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  • One sunny November morning, Miss Sassy -- an aptly named bird if

  • ever there was one! - went to visit Henry, a young turkey with a heart of

  • gold - and only a little experience in his young turkey life.

  • Miss Sassy loved to tease Henry and sure enough, that's how the morning began:

  • "Henry," Miss Sassy called. "Henry, do you know what humans eat on

  • Thanksgiving?"

  • "No," replied Henry. "What do humans eat on Thanksgiving?"

  • Miss Sassy looked at him. "Why Turkey, of course!" she laughed.

  • Now, Henry didn't believe that. Not one little bit.

  • He ran as fast as he could to see the humans.

  • As Henry looked through the kitchen window, he couldn't believe what he saw!

  • A recipe for Double - Roasted - Turkey!

  • Henry gasped. He felt sick. He felt scared!

  • He went immediately to talk with Quinn the Peacock.

  • Quinn was loved by everyone, especially the humans. Quinn would know what to do.

  • Henry blurted out what Miss Sassy told him.

  • Quinn said, "Don't worry Henry. I have a great idea!

  • "Wear a disguise! Make a peacock costume for the Thanksgiving party!

  • "I'll help; let's look in my costume trunk!"

  • So, armed with peacock feathers from Quinn's big trunk, Henry hurried home to make

  • his disguise.

  • What will it take? Turning a turkey into a peacock; what will it take?

  • Well, feathers, of course. How about paint? What color of paint? And string?

  • How about glue? Yes! Lots of glue!

  • Well, er, uh, Henry's first attempt, uh, misses the mark.

  • And, uh, the second try is, uh, - a little haphazard, too.

  • "Perfect!" Henry shouted , as he admired his final costume.

  • " I'm Quinn's Twin! Well, uh, sort of."

  • So Henry headed off to join the Thanksgiving party, as a well disguised guest.

  • Or so he thought!

  • "He's here!" the humans cheered. "Henry!"

  • "Oh no!" Henry gasped. His disguise didn't work!

  • "Our guest of honor has arrived," someone shouted, "Here's Henry!"

  • Slowly, Henry made his way to the dinner table.

  • And there he saw - The - Menu!

  • Henry blinked and looked again: "Double Roasted - Turkey - Seed - Cobbler!?"

  • "What?" Henry gasped. "Turkey Seed Cobbler is my favorite!"

  • "We made it just for you!" Miss Sassy giggled.

  • And with that, the whole gang gave thanks and ate Turkey Seed Cobbler

  • 'til the cows came home!

  • Happy Thanksgiving and Best Wishes for the Holidays!

One sunny November morning, Miss Sassy -- an aptly named bird if

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