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  • Well good morning.

  • Today the skies have finally parted.

  • It has stopped raining.

  • So we're going to visit the attraction we've been waiting for.

  • We're heading to Taipei 101 (臺北101 - 台北101).

  • This was the tallest building in the world at one point.

  • It no longer is so yeah it should be fun and we should be able to get some great views

  • of the city if the rain holds off.

  • Alright, so you purchase your tickets on the fifth floor.

  • We're going to take the elevator there right now.

  • How excited are you to ride to the top of Taipei 101 (臺北101 - 台北101)?

  • I'm really excited.

  • I mean this is one of the coolest tower buildings in the world.

  • The views we're going to get it is going to be insane.

  • It is so futuristic up here.

  • Look at this.

  • And this is where we buy tickets.

  • So we have the tickets.

  • You paid.

  • You do the math.

  • So it is 600 Taiwan dollars each.

  • So you're basically looking at just under twenty US bucks.

  • About nineteen dollars.

  • So not cheap but I think it is going to be worth it.

  • This is amazing.

  • There are no lines.

  • We're like skipping straight through.

  • Yeah, it is eleven fifty on a Monday guys.

  • Eleven fifty on a Monday maybe that is the perfect time.

  • So we made it to the top.

  • Yeah, that was crazy.

  • So it took thirty seven seconds.

  • When we both got off we thought man that felt like it was only like five or ten seconds.

  • I know.

  • And to get up that high it didn't feel like it is as powerful as you would think.

  • It was still really smooth.

  • It was very smooth but my ears did pop.

  • So we're way up there now.

  • Anyways, let's check out the views.

  • So once upon a time this was the tallest building in the world.

  • Taipei 101 (臺北101 - 台北101) actually dethroned the Petronas Towers (Menara Berkembar Petronas) and then it

  • was dethroned by the Burj Khalifa (برج خليفة).

  • But yeah, we're like so high up here it is crazy.

  • Ladies beware.

  • Fortunately I didn't wear a skirt.

  • Uh.

  • Look at this.

  • I spy with my little eye someone doing a timelapse.

  • I'm getting some cool time-lapses.

  • Haha.

  • Yeah, I bet you are.

  • So what do you think of the views?

  • I mean they're amazing.

  • And because this is one of the tallest towers in the world it just makes everything else

  • in the city look miniature.

  • Like even these other tall apartment buildings I'm looking down and I'm like man it looks

  • so small.

  • Obviously they are not but that is just how high up we are.

  • Yeah, it is a bit of a grey day and we don't have blue skies but I mean at least it is

  • not foggy so we can see quite far.

  • That is a good thing.

  • So we ate not too long ago but Sam has spotted some pineapple cake (鳳梨酥) and all of

  • a sudden he has an appetite so we're going to sample one of those.

  • So it is time for pineapple cake (鳳梨酥).

  • It is an exciting moment.

  • Like we've been wanting to try this kind of all week but we just kind of actually we kind

  • of forgot about it to be honest.

  • Yeah.

  • We had some on the flight in.

  • The flight in to Taipei (臺北市).

  • But I mean this is the real deal.

  • The real stuff.

  • And guys this is there is two options.

  • There is one pineapple cake (鳳梨酥) with mixed fruit and pure pineapple cake.

  • We had to pay a little bit more but still this is really cheap.

  • This was only 40 Taiwan dolllars which is just like slightly over maybe like a dollar

  • twenty or a dollar twenty five US or something like that.

  • So really cheap.

  • Um, let's try that.

  • I'm just going to take a big bite.

  • Mmmmm.

  • Woah!

  • Still buttery on the outside.

  • It is very dense and then you can taste the pineapple filling in the middle.

  • Look at that.

  • Mmmm.

  • That looks pretty cool.

  • That is really rich and decadent.

  • And now that I'm chewing more of the inside.

  • The inside of the filling.

  • Really tasting the sweetness of it.

  • Mmmm.

  • Super good.

  • We are now heading inside the wind damper (風阻尼器) and this is a giant pendulum.

  • It is six hundred and sixty tonnes and it basically swings inside the building.

  • Um and it just makes it more stable.

  • It helps it withstand earthquakes, tremors, typhoons.

  • Any kind of harsh weather that comes its way.

  • So I'm going to show you right now.

  • We have to walk through a coral museum in order to exit.

  • And check this out.

  • Apparently, it can take ten years for a coral to grow just one centimeter.

