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  • Lady gaga and bradley cooper congratulations on a star is born. Thank you. Everybody's very excited about this movie

  • good

  • Bradley I wanted I wanted to start with you and ask

  • What you wanted to do for your first

  • Movie that you directed. You you were you were kind of keen on doing a love story

  • And and how did you arrive at this one? You know, I always knew I wanted to direct I've always grown up

  • making movies in my mind and so

  • Compositionally, there were a lot of things that were occurring. I would start to go to this class where music festival about six years ago

  • and I just loved the point of view of the stage and

  • it was just a series of events that occurred and then Clint Eastwood was gonna direct a version of this movie and then that that

  • didn't happen and

  • And I thought I was a little young at that point

  • You know

  • I was just summit and then I got older I went through American sniper and Elephant Man and and then I said

  • You know what?

  • I'm 40. time is the biggest currency now, and I thought you know what, you know

  • just stop

  • Saying you're gonna do it and actually do it and I had a point of view about a love story that I wanted to tell

  • through two musicians. And but it really wasn't until I met Stephanie that it that I knew that okay now I'm ready to

  • Strap on the oxygen tank go hand-in-hand with her and let's go up the hill. When did he first bring this to you?

  • I actually performed at a cancer fundraiser for Sean Parker

  • and I was singing La Vie en Rose that night and

  • Bradley was in the audience. I almost called you Jackson just now, haha

  • He was in the audience

  • and the next day he came over to my house to meet me and

  • It was really like instantaneous. As soon as I saw his eyes we had this instant connection and you know

  • We're both from the East Coast were both Italian, you know before I knew it

  • I was heating up some leftover pasta for him in a pan and we were eating together

  • And then he wanted to sing together

  • So I printed out the song he wanted to sing which is called midnight special and I was nervous, of course

  • I

  • had never

  • sat down really with an actor of his caliber before ever and

  • I started to play and he started to sing and I just stopped playing and I looked over at him and I said oh my

  • Gosh Bradley your voice! you have a voice you can sing

  • Oh my gosh. It comes from his gut it comes from the inside of him

  • you didn't the nectar of his being. you know it's so soulful and

  • Then he said she would film it?

  • So he took out his cell phone and he filmed us and we started to sync together. And before I knew it we were

  • Harmonizing and we were laughing

  • we were looking at each other and

  • I just I really truly knew in that moment that he's the only actor in the world that could play a rockstar and

  • I think it is a very very difficult role to play

  • If you don't do your homework and you you don't

  • understand the inner workings of the backstage area and the crew and you know in ears and monitors and and

  • You know instruments things like that

  • You're at a deficit

  • but he

  • He looked at everything. He wanted to know everything

  • And he was in the studio all the time with us and we were working on the soundtrack

  • He wrote music for himself for the soundtrack. I mean I watched him be a musician and

  • you know, I it's just a testament to him as a you know, consummate professional Bradley was there any

  • Nervousness? I can't imagine walking into Lady Gaga's house and saying let's sing together

  • Like was there any nervousness in singing the duets with one of the greatest singers in the world?

  • well

  • there should be, but the reason why there wasn't was because she was so present and kind and

  • Just disarmed me and and the greatest artists I've ever met in my life do that

  • Very same thing, you know Clint Eastwood

  • You're around him for two seconds and all of a sudden you feel like he's a guy who lives down the block

  • Same thing with Robert De Niro same thing with Meryl Streep

  • It's it there's just something about I don't know if when you've achieved that level of creativity and success.

  • the confidence as a human being. I'm not sure what it is, but she made me feel so comfortable and

  • And I knew going in that if we don't sing together, I'm just like an idiot or there's no chemistry

  • I wouldn't even want to ask her to go on this journey. So but it kind of just happened

  • Organically, I have to say yeah, like I had this idea in my mind

  • Maybe we would. I didn't know it would be ten minutes into meeting her.

  • it kind of happened when I walked in the living room and I saw your white piano and then we were outside and I'm like talking

  • maybe we should just try it and that's why I said listen

  • Do you want to just sing this song which she had never heard

  • Never. Didn't know and we taped it and it was we only sang it once and that was what I filmed

  • Just on my iPhone on the on the on the right on the piano. Do you still have that video? Sure do

  • And it was part of what I what I showed to Warner Brothers to get the movie. Oh wow. Yeah.

  • The audience for this will be interesting because a big part of the audience will know this story

  • You know they have seen it

  • it was it's been made three times before with Judy Garland after that Barbra Streisand way before that with with Jane, Janet Gaynor, and

  • Then other people will be coming and a lot of your audience especially will be coming to this cold

  • They don't know the story. So I want to ask what is the story of a star is born?

