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  • (upbeat pop music) - The following is an

  • accurate representation of when I go grocery shopping.

  • I'm gonna be healthy this week.

  • Let's go shopping!

  • I'll need some broccoli,

  • oh, some spinach, a bit of kale,

  • some spring onions,

  • oh the cheese section.

  • No, I won't go over there.

  • I'll just, oh, maybe I'll just go on over

  • and have a look at the cheese.

  • Ooh, they've got a special on Swiss.

  • Oh my God, you can buy Swiss, and get a free Jarlsberg.

  • Hi, can I just have a small sample of the Swiss?

  • Mmm, that's good.

  • Maybe I'll just do a little bit of Swiss.

  • Oh, and I get the free Jarlsberg as well.

  • May as well do the blue cheese,

  • 'cause that's really nice.

  • Oh, I've got to get biscuits, actually.

  • Oh, the quince paste.

  • We'll do the French onion dip with a bit of feta.

  • That can be my cheat meal.

  • Ooh, the chip aisle!

  • Canned beans, are they down this aisle?

  • This aisle says chips, but I'll just

  • check to see if they're healthy.

  • Oh, veggie chips?

  • Practically vegetables.

  • I'll do two packets of the soy veggie chips.

  • Oh my God, Burger Rings!

  • Ooh, Cheezels are on special.

  • They're only a dollar a box?

  • Mmm.

  • Uh?

  • Oh, I'll just get four boxes of those.

  • Mmm, kangaroo meat's quite lean and healthy, isn't it?

  • (gasp) Cheese-filled chicken, wrapped with bacon.

  • 15 minutes in the oven, that's so easy.

  • Maybe I'll do that.

  • Chicken's healthy.

  • Okay, I think that's,

  • oh, iced tea!

  • Ah, it doesn't fit in the bag.

  • Hold on, let me put the kale, and the spinach,

  • and the broccoli back, and I'll get two,

  • four liter jugs of iced tea.

  • All right, I think that's everything.

  • I've got the chicken stuffed with cheese,

  • wrapped in bacon for dinner.

  • I might have the Cheezels for dessert,

  • with maybe a couple of liters of iced tea.

  • Oh, when I get home, I'll do a bit cheese, butter, oh shit!

  • The double cream brie, where's the double cream brie?

  • The double cream brie.

  • Yeah, okay.

  • So, I've got the double cream brie, the Jarlsberg,

  • the Swiss, and the blue.

  • The quince paste.

  • Oh, I got some prosciutto.

  • I got the green tea flavored iced tea,

  • 'cause green tea's really good for metabolism,

  • you know, helps you shed the weight.

  • Oh, and the cheese platter serves nine.

  • I mean, I am eating it on my own,

  • but it serves nine, so,

  • maybe I'll just have like, four serves,

  • instead of nine serves.

  • (upbeat pop music)

(upbeat pop music) - The following is an

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