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  • [Captions by Mike R. at Y Translator]

  • Get a dictionary!

  • Ah right, so, quick intro for y'all.

  • First off, I got rid of my microphone right now because I wanna take a survey.

  • I wanna see which one should I use.

  • Should I use this mic, or the one I used last one?

  • I'm gonna do this 50 dumbest laws.

  • Now the 50 statesthe dumbest laws in 50 states.

  • Why is that so hard?!

  • The last one, I don't think I did all 50 states.

  • But this one, I have living proof, it's all 50 states!

  • So if your state is called,

  • make sure you comment down below so you can confirm or deny these claims.

  • Ah right.

  • In Alabama, bear wrestling matches are prohibited.

  • Are we still doing this?!

  • Who ...

  • wrestles ...

  • bears?!

  • You must have windshield wipers on your car.

  • You may not have an ice-cream cone in your back pocket at any time.

  • Who is smuggling ice cream cones in Alabama?!

  • It is considered an offense to open an umbrella on the street for fear of spooking horses.

  • It is illegal to sell peanuts in Lee County after sundown on Wednesday!

  • What are y'all doin' with peanuts?!

  • Putting salt on a railroad track may be punishable by death!

  • Whoo

  • Who thinks of going to a railroad track and saying,

  • "You know what? I need to put salt on this thing"?

  • Boogers may not be flicked into the wind!

  • Ah right, Alaska, here we go.

  • Moose may not be viewed from an airplane!

  • It is considered an offense to push a live moose out of a moving airplane!

  • In Arizona, man, it is hot in Arizona.

  • I'm getting hot even thinking about Arizona right now!

  • Hunting camels is prohibited?!

  • Y'all have camels?!

  • There is a possible 25 years of prison for cutting down a cactus.

  • When being attacked by a criminal or burglar,

  • you may only protect yourself with the same weapon that the other person possesses!

  • It is unlawful to refuse a person a glass of water!

  • I'm tellin' you – I told youcuz it's hot.

  • You may not have more than two dildos in a house!

  • In Arkinsass, it's strictly prohibited to pronounce Arkansas incorrectly.

  • The Arkansas River can rise no higher than to the Main Street Bridge in Little Rock.

  • So you're gonna arrest the Arkansas River man?

  • The law provides that school teachers who bob their hair will not get a raise.

  • Lord, I thought they were talking about something else.

  • A man can legally beat his wife but not more than once a month.

  • Oh my God!

  • What kind of?!

  • Alligators may not be kept in bathtubs.

  • California prison workers will no longer be allowed to have sex with inmates.

  • [indistinct], so you're gonna lock them up again?!

  • It's unlawful to let a dog pursue a bear or bobcat at any time.

  • Man, I wish my dog would.

  • Sunshine is guaranteed to the masses.

  • Women may not drive in a house coat!

  • My lawd, y'all are

  • Animals are banned from mating publicly within 1,500 –

  • I'm sorry.

  • I'm just imagining an animal getting arrested.

  • Ah right, Cash, let me tell you something.

  • When we go to California to VidCon, you will not mate with anyone!

  • Ah right?

  • I will not mate with any animals.

  • But I will lick.

  • Colorado.

  • Whoo!

  • I'm glad we're in Colorado, man, because it is hot up in here.

  • It is illegal to ride a horse while under the influence.

  • I did not know Colorado had horses to be honest.

  • Tags maybe ripped off of pillows and mattresses.

  • Am I'm the only one that does not understand

  • why they made it a law for us not to rip it off?

  • Thought I was gonna be arrested when I removed that thing from the pillow.

  • In Connecticut, you can be stopped by the police for biking over 65 miles per hour?!

  • How fast can you go on a bike?!

  • In Delaware, one may not lay down on the beach at night

  • and persons may not change clothes in their car.

  • I've done broke every rule in this book!

  • In Florida, one may not commit any unnatural acts with another person.

  • I know a few convicts

  • It is illegal to sell your children!

  • You may not kiss your wife's breasts!

  • Penalty for horse theft is death by hanging?!

  • Y'all didn't repeal that?!

  • Having sexual relations with a porcupine is illegal.

  • Oh, in Georgia, all sex toys are banned!

  • I repeat!

  • All sex toys are banned!

  • Signs are required to be written in English

  • and no one may carry an ice cream cone in the back

  • Didn't we just go through this?!

