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  • Hello friends, welcome back! Do you feel nervous and anxious when speaking on the

  • phone in English? when somebody calls you in English you're stuck, you're nervous,

  • because you're not confident speaking on the phone in English? or when you have to

  • call somebody... be that for work purposes or for personal purposes, you don't know

  • how to communicate what you want on the phone... Friends there is no need to feel

  • nervous or anxious talking on the phone in English! In this video lesson I will

  • teach you how to improve your confidence speaking on the phone in English in two

  • situations... the first being when you are receiving a call from somebody and the

  • second being when you have to call somebody to get something done... friends

  • please note this is not a vocabulary lesson... these tips will help you speak

  • more confidently on the phone... they will enable you to communicate more

  • effectively while you are on phone calls and enable you to get what you need to

  • get done, while you're on the phone....

  • Friends before we go through these tips, which you can use to improve your

  • confidence speaking on the phone and enable you to get things done, I would

  • love to hear from you! Join the discussion in the comments below this

  • video and tell me do you ever speak on the phone in English? So do you use Skype? do

  • you use landlines? do you use your mobile phone? Do you use WhatsApp? do you

  • communicate in English on the phone? tell me in the comments is it for work

  • do you have to talk on the phone for

  • your job? or is it for personal purposes? maybe you are chatting to friends in

  • English, maybe you are booking an appointment.. whatever you're doing tell

  • us in the comments below this video... now friends I do understand that when you're

  • receiving a phone call from somebody in English, you may be panicking because

  • your level of English is not high enough... use these tips to calm down and to

  • communicate better on the phone... friends these tips I'll be sharing with you I've

  • used, using my second language. the Croatian language, and they work! Be

  • positive while we're going through these tips, as I know they will help you to

  • communicate to speak more confidently on the phone... let's begin by looking at the

  • first situation, that being when somebody calls you... now before you answer the

  • phone call, so you hear your friend ringing (bring bring) in the background and

  • you're starting to panic... before you even go to answer the phone, what I want you

  • to do is to smile :) Okay why do I tell you to smile? Smile and laugh... you want to

  • answer that phone call on a positive note... as English is your second language

  • and you're probably nervous and anxious because you're not confident using the

  • English language, let alone on the phone.. you want to break the ice, but you need

  • to break the ice with yourself... the best way to do this is to smile :) Smile and

  • laugh a little bit, so that when you answer that phone call, you answer it

  • happy... you're happy and you will not sound nervous and

  • anxious... by smiling when answering that phone call, the other person will notice

  • from the tone of your voice, they will notice that you sound happy, that you

  • sound interesting and they will be willing to talk to you... okay so you're

  • smiling, but before you answer the phone call... but what next you? you still have some

  • issues in communication... friends while on the phone call don't worry about every

  • single word... pay attention to key phrases and key topics.... questions that that

  • person is asking you... many English speakers when speaking on the phone ,they

  • connect words, they speak very fast and maybe a landline or the connections

  • simply cuts out... try to pay attention to those words, questions and phrases that

  • that person is saying to you... now something that I like to do when I'm

  • talking on the phone, is I like to have a piece of paper on hand and I like to

  • write down words or key phrases... so some important dot points... why do I like to do

  • this and I suggest that you do the same as well... because while you are on that telephone

  • call and you may not understand everything... you're taking notes so you're

  • organizing your ideas, and towards the end of that phone call you can ask

  • questions back to that person you're speaking to... remember friends you want to

  • be able to speak confidently, you want to communicate and you want to get stuff

  • done over the phone... asking questions back to the speaker is a great way to

  • make sure that you've fully understood what they're saying and that you're

  • doing what you need to do on the phone... you're getting that stuff done...

