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  • - [Narrator] The origins of the Sunny Family Cult,

  • which is known as one of the most mysterious murder cults

  • in American history, can be traced back

  • to April Fools' Day in 1982.

  • (elegant guitar music)

  • (suspenseful synthesizer music)

  • (groaning)

  • (loud squish)

  • The last reported Sunny killing was in 2015

  • in the northern Iowa town of Bettendorf.

  • (elegant guitar music)

  • - Crazy thing is they're still out there.

  • - Whatever.

  • It's just an urban legend they tell kids,

  • so they don't do anything crazy on April Fools'.

  • - No, my parents actually told me it was real.

  • - Well, if I was that guy, I would've just killed them all.

  • It's why you carry a gun on you, guys.

  • - Dude, what are you talking about?

  • You don't own a gun.

  • - Yeah, guns are super lame anyway.

  • - No, you're right, yeah.

  • Guns are lame.

  • Good thing though, I don't need a gun to protect you though.

  • - Ew, no.

  • (chuckling) - So, um, Truth or Dare, guys?

  • - Ooh, ooh!

  • Can I go first, can I go first?

  • - That's so lame.

  • - No, let's do it.

  • - Okay.

  • I'll go first.

  • Mm.

  • Taylor, truth or dare?

  • - Dare.

  • - I dare you to do seven minutes of heaven with me.

  • - You don't have to do that.

  • - No, it's fine, I want to.

  • Swear.

  • - Okay.

  • (loud thud)

  • - Whoa, you're pretty aggressive.

  • You know I actually like you.

  • I'm not just trying to get--

  • - Stop lying, okay?

  • Just shut up.

  • - Ah! - Oh, sorry.

  • - Try again.

  • - Well, this game sucks.

  • (suspenseful synthesizer music)

  • (groaning) (thudding)

  • - He's dead.

  • - That's not even funny.

  • - I think it is.

  • - Aaron, this isn't cool, man.

  • (ominous synthesizer music)

  • - He's dead.

  • He's really dead.

  • (electricity buzzes) - Oh my god!

  • Dude, what is going on? (thudding)

  • - No idea!

  • - Oh shit!

  • - Jessa! - Oh my god!

  • - Dude, we gotta fucking go, we gotta go!

  • Fuck, shit, dude, we need to get the fuck out of here!

  • Taylor has lost her mind!

  • (suspenseful synthesizer music)

  • What the fuck?

  • (loud squish) (groaning)

  • - Come on, Taylor, you don't have to do this.

  • - Oh, I know, it's just so much fucking fun though.

  • It just sucks 'cause you are kinda cute.

  • I feel bad too, you were like the only cool one

  • and you're so nice to me. - I'm still the cool one.

  • - What if you joined us?

  • We're like a family, people say it's a cult,

  • but it's more of a family.

  • We could have so much fun together.

  • Plus, I know you like me.

  • - I do, I really do like you.

  • - I know you do.

  • - Taylor, we gotta go get the cops.

  • We can fix this.

  • This will be fine.

  • (sighs) - What a bummer.

  • (loud squishing)

  • (playful synthesizer music)

  • - Taylor, I told you, strangle, don't stab.

  • You never listen.

  • - Stabbing's so much more fun though.

  • - [Father] Looks like we are gonna need a lot more bleach.

  • - I did good though, right?

  • - You did good.

  • You're a real part of the family now, honey.

  • - You know what?

  • I think we should do a family portrait.

  • - Let's.

  • - If thee who makest me I shall come.

  • He who breaks me shall come undone.

  • - Oi!

  • (suspenseful synthesizer music)

- [Narrator] The origins of the Sunny Family Cult,

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