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  • Where is she there it is

  • Hello hello, there's another car coming

  • (gunshots)

  • (gunshots)

  • Good old AK spray, uhh that's not easy, all right? It is not easy

  • See what was in the drop before we do anything... Nice

  • And an M16

  • All right, AWM now?

  • I'll take that. I will take it

  • It's gonna drop in...

  • ...the open

  • Oh!

  • There we go

  • Let's see what's in this one probably an M249?

  • No that wasn't a guy

  • Ohhh should I? Should I? Fuck it let's do it

  • It has such an high damage output that it's alright

  • Alright let's uh move on out

  • See what the other guy had

  • Minik- um maybe I need a little bit more of 7.62mm

  • If I'm gonna rock this MK14

  • Mmmmaybeh

  • Oh suppressor, fuck

  • Uhhh shit I'm gonna take yeah, I'm I'm gonna take an AR

  • Lets get the SCAR instead...

  • ...and, yep

  • There we go

  • Oh yes, not a bad loadout!

  • There we go, and...

  • I dropped the quick-draw extended mag I think before

  • Damn it!

  • That's it!

  • Not an 8x.

  • Oh well

  • Maybe next time

  • There we go

  • Yeah this car had a lot more fuel

  • I don't know I like to have the compensator out when I roll up in a car

  • Just uh, I mean if you're already driving then you're gonna jump out of the car

  • And why have the suppressor on in this case?

  • Right?

  • Oh shit

  • How the hell did he hit me that fast?

  • Amazing!

  • There's the 8x... Shit too much garbage

  • I have to get all the energy drinks, I don't know why but you always gotta see just how many you can get

  • I gotta go get that

  • We all know I gotta go get that

  • It's the itch

  • The itch is a bitch let's go

  • Well

  • Maybe if I didn't loot the other guy with what I made it whatever probably just uh M249

  • Don't really care too much about it

  • Oh we're coming

  • Oh we're coming Mr. Buggy

  • What the fuck over?

  • Stop

  • Oh shit, he's gonna be able to build speed. He's probably gonna get out of here

  • Ram him

  • No!

  • All right

  • I will take it

  • Err.. I th- we're good.

  • Let's just get into a new position circles coming

  • Fuck, I have to get the energy drinks

  • Not a bad spot

  • I don't mind it one bit

  • Well I want to check this guy

  • 'Sup?

  • LUL

  • I saw what you had buddy!

  • Gimme

  • Damn that's gotta suck twenty rounds. He didn't even get to shoot once

  • I would have been mad. I'm not gonna lie I would have been a bit salty

  • So far we've gotten an AWM, M24, and an MK14.

  • Hot damn!

  • See where is he shooting from?

  • Hello!

  • *kreygasm*

  • Such a beautiful sound I love it

  • About time I got a kill too, freakin ten rounds later

  • Eh? What the.. What the f..

  • When did the air drop land?

  • Okay

  • This is- I don't know why I'm looting it like what can we get?

  • Oh okay, you know what? Uh we can get that

  • Should I have taken both?

  • Nah fuck it. We're gonna play...

  • ...somewhat, safe? I'm not but

  • We're not gonna die to that

  • The other video where I did it with an M24 and AWM that shit did not work out

  • Guess there's nobody out there

  • Let's go!

  • Late game here we go!

  • I'm just gonna push the center. Maybe drive around a bit try to poke some people.

  • Again, compensator out why not?

  • I'm going for that guy, screw it.

  • That's an.. hey Paul

  • I thought it was gonna take cover, but I didn't realize the circles coming so he kind of had to run

  • You snooze you lose

  • I'm just gonna drive around screw it

  • Been an aggressive shit all game why not just keep going

  • Hello

  • It's your birthday

  • I don't know what the fuck that means, but okay

  • Congratulations

  • There was another dude over there, I'm gonna stop here in the middle of it for others

  • Is he gonna peek I'm gonna pretend like I haven't seen

  • -ish?

  • Hello

  • Hello

  • He's gonna camp it, but circle will force him to move towards me

  • So that side is taken care of somewhat

  • We have one over the houses, then the last two have to be behind us

  • He does not want to peek

  • He does not want to peek

  • Motherfuck!

  • Alright

  • 30 seconds

  • Let the show begin!

  • Could be one of that rock maybe?

  • That guy's a chicken shit

  • He's gonna be forced to move by the circle now

  • And I'm gonna have an easy shot at him by then 'cause he can't go back to cover if I hit him

  • Here we go

  • And I got cheated out of the kill okay?

  • That's not fair that's not fair what the fuck

  • Swap that!

  • (gunshots)

  • No...

  • (gunshots)

  • Alright!

  • One of the guy going for the double digits, I mean we can't already have double digits there he is

  • Cuz we got cheated, right?

  • Please?

  • I'm coming!

  • Good shit!

  • Good game!

  • That was very, a very funny game very aggressive that was...

  • Great!

Where is she there it is

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