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  • First video of 2018!

  • [ slam ]

  • [ slam x2 ]

  • Okay, maybe third, but- psh.

  • First ACTUAL video people subscribe for.

  • [ d i n g ]

  • [ EAR RAPE ]

  • If you follow me on Twitter (What a weeb), you would know that

  • I'm currently up at college,

  • to study animation in order to:

  • One, make my animations way better, and

  • Two, because YouTube won't last forever,

  • And I need a way in which I can potentially get a job once YouTube dies

  • so I won't be homeless living on the streets.

  • Major studios hire from BYU from time to time. So, who knows?

  • Maybe I'll be working in the industry in the future!

  • I also need to actually learn how to use animation programs (Eeeh or Nervous face)

  • instead of opting to Paint Tool SAI (Happy face :D)

  • But who has the time for that? I'm a creature of habit. I'm not ashamed!

  • [ d i n g ]

  • I'll talk about animation school in a different video,

  • but basically the two things I've learned this semester are,

  • One,

  • [ SLAM ]

  • What?

  • Stop drawing anime.

  • Yeah, ain't nobody gonna look at that

  • Yeah,

  • You can just stop.

  • And two, all the lectures about

  • how to do well, in art and animation

  • usually boil down to

  • "git good"

  • ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • To which I usually respond

  • [ I N T E R N A L S U F F E R I N G ]

  • meme.png

  • AAAAAAAAAAAND, We're back with the news!

  • Apartments. Since I'm out of state I needed to find a new place to stay in.

  • I'm pretty used to sharing rooms with other people,

  • at one point in my life,

  • I slept in the same room with three other sisters. (W O A H)

  • As long as my roommates treat me nice,

  • we're not gonna have a problem.

  • However, last time I was up at BYU, I had some very 'toxic' roommates.

  • I saw on Facebook, that they're still there this semester, and I don't want to live with them..(Good choice.)

  • sooo, I had to find a new place.

  • BUT,

  • Some of the apartments have the STRANGEST layouts I've ever seen.

  • Here are some highlights,

  • of uh, what I saw.

  • The first place seemed good until I realized, it had no parking. (WAIT WAT)

  • As a college student, I need a place to park my car.

  • So, why is it that they have no parking?

  • Because the apartments,

  • are on a huge grass lot. (Ooh.)

  • Their claim to fame was how 'rich' and 'luxurious' their grass was. (B O I)

  • What the heck are college students supposed to use that grass for?

  • What the heck are college students supposed to use that grass for? *nom*

  • Pets?

  • Pets?

  • No, pets aren't allowed. (WHAT)

  • Events?

  • Events?

  • No, you aren't allowed to host any events there. It was too expensive anyways,

  • If you're gonna charge that much, at least have some form of parking.

  • I was not willing to walk a mile just to park my car.

  • The next apartment. I almost got, but THANK GOODNESS, I didn't.

  • Right before I signed the contract,

  • I noticed something... a little strange in the images provided for the unit.

  • The shower was... inside your room. (SAY WHAAAAT)

  • Like, across from your bed.

  • In order to get outside of the shower, you had to walk on the carpet.

  • It's like they thought,

  • "We CoUlD mAkE a qUiCk bUcK bY tUrNiNg tHiS cLoSeT iNtO a ShOwEr.

  • What could possibly go wrong?" *Bubsy reference*

  • I'm sorry, do you not understand how mold works?

  • After a while, that wet spot on the carpet, WILL start to stink, so I had to get out of that contract IMMEDIATELY.

  • You thought closet shower was bad?

  • Get a load of this:

  • The next apartment had a legit portal to NARNIA.

  • The shower was in between the WALLS. (WHAT THE-)

  • Same as before. I was not gonna be held responsible for a moldy carpet.

  • Also the fact that your roommate can watch you... shower?

  • Would probably make me never want to shower,

  • What if she had friends over, and I didn't know?

  • Or what if you both wanted to take a shower-

  • Or what if you both wanted to take a shower AT

  • Or what if you both wanted to take a shower AT THE SAME

  • Or what if you both wanted to take a shower AT THE SAME TIME?

  • Or what if you both wanted to take a shower AT THE SAME TIME? [ door slam ]

  • The problem with these apartments,

  • Is that, the shower, was an afterthought,

  • And if something like a shower is an afterthought,

  • Then what else in the apartment was scrambled together just to make a quick buck?

  • [ short-circuit intensifies ]

  • The last apartment I'm gonna talk about,

  • Is the most ridiculous of the bunch?

  • This apartment looks all fancy and plush on the inside,

  • But secretly it's a hole of torture.

  • I can't tell you how many people want SO badly to get out of the contracts from this place.

