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  • Hey there and welcome to Life Noggin!

  • For a lot of people, sleeping is a time of rest, and the most movement you do is the

  • normal tossing and turning.

  • But for others, sleep can be a time to aimlessly walk around the house, drive a car, or cook

  • a meal, all without them being consciously aware.

  • This is called sleepwalking, or somnambulism, and scientists are still trying to figure

  • out exactly why it occurs.

  • But what they do know is that it most frequently happens to children and occurs during the

  • deepest stages of sleep, stages 3 and 4.

  • This is your deepest sleep where your brain waves are the slowest.

  • In contrast, during REM sleep, or rapid-eye movement, your brain activity is much active

  • and this is the stage in which most of your dreams occur.

  • And to keep you from acting out those dreams, your body's muscles become temporarily paralyzed.

  • So, it makes sense that most sleep walking occurs in a stage other than REM sleep, since,

  • ya know, you can't really walk when your muscles are not able to move.

  • And by the same logic, sleep talking also occurs mostly during deeper stages of sleep.

  • Now, since the sleepwalker is in a deep stage of sleep, it will be quite difficult to wake

  • them up if you try and they probably will be really confused about why they're not in their bed.

  • It's not dangerous to do this, but be prepared to explain the situation if you do.

  • But with all that said, why does sleepwalking occur in the first place?

  • Well, one hypothesis is that people rise from their beds when their brain attempts to go

  • straight from non-REM sleep to being awake, rather than going through the rest of the sleep cycle.

  • And it's thought that something triggered this transition.

  • This is the part that scientists are still not sure on, but they have a few ideas.

  • As mentioned before, sleepwalking mostly occurs in children.

  • So some scientists think that children are more prone to sleepwalking because their brains

  • aren't yet fully developed.

  • It may be that all the growth hormones are triggering the kid to rise.

  • But it may also have to do with inhibitory neurotransmitters.

  • See, there is a neurotransmitter called GABA that stifles the brain's motor system.

  • For adults, this neurotransmitter usually does a good job to inhibit the body's motion.

  • But for kids, the neurons that release that neurotransmitter aren't fully developed

  • yet, so their motor systems may still be active.

  • And voila!

  • This can then lead to that kid walking around the house in their sleep.

  • Now, don't worry, children usually grow out of sleepwalking as they age and their brains fully develop.

  • But if sleepwalking persists into adulthood, it may be linked to a mental disorder like

  • alcoholism or clinical depression.

  • Most of the time it's not dangerous, but if it gets to be, you may want to seek out

  • a doctor for help.

  • So have you ever sleepwalked before?

  • And if so, what did you end up doing?

  • Knowing me, I'd probably end up eating leftover pizza out of the fridge, but that's assuming

  • I can sleep at all.

  • Anyway, make sure you come back every Monday for a brand new video.

  • As always, I'm Blocko and this has been Life Noggin.

  • Don't forget to keep on thinking!

Hey there and welcome to Life Noggin!

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