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  • Hello! This week is International Week of the Deaf

  • and I'm going to be making 3 videos which are just about my deafness

  • The first one is:

  • And you can find that in the card above, or down bellow in the description

  • The second one is this video

  • And the 3rd video is

  • One of my most common comments

  • 'If you are deaf, why do you wear hearing aids?'

  • I'm sorry but that to me is genuinely hilarious in its irony, oh...

  • As I explained in my video on Monday which was all about I can and cannot hear

  • My hearing aids do help me, the genuenly do

  • They help me by cutting out the noise from.. within the human voice range

  • And then also amplifying the ones that are within the voice range

  • So it helps me in that I am able to distinguish a voice from within a world of noise

  • and differenciate a voice from say, a big truck that is driving past

  • It doesn't necessarily mean that I understand all of the words

  • Just listening with my hearing aids I will understand every third word I'm gonna say

  • So it would be kind of: word that I miss here

  • Word I hear

  • No clue

  • Word that I vaguely get

  • Word I do get

  • What the hell was that

  • I miss every third word because part of my nerve condition

  • It takes the nerves to my ear a lot longer to heal

  • and then for the sound to be able to travel again

  • So again, without my hearing aids it's one flat sound

  • With my hearing aid is there suddenly differentiation

  • Oh my god, is that it? Is that the end of the video? It's really simple... that was too simple

  • So, hearing aids!

  • I first got hearing aids when I went to university and realised that I couldn't hear

  • I've been going deaf for an incredibly long time and I hadn't realised what it was

  • I was having hearing difficulties when I was a small child, there were operations that were intended to fix them

  • And they did for a bit

  • I burst my ear drums a lot, I have really scared ear drums,

  • Another thing that makes it very difficult for sound to properly be carried

  • But I didn't actually have hearing aids neither did my father

  • Who really needed them, yeah, hi daddy if you are watching

  • He didn't want people to think that he was old

  • But, if your teenage daughter has hearing aids that's ok

  • Because it's a family thing, so it's fine...

  • But we have very different hearing aids, mine are not the prettiest we are gonna say, they are not...

  • They are proudly from the NHS who I thank so much

  • This is a mold, this is my actual ear shape

  • Okay, mold ear shape

  • Goes in there, and then as you tuck it behind your ear close it

  • That turns it on

  • So the back bit as you have noticed is quite large, you probably seen much smaller hearing aids

  • Specially in older people

  • Which I always thing is a bit strange because surely, with no offence, they are more likely to drop stuff

  • or have difficulties seeing a small hearing aid

  • For me is very helpful to have larger ones, I have the mould because my hearing loss is such that

  • they are very loud, they are very loud

  • If your mould is smaller and not as fitted it means the sound can scape out of the outside

  • that feedbacks into the hearing aids and it creates a loop where whistles or screams

  • If you have someone in your life who wears hearing aids and they are screaming it's because sound

  • its looping around and I cant actually hear the sound

  • But apparently it's terrible, and it ruins romantic situations

  • FYI

  • Also, fun things about my hearing aids:

  • They have a little

  • See if you can see it there

  • They have a tiny hole

  • Can you see the tiny hole?

  • They have a tiny little hole there, like a tunnel that goes all the way through

  • and taht is how air got into my head because

  • I got his new ones and they used to have a quite hard ear piece which was painful and because they were

  • hard sound got around which moves as you move your mouth

  • However the squishy ones are so good at their job and they really do fill up the space

  • That there was no air getting to my ear, in the ear

  • and I was getting terrible headaches beause there was like an ear bubble

  • an air bubble stuck in my ear, and I kid you now oh my god

  • Ear and air mixed up... oh dear...

  • Oh dear, we'll get there...

  • Hearing aids do actually come in a whole range of different colours

  • You can get gold ones, blue ones, red ones, flashy sparkly silver ones...

  • And also you can get some supposedly match the colour of your hair, but it doesn't...