  • In Hawaii, coins are not allowed to be placed in one's ears.

  • That was my first magic trick I ever learned!

  • My uncle would've got got!

  • In Idaho, it's illegal for

  • I know we're gonna read about potatoes.

  • I just know it.

  • It's illegal for a man to give his sweetheart a box of candy weighing less than 50 pounds.

  • If – I'm just gonna say this.

  • If you give me 50 pounds worth of chocolate,

  • I am yours forever.

  • It is against the law to have sex with a corpse in Illinois.

  • In Indiana, waitresses may not carry drinks into a restaurant or bar.

  • It's also illegal for a man to be sexually aroused in public.

  • Man, I'm gonna start going to Indiana.

  • I'm gonna do some citizen's arrests.

  • In Iowa, one-armed piano players must perform for free.

  • Y'all wrong as hell!

  • Kisses may last for no more than five minutes?!

  • Man, if y'all kissing for more than five minutes,

  • y'all might as well just do the do.

  • If two trains meet on the same track,

  • Oh Lord, I feel

  • I had a flashback of me in high school.

  • If two trains meet on the same track,

  • neither shall proceed until the other has passed.

  • And it is also illegal to spit on a sidewalk!

  • Lawd, I woulda got 10 to 20 on that.

  • In Kentucky, dogs may not molest cars!

  • One may not receive anal sex!

  • What?!

  • In Louisiana, fake wrestling matches are prohibited.

  • Y'all

  • y'all just opened a whole can of whoop-ass!

  • In Maine, you may not step out of a plane in flight!

  • Y'all should get arrested for that, dumbass!

  • In Maryland, it is illegal to take a lion to the movies!

  • In Massachusetts, snoring is prohibited

  • unless all bedroom windows are closed and securely locked.

  • In Michigan, it is legal for robber to file a lawsuit if he or she got hurt in your house.

  • In Minnesota, it is illegal to sleep naked.

  • A person may not cross state lines with a duck atop his head.

  • Citizens may not enter Wisconsin with a chicken on their head.

  • What kind of animal

  • Why do y'all have animals on your head in the first place?

  • In Mississippi, it is illegal to teach others what polygamy is.

  • I don't – I don't know what that means.

  • In Missouri, frightening a baby is in violation of the law.

  • In Montana, hard objects may not be thrown by hand!

  • And worrying squirrels will not be tolerated!

  • In Nebraska, it's illegal to fly a plane while drunk.

  • I know a few pilots

  • If a child burps during church, his parent may be arrested.

  • Man, y'all better arrest that child!

  • That's not our fault!

  • And in Nebraska, doughnut holes may not be sold.

  • What did doughnut holes do to y'all?!

  • Barbers are forbidden from eating onions between 7 –

  • I can just imagine.

  • Do I smell onion, man?

  • Man, y'all, that's illegal over here!

  • If I smell onion on his breath, I'm going home!

  • In Nevada, it is illegal to drive a camel on the highway

  • and it's still legal to hang someone for shooting your dog on your property.

  • Hang?!

  • In New Hampshire you may not tap your feet, nod your head, or in any way keep time to the music in a tavern, restaurant, or café.

  • Man.

  • And in White Mountain National, if a person is caught raking the beaches,

  • picking up litter, hauling away trash, building a bench for the park, or many other kind things without a permit,

  • he or she may be fined $150 for maintaining the national forest without a permit.

  • I'm telling y'all, y'all are wrong!

  • These people are trying to clean up the environment!

  • In New Jersey, drivers must warn those who they pass on highways before they do so

  • and you cannot pump your own gas!

  • It is against the law for a man to knit during the fishing season!

  • I can't knit a sweater for my nephew?!

  • [indistinct]

  • In New Mexico, nudity is allowed provided that male genitals are covered.

  • Idiots may not vote.

  • Women may walk in public topless provided they have their nipples covered.

  • Man, we can't show balls or nipples?!

  • Man, y'all – y'all need to have some fun.

  • In New York, adultery is still a crime.

  • It is against the law to throw a ball at someone's head for fun.

  • And the penalty for jumping off a building is death!

  • So you're gonna kill me twice!

  • And while riding in an elevator,

  • one must talk to no one and fold his hands while looking toward the door.

  • Ah right.

  • Follow me in North Carolina.

