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  • Say no to everything that doesn't support your immediate goals

  • 41% of items that people put on their to-do list are never done at all

  • It's like a to-do list is is the graveyard of you know?

  • Important but not urgent and when you truly realize what like just how valuable a single minute is

  • I mean money we can lose it and make it back again our health we can get sick and get healthy again

  • Time once it's gone, it is gone time is life

  • The 15 secrets successful people know about time management the productivity habits of seven billionaires

  • 13 Olympic athletes

  • 29 straight-a students and

  • 239 entrepreneurs

  • You might not use all of them

  • but if you use one two

  • Three or four of them tell you you're gonna get a lot more out of your day. Any anyone can make a big difference. Absolutely

  • We all have the same amount of time every single one of us has the same amount of time

  • But some of us squander it some of us wasted some of us don't make best use of it

  • It's my goal my my hope at the end of this episode that you'll be able to see

  • Just how much time you have in the day and there's something something in this episode that you'll be able to use

  • To maybe get more out of your day and that to me is a win absolutely a win in my book

  • Golden Nugget number one time is your most valuable and scarcest resource. Hey

  • 1440s the number that can change your life and that number is the number of minutes we all have in a single day and

  • While you know, most of the people that I interviewed

  • they're not all doing the same 15 secrets either the the common thread was that they always spoke about

  • minutes and the value of time and when you truly realize what like just how valuable a single minute is

  • I mean money we can lose it and make it back again our health we can get sick and get healthy again

  • Time once it's gone, it is gone time is life

  • And so, you know in one minute for your health, you know

  • You can bang out some push-ups or sit-ups or take a a cleansing breath for relationships

  • You can tell someone that you love them or that you're grateful for them in business

  • It takes a minute to have a breakthrough idea and once you truly

  • Understand that all of a sudden, you know

  • You're not gonna let people steal your time with all those got a minute meetings or other trivial things

  • There's a certain number of minutes every single day that I have at my disposal and so much of it is just wasted minutes

  • So if you start to capitalize on the time that you have you realize holy I can get a whole bunch done

  • so golden nugget number two

  • Identify your most important tasks and do it first the most important tasks the MIT

  • Your MIT is you know, what is that project that is gonna double the size of your business. What is that project?

  • That's gonna get you the promotion or max out your bonus at work and then break it down

  • It's like what Domino can I tip over today?

  • that's gonna lean on the next one and the next one and then we have to get in that discipline of

  • Scheduling time to work on our MIT

  • First thing in the morning behavioral psychologist, Dan Ariely talks about we are at our best

  • For about a two-hour window of time in the morning, you know, we're at our cognitive best

  • But what most of us do we stroll in with?

  • You know to work we open up email we start working on everybody else's that might ease by answering their emails and all that stuff

  • Before we respond to text before we listen to voicemails before we do email. We should work on our MIT

  • Goal the nugget number three work from your calendar not a to-do list

  • Stop using a to-do list, you know, I was asking all of these people self-made billionaire self-made millionaires

  • What is your number one secret of productivity they could've said anything and none of them mentioned a to-do list

  • I was about halfway through the interviews and finally I started doing the follow-up. I'm like, well, what about your to-do?

  • Let's give me some advice. They laughed at me. They're like to-do list, you know, we work from a calendar

  • And as I did the research it turns out

  • 41% of items that people put on their to-do list are never done at all

  • It's like a to-do list is is the graveyard of you know important but not urgent

  • If you really want to get something done pick a day a time in a duration and then live from your calendar

  • Golden Nugget number four to overcome procrastination

  • Beat your future self. So we need to think about

  • alright, how's that future evil version of ourselves gonna jeopardize our best intentions and you know,

  • Let's say we want to start jogging this week. We want to we want to work out

  • Well, you know what that my evil self is gonna hit that snooze alarm. How do I how do I fight back?

  • I'm gonna I'm gonna put my iphone gonna set that alarm put on the other side of the room

  • So I got to literally get out of bed to shut it off and that evil Kevin's gonna say, oh man

  • I don't know where my workout stuff is. I'll work out tomorrow instead. Well, you know what?

  • I'm gonna beat that future version by putting my sneakers right at the end of my bed

  • In fact, I'm gonna go to sleep in my shorts and teacher

  • So I just need to put my sneakers on and I'm dressed nice, you know

  • so we just need to think about all the ways that we're gonna

  • Procrastinate all those excuses were to come up with and try to beat them in the present moment

  • Golden nugget number 5 there will always be more to do

  • Back when I was young a young and dumb entrepreneur, you know

  • I was the guy who was just eight hours a day wasn't enough

  • So I'd worked sixteen or twenty five days a week was enough

  • I'd work seven the

  • girlfriend or eventually the wife would be like

  • Hey at six o'clock dinner's cold when he coming home leaving the office in five minutes, then it's an hour later

  • I'm still in the office and you know

  • One of the things that I learned from interviewing all these people is they have this sense in their bones

  • Like there will always be more to do Andy Grove wrote

  • he was the founder and CEO of Intel and he said

  • you know my day ends when I'm tired and ready to go home not when I'm done because I am never done a

