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  • Hey guys,

  • welcome to my channel

  • If you haven't subscibed yet

  • please click the link below and subscribe to my channel

  • because I'm going to talk a lot about getting into foreign universities

  • and life abroad.

  • Today I'm going to tell you about American Universities and colleges

  • where you can study for free

  • So if you're interested in this topic, continue watching this video.

  • The first thing I want to tell you

  • there is no free education in the United States.

  • Every single university will require you to pay something

  • They would have tuition and fee section

  • on their website

  • and they'd tell you that

  • tution fee is for example 23000$ a year

  • or if we're talking about a top university

  • it goes up to 200 000$

  • American education system is good that they provide a lot of scholarships

  • assistanships

  • to talented students

  • and it's possible to study for free

  • This happened to me when I got my

  • full assitanship for MBA

  • I got it from the University of Florida

  • They provided me with assitanship that helped me cover

  • tuition fees

  • and housing and everything

  • But I didn't take that offer

  • and I decided to run my startup

  • This is a different story

  • If you subscribed, you probably know this story

  • Today I want to share the names of those universities

  • that provided financial aid

  • Also I wanted to mention

  • that there are certain profiles of students

  • and it's really hard for these profiles to get financial aid

  • because financial aid is provided for special students

  • especially if we're talking about mid-level universities

  • they're really interested to get really talented

  • really bright students

  • in order to increase their ranking

  • because every single nationality will effect their profile

  • for example, the university wouldn't want to have

  • hundred thousand Chinese students

  • and 2 Russians

  • or 2 Indians.

  • This is why they try to diversify their portfolio

  • and make the nationality mix

  • as outstanding as possible

  • because as I said

  • this affects their ranking

  • and the higher their rank,

  • the more aid they get from the state

  • the more aid they get from their donors

  • like students who already graduated from the college

  • and got a great job

  • and they're donating to the university

  • and for example

  • last year United States welcomed

  • 1 million international students

  • and those were mostly Indians and Chinese

  • if you're not from those countries

  • you have a benefit

  • For example, if you're girl from Kazakhstan

  • or you're a girl from Uruguay

  • you would be underepresented

  • and every university would want to have a female

  • because you know in America there's this things about

  • equality and they'll want to have 50% of males

  • 50% females

  • They want to have people from every single country in the world

  • not from just China and India

  • So you have a slightly better chance of getting in

  • and getting financial aid

  • On the other hand

  • if you're an Indian male with background in IT

  • they'll be a bit tougher

  • so your test results like TOEFL, GMAT, GRE

  • have to be really high

  • And talking about financial aid

  • first group of universities are universities

  • first league

  • They're Stanford,

  • Harvard, you know

  • all of the names that ring a bell

  • in every single person's head

  • and they're really high ranked

  • and you'd get great job offers

  • and these universities don't consider your finacial abilities

  • when accepting you

  • That happens is

  • you apply to Stanford

  • you get accepted to Stanford

  • and then Stanford asks you

  • How much does your family make

  • per year

  • if this nymber is below 65000$

  • then Stanford is going to say "hey,

  • we're going to provide financial aid".