  • That was a lie , I tried those, they weren't good

  • So yes, hearing aids yes, they come in all different colours however I a stickler for color matching

  • and I worry that if they were a set colour that they would not go with every outfit that I wear

  • and I wear a lot of colours as you can see on my instagram

  • Yes I wear a range of colours and I like things that match so I want my

  • If they were gold but Iwas wearing an outfit that involved silver nekclace

  • They would not go

  • Lots of people are a little worried when they know they are going to get hearing aids

  • about it pushing their ears forward

  • Now, I would say that probably if you can see there's a little tip at the top of my ears now

  • They do a little tip

  • and yes that's caused by my hearing aids but its not so terrible that they cant actually move the angle of your ear

  • This isnt gonna happen, this wont happen, it's ok don't worry

  • I know that some people specially girls, not that Iwant to you know gender specific

  • But girls wear their hair down over their hearing aids to hide them

  • But to me i find that more of a dificulty or a problem because it just ruffles, the hair ruffles

  • Mine have little microphones

  • on either side actually

  • But that means that if you have hair its going to *imitates noise*

  • and who needs taht?

  • no one

  • There are some really beautiful hairstyles that you can have like this one here

  • Even if you are wearing hearing aids and actually make hearing aids a feature

  • I find

  • I prefer wearing mi hearing aids like this

  • out and proud!

  • Because it helps me and it helps other people so they will come up to me

  • They'll see the hearing aids or if they dont and i start talking and I cant understand them I can just go

  • and they can see your hearing aids and go like oh right ok

  • And then they won't talk so quickly and then they will uncover their mouths, and be a little clearer

  • It would help you understand what's going on, it helps you to help them to help you

  • You know, I really love actually seeing on instagram how different people wear their hearing aids

  • Some people really jazz them up and add colours and stickers on them and I think that is really cool

  • Other questions people have about hearing aids are...

  • Are they painful?

  • And the answer is yes, there is no really a way around that yes they are, they are very painful actually

  • They are painful on the inside because they strech your ears out,

  • A bit like you got something in your ear, it's very annoying

  • They are painful if you lie down or rest your head but also want to keep your hearing aids in

  • I tend to be lying in bed one hearing aid in, and be lying on this side

  • and then roll over and switch hearing aids but that can be a problem, it can ruin your romantic situations

  • They are also quite painful because of the noise, it's just so loud

  • and it really wears on you, specially since when I take them out there is a kind of *imitates noise*

  • That was meant to be my hearing, sorry

  • Without hearing aids everything is a bit muffled, everything is a bit monotone and everything is a bit quiet

  • It's nice and relaxing

  • When you put them in you are confronted with noise and eugh...

  • So then I take them out, that kind of thing

  • Also painful, masive trucks

  • If a massive track goes by you and it plays the horn oh...

  • that is very painful...

  • Very windy days, that is also quite painful

  • With hearing aids it's advisable taht you get this tube changed as son as it gets hard

  • Your audiologist will give you a whole range of these, and they kind of want you to learn to do it yourself

  • But, I don't

  • Also, the easiest way to clean them here is to get a pin

  • Sewing needle it's quite good but try to get one that is not too sharp cause you dont want to ruin it

  • Or create a hole, that is always a problem, i did do that once

  • So generally use a slightly rounded needle, thing needles, an embroidery needle is the best for clearing out your ear wax

  • eugh...

  • I tend to just wear one hearing aid, because I find with 2 of them in it feels like my head is a giant air bubble

  • So i prefer to just wear one and switch between them

  • But mainly this one because my parting is on this side

  • and also I am just more deaf in this ear

  • One thing that I would really like to get across about deafness, deaf people in general

  • Is that hearing and listening are two very different things

  • I might not be able to hear what someone is saying but I am listening

  • I am paying attention and I am processing what they are saying and

  • I am giving them the time and that's listening

  • My dear wife actually said in her wedding speech about how I'm the first one who's ever truly listened to her

  • And what does they say? Deaf people we listen to you

  • Also we make really good partners, date us!

  • I hope you've found this video very helpful, please you can check out my channel for other videos taht are quite similar

  • About disabilities, and also some hair stuff

  • that involves hearing aids

  • Please leave me a comment with any tips that you have about hearing aids care

Hello! This week is International Week of the Deaf

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