  • so for example I maybe call my dentist and I don't really understand my dentists

  • accent or they're speaking.. they are using strange words, but I want to make

  • an appointment at 12 p.m. tomorrow... and the dentist said bla bla bla 12:00... and

  • I'm like huh? I'm stuck... but I wrote down 12 o'clock and I will ask a question

  • back to confirm that I've fully understood what that other person was

  • saying... so I will ask the dentist, or the other person on the line... I'll say okay

  • just to confirm is the appointment at 12 p.m.... this way friends by asking

  • questions back using those dot points that you've written down, you will avoid

  • miscommunication on the phone and you'll get what you need to get done.. now what

  • about when you need to call somebody ,and you need to get some information, or you

  • need to make an appointment or do something? In these situations when

  • you are calling somebody to get something done, I suggest that you plan

  • your phone call before... you don't have to plan how your whole phone call... I'm not

  • talking about planning every single sentence or word you're going to say, but

  • write down the questions, the information that you need from that speaker.. so for

  • example, if you're trying to reserve a table at a restaurant...

  • write down, okay maybe when do you need to go?.. I need to go at 1 p.m. I want to

  • sit by the window... I want xyz--- whatever you need from that phone call

  • write those questions down before you even go to make that phone call... also

  • friends if you're nervous before making that phone call again smile... I know this...

  • I've said it a few times, but by you smiling maybe laughing a little bit.. tell

  • yourself a joke in your head before you go to answer or to call somebody in

  • English, you will portray yourself as being happy and interesting on the phone...

  • this will enable people to listen to you over the phone, but also give you that

  • information that you need... now friends, in both situations, be that

  • if you're calling somebody or if you're receiving a phone call, what I want you

  • to do while you're speaking on the phone is to open your mouth and speak slowly...

  • Now why do I say this? English is your second language and when

  • you're on a phone call, there may be some interference... be that because of the

  • network... whatever it is... but sometimes I can't even understand

  • some native speakers on the phone, because of bad signal! this really

  • frustrates people, these bad network and signal issues... I know it frustrates me

  • all the time... but even if I'm on the phone with a

  • native English speaker and we have bad network... bad signal issues... I speak slower

  • and I speak clearer.. why? because I want to get what I need to get done over the

  • phone... I want my message to go across... you

  • should be doing the same... while you're on the phone I suggest that you speak

  • slower, and you open your mouth, so that you are clearly pronouncing words and so

  • that the other person can understand you.. also you shouldn't be speaking with a

  • soft voice.. speak loud! Now when I say speak loud I don't mean shout on the

  • phone... don't shout while you're in a phone call

  • but speak loud, open your mouth, pronounce words clearly so that the other person

  • can understand you... a lot of the time when we are in phone calls there may be other

  • factors which may hinder your communication... this could be because of

  • bad network, bad signal and this is really frustrating... but it's even more

  • frustrating when you're on the phone with somebody and they're speaking

  • softly and they're not pronouncing words clearly... to overcome this open your

  • mouth! I know you can do it open your mouth and say words clearly out loud and

  • don't speak very fast... while you're in that call, you're calling that person

  • because you want to get something done... by you having prepared before that

  • information you want to ask, you've already done a lot...

  • you're already smiled... so you've already came to that call on a positive note but

  • it's not enough to be positive and to be speaking very fast and using a strong

  • accent which the other person can't understand... calm down a little bit speak

  • slower, open your mouth so that you can speak more clearly so that person can

  • understand... and so that they can help you! Friends I

  • would like to highlight these tips work... as I use them on a regular basis.. use

  • these tips, improve your confidence speaking on the phone in English and

  • avoid miscommunication! Have better and more meaningful phone calls using the

  • English language... friends I would love to hear from you! Have you used any of these

  • tips? are you speaking in the phone at the moment and why are you speaking on

  • the phone in English is it for work purposes... is it for private purposes? join

  • the discussion in the comments below this video... if you like this video lesson

  • you'll also love other lessons here on my YouTube channel... check out this video

  • lesson here to learn how to speak English like a native English speaker...

  • remember friends if you like this video lesson make sure to LIKE this video, hit

  • subscribe and turn on notifications so that you receive the latest lessons that

  • I post here I'm a YouTube channel... and be a good friend help your friends learning

  • English by sharing this video lesson with them... thanks for being here, thanks

  • for watching and I'll see you in the discussion in the comments below this

  • video... bye for now

Hello friends, welcome back! Do you feel nervous and anxious when speaking on the

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