  • I cannot wait to debunk some of these rules.

  • Over here, it is a felony to steal more than $1,000 of grease.

  • I can't –

  • I can't confirm or deny that

  • because $1,000 grease is the last thing on my mind!

  • The mere possession of a lottery ticket

  • is illegal in North Carolina and may result in a $2,000 fine.

  • Y'all, I have plenty of lottery tickets.

  • I gotta get out of here.

  • It's against the law to sing off key!

  • Y'all!

  • Elephants may not be used to plow cotton fields!

  • One thing we don't have is elephants!

  • It is illegal to have sex in a churchyard.

  • Oh.

  • I have five people on deck.

  • If there was a reward for 'em, I would turn them in like that.

  • Bingo games may not last over five hours

  • Y'all!

  • unless it is held at a fair.

  • My mom is getting arrested!

  • Mom, how long do you be playing bingo?

  • - I stay up two to two.

  • - Two to two.

  • In Ohio, it is illegal to get a fish drunk.

  • I done heard it all!

  • In Oklahoma, one may not promote a horse tripping event.

  • We trippin' horses now?!

  • It is illegal to have the hind legs of farm animals in your boots.

  • And people who make ugly faces at dogs may be fined in Georgia.

  • In Oregon, one may not test their physical endurance while driving a car on the highway.

  • Babies may not be carried on the running boards of a car!

  • Y'all – y'all are just

  • Are y'all bored or something?

  • It is illegal to whisper dirty things in your lover's ear during sex!

  • Ice-cream may not be eaten on Sundays!

  • In Pennsylvania, you may not catch your fish by any body part except the mouth!

  • You want me to catch a fish by the mouth?!

  • In Rhode Island, no one may bite off another's leg!

  • It is considered an offense to throw pickle juice on a trolley.

  • In South Carolina, no work may be done on Sunday.

  • Hallelujah!

  • Horses may not be kept in bathtubs,

  • and a railroad may not remove itself from a town of more than 500 people.

  • Railroads are walking away now?!

  • In South Dakota, it is illegal to lie down and fall asleep in a cheese factory.

  • And if there are more than five Native Americans on your property,

  • you may shoot them.

  • Oh, whatwhat?

  • Y'all.

  • I've gotta get out of here.

  • In Tennessee, students may not hold hands while at school,

  • and it is a crime to share your Netflix password.

  • I'm sorry, man.

  • Any person who participates in a duel may not hold any public office in the state.

  • They're probably dead!

  • When was the last time someone held a duel?!

  • Oh, but hold up, y'all.

  • It is legal to gather and consume roadkill.

  • In Texas, ah right, it is illegal to sell one's eye.

  • It's illegal to milk another person's cow.

  • And it is illegal for one to shoot a buffalo from the second story of a hotel.

  • Who makes up these laws?!

  • NobodyWho is shooting a buffalo from a two-story hotel?!

  • In Austin, Texas, wire cutters cannot be carried in your pocket.

  • Does that include wire hangers?

  • Cause I'm trying to have them extinct.

  • And in Dallas, it's illegal to possess realistic dildos.

  • Birds have the right-of-way on all highways in Utah.

  • In Vermont, women must obtain written permission from their husbands to wear false teeth.

  • I did that already.

  • At one time, it was illegal to tie a giraffe to a telephone pole.

  • In Virginia, it is illegal to tickle women.

  • Man, I wish I could arrest my brother for tickling me as a kid, man.

  • I thought I was gonna die!

  • In Washington, all lollipops are banned.

  • And destroying a beer cask or bottle of another is illegal.

  • I do agree with that.

  • In West Virginia, roadkill may be taken home for supper,

  • and whistling underwater is prohibited!

  • How can you whistle underwater?!

  • They need to get a reward for being able to do that.

  • In Wisconsin, butter substitutes are not allowed to be served in state prisons?!

  • Wait?

  • So they get real butter, and we're stuck with that imitation crap?!

  • It is illegal to throw rocks at a railroad car!

  • Well at least you can put salt on the railroad track.

  • And last but not least,

  • In Wyoming, you may not take a picture of a rabbit from January to April without an official permit.

  • Let me telllet me tell y'all something.

  • Let me find out, I can't take a picture of a rabbit?!

  • [Music]

[Captions by Mike R. at Y Translator]

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