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  • So I thought yesterday was Monday and also the day before that so basically I've been here for three Monday's

  • You should see a doctor about that. See ya

  • Bye

  • Hey, Shayne

  • Hey, Olivia

  • Great. It's broken.

  • Flitz just got coffee.

  • Oh then he's the one who broke it.

  • Let me try

  • See?

  • what?

  • Excuse me, sir.

  • Oh hey Courtney,

  • shh, I'm saving my personality for camera. I'm about to shoot a vlog

  • Wait, is that cup empty?

  • Yes, sir.

  • It worked for Flitz and Olivia. It won't work for me or Courtney

  • Oh my god. The coffee machine is racist! Against white people!

  • Noah, I need your help

  • Oh, yeah, totally man, okay?

  • So we're gonna need twice as much weight as we think because when the human body dies it bloats And then it floats in water and.....

  • No! No! No! No! I think the coffee machine is racist!

  • Against white people!

  • It probably is.

  • Look, can you make a cup of coffee to test it out?

  • No, I don't drink coffee because caffeine is a drug.

  • I don't need you to drink it I just.. you know I need you to like go and press the buttons and see...


  • Don't you smoke a bunch of weed?

  • Keith, can you go get me coffee?

  • No

  • you don't understand. It's because you're black.


  • I can't get coffee because I'm white. So I need you, a black person, to go get coffee for me.

  • You know what? It's too early for this s#!@.

  • Racism is ruining my day!

  • Coffee machine worked just fine for me.

  • How?

  • Well, it was simple really.

  • All I had to do is make the selection and the machine brewed me a nice hot cup of Colombian gold.

  • You're telling me the coffee machine brews gold?

  • What, no are you high?

  • Can you make me another cup of coffee?

  • Yes. I can.

  • While I watch?

  • Yes, I perform better with an audience.

  • Now if you'll notice, I hit coffee drinks, Colombian, small, regular, go.

  • Oh! Oh!

  • Ohhhh!

  • Wait, but if the coffee machine is racist -

  • against white people -

  • and it got Ian to brew him coffee then that means...

  • Ian, you're black!

  • Ian is black..

  • Ian is black! Ian is black!

  • AAAHH!!!!! *Dramatic music plays in background*

  • I'm tired of everyone being racist towards white people!

  • Do you know how hard it is to be a white man in America?!

  • Yo, you gotta dial it down Shayne.

  • No, I don't Keith!

  • It's hard being white! For instance, uh well..

  • Okay, uh I can't have spicy food! Even though Pepcid does help with the heartburn.

  • Oh, how about this? The other day-

  • I was pulled over by a cop for no apparent reason other than my registration was expired-

  • and he helped renew it for me. Which was very nice of him!

  • Oh what else? Oh oh, politics!

  • No, uh my salary - no...

  • Oh! Acting jobs!

  • Definitely not... Definitely no, I'm straight crushing it.

  • Oh! But the coffee machine!

  • The copy machine is 100% racist!

  • Against white people!

  • Are you sure you're doing it right?

  • Of course I'm "doing it right" Oliviaaaa...

  • I'm a white man!

  • I press coffee!

  • Espresso!

  • Small!

  • Strong!

  • Cancel. Duh!

  • You're supposed to press go. Not cancel.

  • They're not....

  • They're not the same?

  • Well, what about Courtney? It wouldn't give her coffee.

  • I don't want coffee. I like empty cups

  • There's a hopefulness to an empty cup you can put anything in it. God bless.

  • Oh.

  • Uh, well then. I guess we're good.

  • I'd appreciate it if we didn't tell anybody else about this.

  • I already called HR.

  • I completely understand.

  • Coffee, Espresso, small, strong...

  • Go.

  • Yes!

  • Ahh....

  • Hey guys! Thank you so much for watching this video. We're going to keep trying out new stuff-

  • So if you enjoyed this type of video make sure you hit the like button

  • So we know to make more. If you want to see how we made this video and all the other crazy stuff-

  • we did this week, click the box on the left and if you want to see 2007 verse

  • 2017 click the box on the right and again, thank you guys so much for watching this video. We'll see you next time. Bye, Bye!

So I thought yesterday was Monday and also the day before that so basically I've been here for three Monday's

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