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  • Hi! I'm Andy Masich, president here at the Heinz History Center and I'm here to give

  • you a tour of our latest exhibit Pittsburgh's Lost Steamboat, Treasures of the Arabia.

  • We're going to start out in a corn field. That's because this boat was found a few

  • years ago, 45 feet under a cornfield in Kansas City. It's a Pittsburgh-built steamboat

  • that sank on the Missouri River.

  • The Hawley family in Kansas City figured out where the boat was using old navigation charts

  • and this aluminum sled mounted with a metal detector. They dragged it over a cornfield

  • that was a half a mile from the Missouri River. They knew the boat was down there someplace.

  • So they got core-drilling equipment, drilled down through the cornfield after they got

  • a hit on their metal detector, the metal detector pinged and they knew they had found the

  • Pittsburgh-built boilers, built by Lyon and Shorb Company here in Pittsburgh in 1853.

  • As they drilled down through the silt, through the sandy bottom,

  • they found a Goodyear rubber shoe – a child's shoe.

  • They knew they had a chance at finding the 220 tons of cargo aboard the Steamboat Arabia.

  • They dug a massive hole, but they couldn't do that until they drained the

  • cornfield. The water table in Kansas City is only 10 feet deep, but the boat was 45

  • feet down. So they used pumps like this – 20 of themthey circled the site and they

  • drilled down 65 feet. They pumped 20,000 gallons of water a minute to lower the water table

  • and then they started scooping out the overburden. They used to say of the Missouri River, it was

  • too thick to drink and too thin to plow. Well, you can see that mud and silt covered over

  • the wreck of the Arabia after it sank in 1856.

  • Well, this changed everything. They found a million objects. They amazed the world with

  • the largest cache of 19th century material culture ever discovered anywhere!

  • We're going to see some of those things today, but let's start at the beginning.

  • Let's talk about steam boating on the western waters. It all began here in Pittsburgh at

  • the confluence of the Allegheny, Monongahela, and Ohio rivers. Let's go back in time.

  • Here's the entrance to the exhibit and we start with the very first steamboat on the

  • western waters, the New Orleans, built in 1811. If you remember, Robert Fulton really

  • made the first practical steamboat. Well, he came out to the western waters to try out

  • this new-fangled invention. Think about it. Before Fulton's steamboat, there was only

  • one-way traffic on the western waters. If you were a farmer with your produce or a manufacturer

  • with your goods, you could go down to New Orleans, down the Ohio, down the Mississippi

  • River, but you couldn't come back. You couldn't beat against that strong current without steam

  • power, and that's why steam boating changed everything.

  • This is the type of steamboat that we found on the western waters. The Buckeye State Packet.

  • It's a side-wheel steamboat. The amazing thing about these were that they were flat-bottomed,

  • nearly flat-bottomed. You could float a boat this big, 200 feet long, in only six feet

  • of water. But in order to do that you had to use hog posts. See these posts with

  • chains coming out of them? That was to keep the boat from flexing. Because it was so flat,

  • you had to kind of pull it up like a suspension bridge, both fore and aft and side-to-side.

  • Hog postsit's an important thing to remember. Oh and by the way, if you were living high

  • on the hog, the hog deck was up here. That's where the fancy passengers were, and maybe

  • the dining hall. Live high on the hog if you're ever traveling on a steamboat.

  • Well here's what Pittsburgh looked like in the 1850s. Here's the Point. The fountain

  • is right here today. Here's the old Fort Pitt Blockhouse. The Strip District is the

  • strip of land at the base of the Hill District. Here's the Mon Wharf. This was lined with

  • steamboats as far as you can see.

  • In fact you could walk a mile just on steamboats all the way to the Point in the 1850s. This

  • was the steamboat capital of America. Forty percent of all the steamboats built in the

  • 1830s were built right here at the confluence of the rivers, at the forks of the Ohio.

