Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles You think I can't beat... This easy game? EAAAA-SAAAH EASY! Ohhhh How many times have I died? Oh OH that's right He hasn't died Oh, oh look at-- Look at him! He's doing it... Perfectly. I wonder how. It's not like I've done this a million fucking times... by now. *soft laugh* Oh, you cheeky bastard. Huh? You thought you could... do a little... (???) on me? Can you fuck off? If you think this game is hard... Then I'll tell you what; You might want to check your privilege there, buddy. If this game was life, this game would be... s t r a i g h t w h i t e m a l e. Oh, shit Now. Let's go to the fucking place... where dreams are died-- *nice grammar* dead. Dreams DIE here. Oh look! Mr. Orange we meet again. Goodbye Goodbye Mr. Orange. Goodby-- Oh Jesus *sighs* This bit sucks so fucking much. I'm legit just sick of it. *A B S O L U T E C O N C E N T R A T I O N* sssss--- Easy. That was not easy you fucking idiot, listen to me. Okay, all right, watch this. ~Acceptance Of Consequences~ Easy. *ABSOLUTE CONCENTRATION PT. 2* Ohh.. I'm out of mouse space *This is where he knew...* what the f- *He fucked up.* DO I DO?!! STOP you've--no. Do I need a hanger ship for my mousepad?! I ran out of space. What do I do? What the fuck mouse?! I'm adding an extra because this is ridiculous. This mountain makes no sense, by the way Fuck you. you know what fuck off, please. Get me back up Stop sliding, please Okay, double mouse strat clearly doesn't work. Okay? Slow... Slow... Slow- *slides off* Oh god stop I don't know how people do this, bit. I just don't understand it I keep sliding down no matter what I do and I don't have that big of a mouse mat. I'm sorry So I'm gonna have to go with the (???) strat (???) strat doesn't work No keep falling. I don't care Razor You make the worst fucking mouse pad I've ever seen. How can you fuck up a mouse pad? It's not that fucking hard. This fucking bit... *Fucking bit... Kinky.* Can suck my fucking-- Keep falling keep falling. *hint of malice* I dare you. (Extreme noises up ahead) *The usual violent cat that hisses at you* HAH! HWUHHH! UHHHH! OOFWEHHH! *Crazed laughter with a spice of relief* OH WOW! Wow everybody! He did it!!! He did it!!! Yatta! BAAAH! You thought I couldn't do it? EASY-SAHHH EASY-SEHHH Go away Edgar. Oh, okay All right. I get it. Oh, it's gonna be hard now because you-- BAAAH fuck off easy Hey a little thumbs up isn't that cute? oh now--now it's when the game really gets hard pewds Now it's when to b-- Fuck Off. Thank you... thumbs up. Thank you. I think I'm actually stuck with it oh wow that is a Tiny little thumb BRRRRRAAAP OH OHHHH You tried to scare me, but I don't get scared ever Not sure how to do this bit, BUT I DON'T CARE Oh no hey hey hey hey thumbs WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?! Oh, this time is gonna be easy. I done it once before should be easy to do this again, man Yeah, boy. I'm coming up I want the world to know you gotta let it show coming-- I'm coming up I want the--*gibberish* EHHH I want the world to know *DEMON CHILD VOICE* you've gotta let it show *AHHHHHH* *Is that demon child... Masturbating? EHEHEHE EHEHEHE What once seemed impossible, is now extremely doable! Just like your mother! *horns blazing* *Laugh of a corrupt nobleman* Hey tiger. Listen here. I ain't got time for you. while making this game; "How--can we make that, can we make it steeper? please? Let's make it steeper" Hello Mr. Thumb We meet again! It's been written Mr. Thumb Why did you do that? That is just stupid Keep falling I fucking dare you you know what? you know what?