  • What is the movie about I mean the truth is it's for you to say and it's for everybody all the viewers

  • there's a lot of different things that we were grappling with and

  • investigating in this movie. Trauma,

  • What it is to have somebody at your side somebody who inspires you. what it is to be in a relationship

  • In an honest way what you know the true commitment, what that entails.

  • What it means to be in a world where you're successful, where what you do is deemed successful

  • how does that how does that affect you as a as a human being. All of these things were are things in the movie that

  • That that we wanted to tell and to investigate

  • But the truth is it's up. It's up to you now. The basic plot

  • For anyone who doesn't know is you played Jackson Maine, a legendary rock star who meets a young

  • beautiful woman who has this incredible raw talent. And you help her in her career and

  • she

  • Becomes very famous and he continues on a somewhat self-destructive path. Was there something that spoke to you,

  • About this story that you wanted to tell?

  • Oh. You personally what resonated?

  • All the things I just talked about

  • the thing. I knew I wasn't going to direct a movie until I had a point of view and

  • And movies have been healing to me because you identify with them. And the greatest thing is if you're identifying with somebody on a 30-foot

  • screen that's an incredible magic trick that a storyteller is able to do. As opposed to just

  • Admiring it. You actually are feeling something and connecting with it. So I wanted to create these very cinematic

  • Characters and music was a great platform for that.

  • But tell tell their story in a way that you as the viewer can completely identify with.

  • Constantly throughout the film, then hopefully at the end. You can either be healed, question it, investigate, grow.

  • That's what I wanted to do with the film and the the structure of the property itself lent itself to that

  • Almost every single person has told me they like the way I

  • Sounded but that they didn't like the way I look. I think you're beautiful.

  • But you know, it's funny you said that this young woman wants to be a singer, you know.

  • That isn't really our movie. Our movie is a 31 year old,

  • musician who hasn't made it.

  • She's not an ingenue and she sort of relegated herself to singing someone else's song in a drag bar.

  • A songwriter who's singing someone else's song when we meet her. And

  • That's very different

  • And he is somebody who is very successful. His fame is not dwindling. He's just aging as one does like a prizefighter

  • starting to get tinnitus happens to so many musicians, but he

  • His fame is not dwindling. He could still tour and make millions of dollars for the rest of his life

  • So it's definitely a different story in that way

  • Lady Gaga your character is ally

  • Tell me what spoke to you about

  • Ally?

  • why that character intrigued. you what intrigued me about Ally is that she is nothing like I was

  • when I started I mean when I

  • wanted to become a singer and decided that I was going to really hit the pavement and try to make it I

  • really believed in myself and I was banging down every door that I could and

  • Dragging my piano around New York City trying to get gigs and you know

  • Even after my first single came out on a record label, I was playing three shows a night

  • You know in different states every single day

  • This is not who she is at all. I don't sing my own songs

  • Why I just I just don't feel comfortable

  • I was I was intrigued by her her vulnerability

  • I was intrigued by the fact that this woman has given up on herself

  • She's depressed. She does not believe in in

  • her beauty

  • she doesn't see herself as beautiful and

  • She's been you know sort of jaded by her experience in the music industry being told

  • you know over and over again that she's not good enough. And and I

  • think people will be

  • Surprised at your acting ability in this. And the same like you are

  • Beholding a movie in the most, as if you've done it a million times before in the same way that Bradley, when you've seen it

  • Is a 'wow' moment at first and then it it

  • Both of you were seen, when you watch the movie very comfortable doing these sort of new things for both of you

  • But how much nervousness was there going into it for both of you? I

  • For me there, there was not nervousness because we really made a contract, you know together as friends when we first

  • Met and when we decided to do this that you know, he said, you know

  • you're an actress and I said you're a musician and we shook hands and you know when you have that exchange with Anik with a

  • Collaborator it makes for a very pure artistic experience

  • I've said this to him before, you know, I'm saying with a lot of different people

  • but sometimes you can be singing with someone and you feel like they're singing at you or they're still just

  • performing for the audience

  • And they're not singing with you and telling the story and I loved singing with him so much and and we did everything

  • Live so, you know

  • You know take after take it was fresh and new and I just I loved his voice

  • and I loved the way our voices sounded together and

  • You know, we found love through music

  • the one thing I you know

  • I knew the talent I knew the potential but I also knew that it wouldn't really happen

  • Unless there was a tremendous commitment that was made and the fact that it wasn't lost on me

  • She is a full life

  • You know a full career that has a lot of demands and for her to take the time that she took

  • To prepare and to commit to this project is it was a massive?

  • Undertaking and also a massive sacrifice in her whole other life that to me

  • As I said before time is the biggest currency the fact that she dedicated so much of her precious time to this project

  • is the reason why it is what it is, but that was a you know symptom of

  • Bradley's passion, you know when you are working with someone who's better than you, you know?