  • Let's take a look at the Arabia, built in 1853 in Brownsville. Now Brownsville is just

  • south of Pittsburgh. John Pringle's boat yard constructed and laid down the keel of

  • the Arabia. They could do everything in Brownsville, but in this case they laid the keel down,

  • they did most of the wood work, they floated the hull down to Pittsburgh and that's where

  • the boilers were madeboilers like this at Lyon and Shorb. Every iron plate of this

  • boiler is stampedLyon and Shorb, Pittsburgh.” These steam engines were the heart of a steamboat.

  • With those big pistons, they could drive the side wheels and churn against the current

  • of the western rivers.

  • As we come around the corner here, you're going to see elements from the Steamboat Arabia.

  • You'll see tools that were used in making the boat, caulking the hull, making it sound.

  • Remember, it had to skim over sand bars and snags - snags are sunken trees - and that's

  • what did in the Arabia in the long run. We will find out more about that in a little while.

  • As the Steamboat Arabia left Pittsburgh, it was bound for the Missouri River, starting

  • out here in Brownsville, then Pittsburgh, down the Ohio River, up the Mississippi River

  • to St. Louis. Loaded up with 220 tons of cargo, it set out on its mission up the Missouri

  • River. But it never made it to Omaha. It hit a snag. Five hundred boats sank on the western

  • rivers between 1850 and 1900. Most of them fell victim to snags.

  • Now a snag is a sunken tree. The way it worked was the river would rush along, undercut the

  • banks, trees would fall in, and they'd float down stream. The root ball, the heavy root

  • ball, would snag on the bottom of the river, and then the current would just aim the trunk

  • down river. As up-river steaming steamboats hit the snag, they were speared through the

  • hold and sank. Well that's what happened to the Steamboat Arabia.

  • Let's take a look at what the Arabia was carrying on its missions up the river in the

  • 1850s. The Arabia was carrying 220 tons of goods up river to frontier towns, but there

  • was a lot going on in the 1850s in America.

  • We learn about Bleeding Kansas. It was the center of the abolition debate: should there

  • be free states or should there be slave states in the west?

  • This was the beginning of the Civil War, and the Arabia was steaming right into the heart of it.

  • In fact, on board the Arabia, we found bundles of shirts like this. This is a militia man's

  • shirt made of wool. Look at the heart sewn over the heart. This is the kind of thing

  • that John Brown's men wore in Bleeding Kansas. And, aboard the Arabia, were guns, lots of

  • guns, sharps carbines like this.

  • John Brown was an abolitionist. His sons and other like-minded people were out in Kansas

  • trying to determine whether Kansas would come into the union as a free state or a slave

  • state. They were battling the border ruffians, men from Missouri who were determined to make

  • Kansas a slave state. Well, what the abolitionists in New England did was packed up sharps rifles

  • like thisthese very rifles were aboard the Arabia that year in 1856 – but they

  • were worried about the border ruffians discovering them, so they took them out of their factory

  • crates and put them in German immigrant trunks like this. They wrapped them in straw, straw

  • ropes to protect them, and then at the last minute when they got to St. Louis, they repacked

  • the German immigrant trunks in larger boxes markedcarpenter's tools” – two boxes

  • for every one of the bigger boxes.

  • They thought they were safe, but one day, David Star Hoyt, the guy who was charged with

  • transporting the rifles, wrote his mother a letter. He said something like, “Dear

  • mom, thanks for sending my buffalo overcoat. It's been very cold at night aboard the

  • Arabia. P.S. Those border ruffians have no idea there are angels in their midst carrying

  • sharps rifles.” Hoyt went to the hog deck for dinner. He put his letter in his pocket,

  • but he missed his pocket. A cabin boy found the letter on the deck of the ship, he brought

  • it to the captain of the Arabia, who read it aloud to the whole ship's company. “P.S.

  • These border ruffians don't even realize there are angels in their midst.” And they

  • all looked at the guy with the buffalo coat and said grab him! They were going to hang

  • him from the smokestacks, but cooler heads prevailed. He lived, but was later murdered

  • near Kansas City, near Lexington.

