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  • Do you have trouble writing English?

  • When you write English, do you often make a lot of mistakes?

  • If you do, this video is for you.

  • Now, making mistakes is fine as long as other people can understand your writing.

  • But it can be a problem in some situations like when you're trying to write a resume, taking an English exam, or sending an email to your boss at work.

  • In these situations, poor writing can make you look unprofessional.

  • It can affect the outcome of your job application, the score of your exam, or whether you'll get a promotion.

  • So if you want to be prepared for these situations, let me show you the writing exercise that I do to improve my own writing skills.

  • To do this exercise, you need to find something that was written by a native English speaker.

  • This could be an article on the Internet, a chapter from a book, or even a resume.

  • So here I have an article titled "How to Find a Hobby."

  • And I'm going to practice my writing with this article.

  • So first, what I'm going to do is, I'm going to read the first sentence and make sure that I understand everything.

  • If there's a word or phrase I don't know, I'll look it up.

  • So let'say I don't know what the phrase means, I can go to Google and type in that phrase.

  • All right. So "line of work" means the activity in your life that you do to earn money.

  • So it basically means a job or an occupation.

  • Okay.

  • Now that I understand the whole sentence, I'm going to take a moment to memorize it.

  • Then, I'll switch to this text editor and I will write down the sentence from memory.

  • Now, if I can't remember some of the words in the sentence, I'll just make a guess or I might use other words with similar meanings.

  • Okay.

  • Next, I'm going to compare what I wrote with the original to see if I made any mistakes.

  • And if I did, I will correct them.

  • Okay.

  • After I've fixed my mistakes, I'll write the sentence one more time without making the same mistakes.

  • So I'm going to delete this and do it one more time.

  • And that's it.

  • After I'm done with the first sentence, I'll repeat the same steps with the next sentence.

  • So, step 1: I read and memorize the sentence.

  • Step 2: I write down the sentence from memory.

  • Step 3: I compare what I wrote with the original.

  • This time, I didn't make any mistakes, so I don't have to do anything.

  • But if I did make mistakes, I will correct them and I will delete this sentence and write it down one more time for repetition.

  • Now, when you do this exercise, you'll often come across long sentences like this one.

  • This is very common in written English.

  • And it can be difficult for beginners to memorize them.

  • So, whenever you have to practice with a long sentence like this, you can break it down into smaller parts and practice one part at a time.

  • So, for this sentence, you can practice this part first.

  • So you do all the steps with just this part before moving on to the second part.

  • Okay. So that's how I practice my writing.

  • I usually do this exercise for about 15 - 30 minutes.

  • It's simple. It's easy to do, and very effective.

  • So what are the benefits of this writing exercise?

  • Well, when you do this exercise, you're learning a lot of things.

  • You're learning how to form sentences correctly.

  • You're learning how to use adverbs, adjectives, prepositions, and so on.

  • And of course, you're learning a lot of new words and phrases, and not just their meanings, but also how to use them in writing.

  • So if you often have trouble finding the right words to use in your writing, this exercise is for you.

  • Now, other than this exercise, there's one more thing you must do if you want to write English well, and that is to read in English regularly.

  • Although the writing exercise we talked about is very effective, you can only do it if you have a computer or a pen and paper.

  • It's difficult to practice when you're riding the train or sitting in the dentist's office.

  • I's possible to do it if you really want to.

  • But it's going to be very inconvenient and awkward.

  • And this is where reading comes in.

  • Reading is easy to do.

  • You can read almost anytime and anywhere.

  • All you need is an English book, or you can use your phone to read websites that you find interesting.

  • But why is reading so important?

  • Why should you read a lot if you want to improve your writing?

  • Well, you can't write English well unless you expose yourself to a lot of well-written English first.

  • If you constanty read the writing of people who write better than you, your writing will gradually get better.

  • So there you go.

  • Those are the two things that I do to improve my English writing.

  • Number one: I practice my writing with the exercise I showed you, and number two: I read a lot in English.

Do you have trouble writing English?

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