  • The parking spaces are put SO close together,

  • That if your car wheel is on ANYWHERE on the line,

  • Your car will be towed.

  • They hide all these little fees in the price once you get a contract,

  • And when you check out of the apartment,

  • If there is any speck of dust or water on your counter,

  • You'll get fined.

  • "hMMM,

  • "hMMM, No, it's not cleaned enough"

  • "But I scrubbed the sink for HOURS."

  • "Yeah,

  • "Yeah, but did you see, uh...."

  • "Yeah, but did you see, uh... that?"

  • "What?"

  • "The drop."

  • "Yeah, uh... This is not clean."

  • The apartment I ended up getting has been pretty great.

  • I have plenty of space for my equipment, despite having to share a room

  • There are NORMAL bathrooms, (YEE)

  • And my roommates are pretty chill.

  • It does have its flaws though. On the first night

  • I was just trying to get into bed when all of a sudden...

  • *instananeous p a i n*

  • *pain.mp3 is currently loading*

  • *pain.mp3 loaded.*

  • I slammed my shin, into a cinderblock holding it up.

  • That thing was super sharp. It literally took a chunk of flesh out of my leg. (Insert Roblox OOF.mp3 here:)

  • I took another look at my contract, and found that apparently, they will fine you

  • $45 per cinderblock, if they find them in your room.

  • "Huh? Well, that's oddly specific"

  • "Now, let's see how many I have... one, two, thre- frickin' eight?!"

  • Apparently the girl before me didn't even have a bed frame when she got into the room

  • so she was the one that put them there.

  • I asked the managers for a bed frame, and they sent me one.

  • But at this point I'm too lazy to put it up.

  • [ glass shattering ]

  • And besides, I don't want to have to move those cinder blocks,

  • That requires... effort?

  • Next girl that rents the place: Sorry, but now this is your problem.

  • Hopefully they don't fine me for it though.

  • Everything was going good with the apartment, until one night,

  • Towards the end of the semester, this happened.

  • [shgurr listening to "Without Me"]


  • Roommate: "Uhhh, heyyyy!"

  • Shgurr: "Hmm, what's up?"

  • Roommate: "Do you hear that?"

  • [ PROCESSING... ]

  • Shgurr: "Oh no."

  • [ water splashing ]

  • Shgurr: "Aw, you've got to be kidding me!"

  • Shgurr: "Where's the leak even coming from?"

  • Roommate: "What do we do? We've got to make it stop."

  • Shgurr: " I- I don't know. Try one of the levers?"

  • Shgurr: "Ah, now you see, it's slowing do-"


  • So my apartment kind of flooded, but luckily it wasn't our fault.

  • The apartment above us had turned on their washing machine,

  • And there was a problem with their pipes,

  • So it started to flood.

  • Somehow, no one heard the massive wave of water filling up their floor.

  • The pipe system for this building was made

  • BEFORE there was a written 'code' to follow.

  • So when the plumbers came over, they had a hard time navigating where the leak was,

  • But, luckily it got taken care of.

  • I only have one other problem with this apartment,

  • And it has nothing to do with the place itself.

  • I don't get much sleep at night, mainly because at 2:00 AM

  • This is what I hear,

  • [ squeaking ]

  • [ squeaking intensifies ]

  • [ please stop man ]

  • [ now it's just absurd ] (let's get physical as a squeaking version )

  • Someone likes to freakin' exercise at 2:00 AM in the morning!

  • Of all the times you could do it, could you not, do it at 2-

  • I-I am a freakin' "light sleeper" and it's really- ugh.

  • At least that's what I thought until, recently it sounds more like a

  • At least that's what I thought until, recently it sounds more like a bed squeaking. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • I mean talk about rude. I want to join the pillow fight, too. (?)

  • So yeah, do you guys have any crazy apartment stories? Let me know in the comments below!

  • I'll be at VidCon 2018 as well as "Animanga" 2018, if you use the code "sugar18"

  • You'll get 15% off on your animanga ticket!

  • VidCon is coming up in a few weeks, and it's my first one. So I really don't know what to expect but,

  • I want lots of hugs, so find me, and I'll give you a hug, and we can chat and

  • Whatever. This video was supposed to come out, like, three months ago

  • But school just really got in the way. So I'm really sorry. I'll try to be better with my upload schedule this summer. So...

  • Thanks for watching the video. Bye!

  • [Subtitles by the community, namely Initial: Indigen0us Polishing: (oh hey, thanks for editing my stuff and removing my memes, put your name here in place of stuff. thanks.) Polished a little by Super Luigi World 27.

  • nooo the memes ):

First video of 2018!

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