along the rubber bands

  • It seems like some video employ like a unicorn horn method, while others opt to tie your hair underneath your chin

  • like a little goatee

  • Do I look like a goat?

  • Like the Taylor Swift goat?

  • *goat yell by human in background*

  • *goat yells by Sofia*

  • And though I would have enjoyed either of those methods

  • I actually don't think that my hair is uniformly long enough to pull it off down here

  • or up there. So we're going with pigtails

  • So I think that's all we need to explain, so let's turn on the tutorial and whip out the scissors

  • "Hey guys, what's up and welcome back to my channel"

  • So, in today's video I'm going to cut my hair

  • Same

  • So the tutorial starts with just combing out your hair, so let's do that

  • Oh, thare actually are a fair amount of knots in my hair

  • And then step two is to make sure my part is where I want it to be

  • I feel like my part is always a little bit uneven

  • Is that a line?

  • But is it straight?

  • Whatever

  • And then the third step is to divide my hair into two even sections, regardless of my part

  • and put one side to the side

  • "Now, here's a close-up of my dry ends, and now you can clearly see that it is in need of a cut"

  • Do my ends look like that?

  • Kind of, honestly

  • Alright, and then the next step is to make like a very smooth and flat pigtail on this side

  • with the rubber band

  • Alright, how is that?

  • Oh, well this is not the chopping rubberband

  • This is the intermediary rubber band

  • And then do the same the side I just put away

  • Oh, how is that? I haven't rocked the pigtails in a minute

  • Maybe like '98, like in kindergarden years

  • Alright so, I will watch to confirm but I'm pretty sure the next step is the cutting template rubber band

  • "Now with another rubber band, tie that beneath the ponytail you just did

  • This rubber band will act as a guide as to show how short you will cut your hair"

  • Yes

  • This is the important one, the other one was just to throw away

  • So, it's in, and now I'm gonna pull it downwards

  • I feel like my ideal length for this lob is like shoulder length or maybe a little bit above shoulder length

  • But I feel like for the initial chop I should give a little bit of leeway and like go a little longer

  • Just because like, when I'm gonna be evening it out and fixing it, I can only go shorter

  • Alright, so the next I put in another measuring rubber band on the other side

  • and I have to get the two rubber bands even so the cut is even

  • I feel like this is pretty close to even, I'm just gonna go check in the bathroom really quick, just to make sure

  • I think that this rubber band over here is slightly lower than this rubber band

  • But I think the lower rubber bands are at the same height

  • Or at least sort of like approximately close? Near to each other? Hopefully?

  • Alright, so I'm pretty sure that the next step is just to cut, but let's just double check to make sure

  • *exhale*

  • "I'm scared"

  • "i'm scared"

  • "It's not that much, but I'm still scared"

  • She is scared? Should I be scared?

  • I mean, I guess it makes sense to be nervous, but I felt like we were just going along so well, so confidently

  • She was telling me what to do and now I'm not so sure

  • Though I guess she did publish the video, so it must not have turned out too bad in her opinion

  • Alright, so she just cuts right above the rubber band

  • She just goes for it. She just just starts sawing, basically

  • I'm gonna do this this side first, because I can see it in this mirror here

  • Oh my go(sh)

  • Alright I just wanna make sure my scissors aren't like at an angle

  • I mean, I guess we would just end up with like an angled bob, but that's not what this turorial is about

  • Ready?

  • Oh, Oh my God, it's happening

  • You can't say that

  • Oh my God, it was totally at an angle. Oh God, it's at an angle now, it's getting worse

  • Look

  • *laughter*

  • I don't know. Oh my God.

  • The weird thing is, it looks crazy right here, right? It looks crazy

  • But right here it looks okay.

  • Maybe if they like trim the video like just to this part. I'm determined to come back

  • And listen, we all start from somewhere. Like Drake I started from the bottom and now we "hair"

  • What does that mean?

  • Okay, so now I think we just do, hopefully, the same thing on the other side

  • I'm trying to now mess up the same amount on both sides

  • Ready?

  • Are you serious?

  • Oh my God Ty, I'm doing a really bad job. Oh my God. Oh, this is a hack job. This is character assasination

  • You know what? The look pretty similar

  • I think that if I were to ever do this again, I would need a couple more pigtails

  • Because my pigtails are way too thick for me to hack through

  • YES. It's a similar sensation

  • My hair smells good

  • Here, do you want some? I call this serial killer ASMR

  • Okay, so we're here now, so let me just see what's next up in our tutorial

  • I think it's probably take out your pigtails and look at what you have wrought

  • But, I think we should just double check I guess.

  • "Now it's time to reveal how the actual cut looks"

  • Yeah, (Background: Yeah.) Sofia: We'll do that

  • "I'm liking what I'm seeing but of course we need to go in and clean the cut up, a bit"

  • Alright, there we go. I guess what I'm gonna see and then we'll clean it up


  • Oh it's incredibly uneven. Alright, ready for the other one?

  • Oh, wow, that's really uneven

  • Okay, first eye check: the lenght itself I really like. I can't see the back, so I can't see the jaggedness

  • But like, I like this

  • *Triggered*

  • That's so rude

  • I was gonna say I'm going for a Dua Lipa haircut and you say Lord Farquaad

  • Well, regardless it's still pretty choppy so I think we've to fix it so it's even all the way around

  • Which is in fact Sharee's next step

  • "Start by sectioning your hair off and work with the bottom layers"

  • Alright so, now that I have sort of like half my hair down, I'm going to split my hair once again into like halves

  • And then try and see if I can(t?) cut them even