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  • What's up guys, Coach Madden, official trainer of and today I've got

  • my 4 favorite drills to throw harder in baseball.

  • Now these 4 baseball throwing drills are great drills if you're trying to throw harder from

  • shortstop, or second base, or anywhere in the infield, even if you're a catcher, pitcher

  • even, or outfielder.

  • These are just general throwing drills, baseball throwing drills, to throw harder and if you

  • incorporate these 4 baseball throwing drills, you're going to see increases in your arm

  • strength, in your arm speed, in your velocity across the diamond or wherever you're throwing

  • from.

  • So, let's get right into it.

  • The first baseball throwing drill is going to be Sit Drives.

  • That's where you sit on a bucket and you really try to drive out of there, drive off of that

  • bucket and use your legs to drive off and throw that baseball.

  • Using your legs is very important when you're throwing and trying to throw harder because

  • that's where you generate all your energy.

  • The second of the baseball throwing drills is going to be medicine balls.

  • We know in the first one we were working on our legs, but once we transfer that energy

  • up our body now we get into our core, our midsection, and we have to have good rotational

  • energy.

  • By using the medicine balls we can work on that.

  • We can become stronger and more explosive through our core.

  • If we do medicine ball throws from our back hip and from our back shoulder, as well as

  • hip to shoulder separation medicine ball throws, we're going to have a lot of an increase in

  • our throwing speed.

  • The third of the baseball throwing drills is going to be Connection Ball Rockers.

  • Now, we're continuing up the kinetic chain.

  • The first drill we worked on our legs, the second drill we worked on our core, now we're

  • going to get into our arm and our arm action.

  • What I see a lot of guys do when they are throwing is they'll get real separated back

  • here.

  • They'll kind of let this arm drag behind and we don't want to do that.

  • So how we work on that is by doing Connection Ball Rockers.

  • The Rocker, we're going to get into this position where we get nice and wide, heel to heel,

  • we're going to get a connection ball in between our forearm and our bicep, we're going to

  • go through our Rocker Drill and throw this baseball and stay connected, here, inside

  • of our 90 degree angle as we throw that baseball.

  • That's going to help us stay connected, stay loaded, and be able to unload which is going

  • to make us throw harder across the diamond.

  • And last but not least, number 4 of the baseball throwing drills we're going to work on our

  • deceleration.

  • Again, we're continuing up the kinetic chain, we've talked about the legs generating the

  • energy, transferring it into our core, and then we worked on our arm here, now we have

  • to work on the brakes of the delivery.

  • The brakes of our throw.

  • If we're throwing and we have bad brakes, we can't go that fast.

  • If you're in a car that has bad brakes, you don't want to go that fast, do you?

  • Heck no I don't want to go that fast!

  • Same thing with throwing.

  • If you've got bad brakes on your arm, you're not going to want to throw that fast, if you

  • do, you've got more of a chance of hurting yourself.

  • So we've got to work on our brakes, we've got to work on the back of our arm, the deceleration.

  • Alright, how we do that is Reverse Throws.

  • What you're going to do is you're going to get a weighted ball, you're going to get on

  • one knee, you're going to put that ball down by your throwing foot, your lead leg foot,

  • and then you're going to turn, follow the ball with your head and throw backwards.

  • This is a great way to work on the back of the shoulder and the deceleration muscles.

  • So those are my 4 favorite drills to throw harder in baseball.

  • If you like those drills please give me a thumbs up.

  • If you're interested in throwing harder in baseball and you're going to work on this

  • stuff, please again, give me that thumbs up.

  • If you haven't already, hit that subscribe button.

  • I've got close to 700 videos, a bunch of baseball stuff.

  • Hit the subscribe button with that little bell symbol right next to it so you can be

  • notified when I upload new videos.

  • Right now I'm uploading 3 new videos a week, great videos, and I've got a bunch of great

  • stuff coming soon so you're going to want to be subscribed and notified when they are

  • uploaded.

  • Please leave me a comment below.

  • Let me know how hard you're throwing right now and how hard you want to be throwing and

  • what you're going to do to get to that goal.

  • Let me know below.

  • I'll talk to you there and I'll see you in the next video!

What's up guys, Coach Madden, official trainer of and today I've got

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