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  • Standing here with Effie

  • and Ze'ev. Yes.

  • We are here on the Golan Heights,

  • and we are looking into Syria,

  • sight of just the worst civil war imaginable.

  • Syrians, who are wounded

  • or in need of medical attention,

  • have been getting medical attention from the Israelis.

  • Sometimes they are wounded

  • and sometimes those are sick women or children.

  • I cannot imagine how they feel.

  • You know sometimes they come

  • and they're just so scared,

  • and you can barely get them talk.

  • And sometimes they say, "Toda,"

  • "Thank you" in Hebrew that's,

  • in my language. For a Syrian to thank you

  • in Hebrew is pretty special. Yes.

  • You can hear?

  • That's the civil war.

  • What we're hearing right now--

  • Right now is exchange of fire

  • between the regime and the rebels.

  • That's the city of Nakonechna.

  • That city is controlled by the regime.

  • Okay? By Assad's military.

  • And the village right here is controlled by rebels.

  • That's machine gun fire we hear,

  • rifle fire-- Machine guns,

  • heavy machine guns.

  • [Conan] Heavy machine guns.

  • (bellowing gunfire)

  • Now, this is going on all the time.

  • Uh, this is relatively calm, okay?

  • Relatively calm, relative to war.

  • That's mind-numbing that

  • that's relatively calm. That's relatively calm.

  • Yeah, I've never heard an actual war before.

  • That's pretty sobering.

  • Syrians are treated near the border,

  • and then they're taken here.

  • Standing here with Dr. Roisentul and with Fares.

  • Dr. Roisentul, obviously you treat

  • the Syrians that come here and need help.

  • And, Fares, you are a social worker.

  • You speak Arabic and you say that's important

  • because when the Syrians come in they're very afraid,

  • so if someone can speak Arabic to them,

  • it calms them, is that right?

  • Yes.

  • You're treating Syrians here who've been injured

  • in the civil war.

  • You don't treat them just medically,

  • they're also treated psychologically, is that true?

  • Yeah, that true,

  • because some people they have illnesses.

  • They also come here because they have a trauma.

  • [Conan] Right.

  • They have a trauma from the war.

  • They have a trauma from leaving the country.

  • I think you're doing God's work here.

  • I honestly, sincerely think you're doing

  • beautiful work here.

  • The only thing I question about you

  • are these medical Crocs.

  • (crowd laughing) That, I think,

  • is the only thing that separates you

  • from a godlike status. (crowd laughing)

  • We are only human.

  • [Conan] Yeah, we all have our mistakes.

  • You bought those. (crowd laughing)

  • You saw them at the mall and you had to have them.

  • Other than the Crocs,

  • I think you should get the Peace Prize,

  • I really do.

  • (clapping) Next I visited

  • with some of the Syrian patients,

  • whose faces we had to blur

  • for their own protection.

  • (speaking in foreign language)

  • Please tell him that I'm very sorry

  • for his injury and his pain.

  • And, coming here and seeing everyone here

  • who's been injured and meeting them,

  • it's very powerful for me.

  • The world is very aware of the horrors in Syria.

  • And, we're hoping that together,

  • maybe we can find a solution so that this can stop.

Standing here with Effie

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