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  • Every day I drive by and there's this giant billboard.

  • I'm sure everyone here has seen it.

  • It's out front.

  • It's all of you guys eating. Yes.

  • I guess that's the way to promote the show.

  • (laughing)

  • I guess people have these thoughts about...

  • The whole cast, they're all together,

  • they've gotta be doing something.

  • Yeah. Right?

  • And so, they had this idea of you guys eating.

  • We eat together (mumbling).

  • These guys are kind of like a family, you know?

  • So, it's a thing that we do together, but it's tricky.

  • It's tricky acting and eating at the same time

  • because you have to time the bites with the joke,

  • sometimes you choke,

  • and then when the camera cuts away

  • you kinda spit your food out,

  • but then when it comes back on you you're chewing, you know.

  • We aren't really chewing. You know, it's funny,

  • I've never thought about this,

  • but you guys do that a lot on this show where

  • they want the actors to all have

  • an action they're doing. Yes, you have to do...

  • The old adage is you can't come onto a scene

  • with just people sitting there doing nothing, right?

  • Right. Because that's not reality,

  • predominantly. Right.

  • So, we have to be doing something.

  • So, eating is a big thing.

  • If you watch sitcoms a lot, you'll see people eating a lot.

  • I've noticed on Will and Grace

  • Eric McCormack is always stirring a pot of...

  • He's always there stirring a pot,

  • and that's his action always,

  • and tasting it and then making a quip.

  • Yeah, always stirring. Stirring?

  • He's got a sauce that he's always making

  • over in the kitchen,

  • and then people characters come in and out.

  • He's like, 'you wise guy,' and he's stirring his pot.

  • He's literally stirring the pot and stirring the pot.

  • Ah, very nicely done. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • I'll sue you for that. (laughing)

  • But you know what's interesting?

  • I didn't think it was that hard,

  • and I was curious what is the technique

  • if you're trying to eat and act at the same time?

  • Could you show us what it is?

  • We brought some... Yeah, absolutely.

  • We just brought some food and I thought maybe

  • you could show... Oh, thank you.

  • How convenient.

  • Andy, do you want some there?

  • It's just, we're gonna learn.. No, I mean, well...

  • So, you do...

  • So, the number...

  • So, let me teach you my food acting class technique.

  • So, we're in a scene together.

  • So, we're in the scene together.

  • The first thing we're just talking, don't eat.

  • Just play around with your food, you're looking at...

  • You're kinda mixing your food.

  • You put it in, you'll say a couple of lines,

  • you know what I mean?

  • Now you're like, okay.

  • Now the camera's on you, you've said your joke,

  • it's about to cut away and you do this,

  • and then it cuts away.

  • You're chewing, you're chewing, you're chewing (mumbling)

  • And you spit it out.

  • And you spit it out.

  • And now it's a new thing. That's disgusting!

  • But now you're not really...

  • You know, I don't have anything in my mouth right now,

  • but it looks like I do, right?

  • Yeah, but it's....

  • But now that you've said that,

  • it's ruined all sitcoms for me

  • (laughing)

  • because all I'm thinking about...

  • You don't really spit it out, but you just...

  • You kinda fake it, like what I'll do is...

  • So, this looks like a really big bite, right?

  • So, it looks like I'm about to do this,

  • the camera will cut away, and I'll quickly throw it away

  • and I'll just take...

  • When the camera comes back to me, I'm like...

  • You know?

  • Do you get it?

  • Yeah, I think I get it.

  • Try and ask me a line, I'll do a line, ask me.

  • So, let's do like a...

  • Do me a line, I'll just...

  • I'll make up a line.

  • You ask me something like 'Hey, Conan.'

  • Hey, Conan, how was your...

  • What's going on in this second?

  • Oh, you know what, I've gotta tell you something.

  • What's amazing... (laughing)

  • You just took a bite, you didn't even do anything!

  • No, the point...

  • The rice was better...

  • The rice was better than I thought it would be.

  • It was! (cheering)

  • You can also...

  • Hey, that's what I would be doing.

  • I have to tell you, I come from a big Irish Catholic family,

  • and we just...

  • When there's food in front of us, we go.

  • I would get more interested in the hamburger

  • than in the scene I was playing, so I'd be...

  • Even in a drama, they'd be like 'Conan's the murderer!'

  • (gargling) (laughing)

  • I would just plow through my food.

  • Cool, that was good, that was exciting.

  • (laughing)

  • I wanna get you on camera eating.

  • But see, I've got nothing in my mouth.

  • That's the technique.

  • That's the technique.

  • You're like a magician.

  • (clapping) Thank you.

  • It's like the least impressive thing to everyone.

  • So, it's 'yeah' (laughs).

  • Yeah, yeah, and then...

  • Yup.

  • Let me get this even better.

  • That's pretty subtle.

  • That's pretty subtle, yup.

  • This is the reason I've never been asked to be on a sitcom

  • and I never will.

Every day I drive by and there's this giant billboard.

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