  • If that's above 65000 a year

  • they' d probably tell you

  • you're able to sponsor education yourself

  • this is how it works with high universities

  • they don't do merit based scholarship

  • assistanship. I don't

  • say "they normally wouldn't do them

  • They normally do financial based scholarships and assistanships

  • So they would only consider your financial needs

  • not your mental abilities

  • because if you were able to get into Stanford

  • MIT, Harvard

  • There's no doubt that you're really talented

  • really hard working

  • There' s also another level of universities

  • that don't really ring a bell

  • but which are also very good

  • and really good in rankings

  • but they would consider your application

  • for different kinds of financial aid

  • after assessing your mental abilities

  • your achievements

  • your work experience

  • if we're talking about universities like University of Chicago

  • University of Florida,

  • University of Illinois

  • They'd give financial aid to best of the best

  • So they have a lot of opportunities

  • and those are scholarships

  • if you get a scholarship

  • you don't really owe

  • you just get the money

  • and start studying

  • but if you're getting an assistanship

  • that means you have to work 10 hours per week

  • you'd be either helping

  • a teacher

  • during the lectures

  • or doing some administrative work

  • like filling in applications

  • or checking applications from other international students

  • but assistanship means you're doing something for a university

  • they're pretty generous

  • they would also cover your tuition fees

  • and give you money for living

  • and for accommodation

  • So these colleges

  • would asses if you're the best of the best

  • and only the best of the best would get financial aid

  • So when applying

  • I would recommend you to

  • pay attention to

  • what kind of financial aid the university provides

  • if we're talking about not Stanford, Harvard

  • like Yvy league universities

  • We're talking about

  • like University of Florida

  • michigan state university

  • University of Chicago

  • make sure that your application is brilliant

  • Also it's important to notice that

  • PhD students

  • get funded in 90% of the cases

  • If you're applying for PhD program

  • No matter what university you're applying to

  • you'd get all your costs covered

  • by the University

  • because when you're doing your PhD

  • it means you can give something back

  • to the University

  • and you can do some work

  • and University can pay you back

  • When we're talking about Master's students

  • Yes, it's possible to get financial aid

  • but I can't say that 90% of the students are funded

  • but it's possible

  • and there are a lot of opportunities for graduate studies

  • When we're talking about undergraduate studies

  • Bachelor's programs

  • This is a bit tough

  • My company helps people to get into

  • American Universities

  • and we have a couple of cases

  • when student got assistanship

  • during her Bachelor's studies

  • which is really rare

  • because when you're a bachelor

  • studentm you just got out of school

  • you don't know how academics work

  • and it's unfair to make you work

  • 10 hours per week

  • in addition to studying

  • assistanship is not really common for bachelors

  • but scholarships are the most common type of financial aid

  • for Bachelor programs

  • we have a student who got

  • full scholarship to study in Yale

  • She was really brilliant

  • I'd say 5-10% of students get funded

  • you have to be really outstanding

  • to get funded for your Bachelor

  • There are also colleges

  • who provide financial aid for bachelors

  • everybody

  • One of the colleges is Berea College

  • They're actually state

  • tuition fee is 23000$ a year

  • They provide assistanship to every single student

  • and you end up paying 1000$ in tuition fees

  • Almost free

  • There are plenty of those colleges

  • make sure if you've been to the US

  • on Work and Travel program

  • if you had any difficulties entering US

  • If you had visa refusals

  • or if you been deported

  • I hope you haven't been deported

  • if you had any problems crossing borders with the States

  • it might be possible to get your visa refused

  • if you're going to almost free colleges

  • If you're accepted to Stanford and Harvard

  • I hope there won't be any problems

  • I'm not visa immigration specialist

  • I'm just talking about cases that we had

  • Make sure you haven't had any problems with visas

  • if you're getting into that college which provides

  • financial aid to everyone

  • I also wanted to give you some numbers

  • how much universities actually provide

  • Berea college around 22000$

  • for everybody

  • University of Chicago 48 000$

  • and tuition fee is around 45 000

  • they partly cover you accommodation

  • cost and there are plenty of students who

  • get all the costs covered

  • it's worth trying to get to the University of Chicago

  • Yale provides 55 000$

  • per year

  • Our student got 60 000 per year

  • she got her accommodation covered

  • Duke University would provide

  • 53 000 $ per year

  • The best thing is to ask a university

  • how much they provide

  • They'd also have this information of the website

  • So guys

  • let me know if you have any questions

  • about that please

  • feel free to write them in comments

  • I'd try and answer

  • every single question

  • if you need help with getting

  • into American Universities

  • I'd be more than ready to help you

  • I normally do one to one consultation

  • and I'd leave a link below

  • because many of you would need

  • some advice

  • on how to choose a university

  • or maybe access your chances of getting financial aid

  • so let me know if you're interested

  • and the link would be below

  • please feel free to book a consultation with me

  • Don't forget to subscribe

  • Please share this video

  • on your social networks

  • I'd really appreciate it

  • I'd really appreciate your likes

  • I hope to see you in the next videos

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