  • Well, they captured the whole stockpile of guns bound for Bleeding Kansas, bound for

  • John Brown's men. But there was a lawsuit. They recorded all the serial numbers and,

  • eventually, the guns got back to the abolitionists. We were able to reassemble the guns from the

  • Arabia, based on those serial numbersthe first time they'd been back together, well,

  • in 150 years.

  • But we're not stopping. We're walking. We're going to see the rest of the cargo

  • – 220 tons of cargo aboard the Arabia. You get a sense of the amount of stuff and the

  • variety of things from paint brushes, rubber shoes, scales, buttons, tin ware, sherry bottles,

  • shoes, boots, cheesecakes, all-spice, butter, everything you would need to survive on the

  • frontier. Incredibly, there were two pre-fabricated homes aboard the Arabia as well. We'll learn

  • more about that in a minute.

  • Take a look at some of the types of things found aboard the Arabia. Over here we see

  • kegs of nails. Each keg markedPittsburgh 5-and-a-half inch spikes.” These things

  • were from all over the world as you can see from the boxes and barrel heads here, but

  • a lot of material was made right here in Western Pennsylvania.

  • Some of the things were even harder to recognize today. For example, what is this thing?

  • It's a combination boot jack and carriage wrench. People coming to the exhibit can test their

  • knowledge of 19th century material culture. Two hundred and twenty tons of stuff, a million

  • objects, you get a sense of the amazing variety and quantity of material, from chisels and

  • coffee grinders to scales and rope-bed tighteners, coal shovels, hats, shoes, stockings, sad irons.

  • Take a look at the state of preservation of this beaver hat. Beaver hats were very popular

  • in the 19th century because they would shed water. Look at the wool shirts and trousers

  • and leather belts, as if they were made yesterday. There are lots of little things toobuttons

  • and clothes pins and thimbles and beads of all description. Inside the hold of the Arabia

  • were thousands, literally thousands of objects. The tin ware looked as if it was made yesterday,

  • the china, with its fire gilding, still brilliant, the boots and shoes as if they were made yesterday,

  • hanks of yarn ready to weave or spin, brass buckles, spurs, powder flasks, guns, coffee mills.

  • But take a look at this. It doesn't look like much, but that's 1850s underwear. Now

  • think about it. How much 1850s underwear do you think there is? People never keep underwear.

  • You might keep your wedding dress or your dress uniform, but nobody kept underwear.

  • Aboard the Arabia there were bundles of wool underwear. It amazed historians.

  • Throughout the hold we found tools and bed parts and construction materials, hooks and

  • door knobs, and locks and block planes and saws and spokes shaveseverything they

  • needed on the frontier to survive. Look at the china. Look at the glassware. It's an

  • amazing story, an amazing state of preservation because it was found in an anaerobic environment.

  • No oxygen at 45 feet under a cornfield in the water table.

  • And that's why we even found picklespickles that were still edible. That's right. One

  • of the diggers took the cork out of one of the pickle jars and ate a pickle. They're

  • sweet pickles and they're still edible. The champagne was still under pressureketchup

  • still in the bottle.

  • We'll find out how the Arabia went down. Some of the pieces of the Arabia were bent

  • and twisted because the water, the current, washed the upper decks off as the boat settled

  • deeper and deeper and deeper into the mud. Remember, 500 boats sank on the Mississippi

  • and Missouri River between 1850 and 1900. The average lifethe life expectancy of

  • a steamboat like the Arabiathree to four years.

  • The boat went down. Everything went down with it. A hundred and thirty people, however,

  • got off the boat. The only casualty was a mule. That's right. A carpenter brought

  • a mule aboard and tied it to a big piece of machinery at the stern of the boat. When the

  • boat started sinking, the people all got off, but the carpenter left his mule tied to the

  • machinery. He told everybody later the mule was stubborn and wouldn't come. “I tried

  • to make him go, but he wouldn't.” Well, when the Arabia was excavated, they found

  • the mule still tied to the machinery. No one went back to free him.

  • Here in the Steamboat Arabia exhibit, you'll see clothing, shoes, coats, shirts. Look at