  • Manager's work has never done. There's always more to be done more. That should be done always more than can be done maybe

  • You know, maybe we've decided that we're gonna work a 10-hour day or a 12-hour day or a six-hour day

  • Whatever you decide be intentional about it and then realize you've allocated other minutes for your health, which is gym time

  • You've allocated other minutes for your relationship including date night or what time with your kids

  • golden link number six always carry a notebook

  • Everybody I spoke to talked about carrying a notebook. You know, Richard Branson is written about it over and over again

  • He says the single most important possession is his little notebook. That's how he built

  • You know the Virgin brand, you know, there's all these people that I interviewed that just swear by this power of of

  • Jotting down little notes, whether it's journaling or notes from meetings or words of wisdom from the books

  • They read but it just really changes their life

  • Yeah

  • And one of the things that David Allen always says that our minds are best used for

  • For processing different ideas not to hold on to information you'd be surprised when you start carrying around a notebook with you

  • Just how much information comes into your mind that you want to capture now when you start capturing that information you realize holy crap

  • I've been holding on to so many good like pieces of information and it's just been gone

  • like I just lose it or I hold on to it and it just ruins the ability to

  • Allow your mind to free itself up to process new information, which is the best state for your mind to be in

  • goal the nugget number seven control your Inbox to be honest many of us use our email INBOX

  • Jet and text messages and other social media apps as a form of procrastination

  • As a form of a little reward it releases dopamine. It's kind of like pulling that handle on a slot machines

  • It's gonna be something good and all of these companies out there and other people in our lives

  • They want our attention and that's fine, but it can get in the way of our productivity. So the bottom line is

  • Shut off the notifications on your phone on everything

  • it's okay to

  • go to email or messages and all of that but do it when you want to do it not because someone else is

  • Calling you kind of like Pavlov's dog, you know ringing a bell and I'm reaching for my phone. I

  • Process email like anything else three times a day morning noon and night now again the numbers not so important Ryan

  • I mean, you know, I know people who only process it once a week or once a day and others people

  • Tell me a I'm a stock broker. Whatever

  • I need to get back to people all the time funny process that every 30 minutes or 15 minutes

  • The idea is to be intentional about it

  • Shut off the notifications

  • So if you're out there and you haven't shut off your email notifications when you waiting for I've done that a long time ago

  • I shut it off because it's just

  • distraction

  • Golden nugget number eight schedule and attend meetings as a last resort

  • Now we can't all

  • You know be like Mark Cuban and just say no to our boss and other people of meetings we can say no much more often

  • We can say no to a lot of means we could say no to meetings before noon

  • Like let's keep our deep work in the morning then our collaborative work in the afternoon

  • And if you have to say yes to a meeting

  • Say no to long meetings

  • Richard Branson again says, there's few meetings that need to last more than five or ten minutes. And so that's just the ideas

  • Let's say no as often as possible. At least one day a week say no and then try to say no to long meetings

  • Mmm, absolutely not actually, you know what that breaks us into the next Golden Nugget Golden Nugget. I'd say no to everything

  • That doesn't support your immediate goals

  • There they're not being rude

  • But the most highly successful people

  • they know what their values are their goals are and they fill their calendar with things that'll get there and that doesn't leave time for

  • A lot of other other things, you know, we're raised from being really young to like hey

  • You know you you want to be like so you want to help people you're told it's nice to help people

  • You don't want to be rude

  • What's helpful to me is when I realized that every every time I say yes to something

  • I'm actually saying no to another thing or many things. I

  • Got myself into so much trouble man

  • because I like to be liked and so I

  • Would say yes to people all the time even though I knew by saying yes, it would screw up my schedule

  • I'd have to push other things back in the back of my head. I was like, you're not gonna do this anymore

  • You're not gonna go to the gym your whole schedules thrown off while of course

  • getting good at saying no and doing it in a very polite way in a delicate way is

  • Something that you a lot of you out there have to do

  • Golden Nugget number 10 follow the powerful Pareto principle

  • and Preta principle is more commonly known as the 80/20 rule and it's this idea that

  • most of the results in almost any activity

  • 80% of the results comes from about 20% of the activity. So it's just really

  • Pausing slowing down and looking at with all the work that you're doing to build your business to get your work done

  • You know, what are the handful of tasks that are getting you most of your results just focus on those things

  • Gold nugget number 11 focus on your unique strengths and passion

  • We really need to remember the power of delegation

  • You know, I'm a perfectionist so nobody can do anything as good as I can

  • You know, I've got to do everything to do it, right and the reality Ryan is that might be true

  • but we have to realize again think about that 80/20 rule this feeds into this that yes if I delegate it to

  • Someone on my team. Maybe it's not gonna be perfect

  • But if it's 80% to perfect

  • I need to be okay with that and let it go because now that just freed up all of my time

  • Golden nugget number 12 batch your work with recurring themes

  • So this one, you know you reading the book innovative entrepreneurs

  • They really assign different themes to their office states that employees can really concentrate on one specific type