  • So how old does this have to be?

  • This is amazing.

  • They also have a shop in here but I think everything costs a small fortune.

  • So we're just looking.

  • So after you visit Taipei 101 (臺北101 - 台北101) you get dropped off inside a mall.

  • And there is a food court where you can grab food.

  • You can eat at Din Tai Fung (鼎泰豐 - 鼎泰丰) or you can do a little bit of shopping.

  • So we're going to give you a quick tour of the mall and it looks pretty fancy.

  • I smell fancy perfumes.

  • Sam is totally dressed the part for this mall.

  • Look at him rocking the shorty short shorts.

  • Schoolboy shorts.

  • Baseball cap.

  • He fits right in.

  • Getting some inspiration?

  • Fashion inspiration?

  • All I want for Christmas is a Cartier watch.

  • Look at this.

  • It is a little girl mouse wearing jewelry.

  • I want the girl mouse not the jewelry.

  • Or maybe she is a ferrett.

  • Alright guys, so there isn't much we can afford at this mall.

  • I'm currently surrounded by Fendi, Miu Miu, Prada, Chanel, Dior, Burberry.

  • So there is one thing we can afford.

  • We can afford lunch.

  • And one of our favorite restaurants has a chain here.

  • It is Din Tai Fung (鼎泰豐 - 鼎泰丰) let's go eat.

  • Do you have your appetite?

  • Yes, he has his appetite.

  • Do you have money?

  • Yes, he has some money.

  • Let's go spend it well.

  • And check this out.

  • They've even had Tom Cruise as a guest making Xiaolongbao (小籠包 - 小笼包) here.

  • So if you are feeling peckish after your visit to Taipei 101 (臺北101 - 台北101) you

  • have to come to Din Tai Fung (鼎泰豐 - 鼎泰丰).

  • This is one of our favorite restaurants in Taipei.

  • We've eaten at the original location like three days in a row now.

  • So we thought why not make it a forth, right?

  • We have an entire separate vlog just of that.

  • Yeah, so you can check out that video but we're still going to show you a few clips

  • of this meal because we've ordered a few different dishes and it is just such a beautiful meal.

  • I mean you need to see.

  • And it is in Taipei 101 (臺北101 - 台北101) so it just makes sense.

  • So Sam here is going to demonstrate that he still remembers how to make the special sauce.

  • Yeah, so the Xiao Long Bao (小籠包 - 小笼包) has arrived if you look down here that is

  • the star of the meal.

  • Woah.

  • These are the Taiwanese soup dumplings.

  • And they have step by step instructions but I don't even have to look at these because

  • I still remember.

  • We've ate at this restaurant enough times.

  • Yeah.

  • So you have your ginger here, you put in one part of soy sauce.

  • So approximately maybe that much.

  • Yep.

  • And then three parts of vinegar.

  • So you go like this.

  • And then from there you grab your Xiaolongbao (小籠包 - 小笼包).

  • So grabbing my soup dumpling here.

  • Oh, look at that.

  • So you dunk it in here.

  • Dunk it in the sauce put it on the spoon.

  • Pierce open the skin so that the soup comes out.

  • Oh, there we go.

  • You can see that soup coming out.

  • Look at that oozing out like that.

  • Then you grab a little bit of the ginger place it on top of that and you're all set to go.

  • Wow.

  • I am impressed.

  • Like a master.

  • Master foodie over here.

  • Mmmm.

  • So good.

  • So we are trying something new at Din Tai Fung (鼎泰豐 - 鼎泰丰) and we never

  • had this before so we'd thought we'd show you this.

  • So these are steamed buns.

  • Are these the chocolate ones?

  • I think they are the chocolate ones.

  • Oh.

  • Steamed chocolate buns.

  • But you know what should I bite into it or break it?

  • Break into it with the chopsticks.

  • Okay, nevermind.

  • Mmmmm.

  • Oh.

  • Why don't you put it on the plate so we can look at it.

  • Oh, wow.

  • Look at that.

  • It is like a volcanic melted chocolate.

  • That is pretty good.

  • I like it.

  • And the exterior is like a steamed doughy fluffy bread.

  • That is what it reminds me of.

  • That is pretty good.

  • And last but not least how do we get here?

  • So it is super easy to get here.

  • You just the MRT, you go on the red line and you get off at Taipei 101 station (台北101/世貿站)

  • and take exit four.

Well good morning.

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